The Project Gutenberg Library of AustralianaAustralian writers, works about Australia and works which may be of interest to Australians.This Australiana page boasts many ebooks by Australian writers, or books about Australia. There is a diverse range; from the journals of the land and sea explorers; to the early accounts of white settlement in Australia; to the fiction of 'Banjo' Paterson, Henry Lawson and many other Australian writers. The ebooks have been processed into 'html' or 'text' format, which means that they can be read using an internet browser, or converted to a format which can be read on an ebook reader or mobile phone. We also have a list of books about Australia on the internet, which have not been processed and which we do not, therefore, include on this page. These books are available from the Internet Archive and are in PDF format. The following titles form part of the huge collection of ebooks freely downloadable from Project Gutenberg Australia. Follow the links to read more about the authors and titles and to read and/or download the ebooks. Access other ebooks from our HOME page. Jump to authors whose surnames begin with... |
A | ||
J H M (John Henry McCartney) ABBOTT (1874-1953)
...All the Boers have fled to the Vaal--probably across it, without stopping, to Johannesburg and Pretoria. There will be a siege, possibly, for a month. You will sit upon a hill and watch the shelling. The lyddite will soon bring them to their senses, once they are fairly bottled up in a town, with the bricks and stones tumbling about their ears. It is all very simple and straightforward now. You will be back in time for shearing. From: Tommy Cornstalk | |
Arthur Henry ADAMS (1872-1936)
He had taken the plunge. He was going to conquer Sydney, the siren city of the South, the Athens of Australia. Four days' steaming across the Pacific had brought him to that centre of art and letters, and he saw the gaunt cliffs of the Heads open to receive him. New Zealand was merely a materialistic paddock for mutton and beef and butter. No hope for him there: he needed a wider arena. His grey-headed editor had always told him he would be called to Sydney. | |
Malcolm R AFFORD (1906-1954) | To many who read my account of our amazing adventure on the island of the Gland Men, it will serve as just another illustration of how devious is the path of science. It will illustrate also how, from the darkness that girds it round, terrible possibilities loom black and menacing, terrifying those daring enough to wander from the beaten track. | |
AMUNDSEN (1872-1928)
Go to the South Pole site for more information about South Pole exploration. |
Up to this moment the observations and our reckoning had shown a surprising agreement. We reckoned that we should be at the Pole on December 14. On the afternoon of that day we had brilliant weather--a light wind from the south-east with a temperature of -10[degree] F. The sledges were going very well. The day passed without any occurrence worth mentioning, and at three o'clock in the afternoon we halted, as according to our reckoning we had reached our goal. | |
William Cox was responsible for the making of the
road over the Blue Mountains in 1814, not long after the first
successful crossing by Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth. Cox's
memoirs were not written by him and, in the Introduction to the
1979 edition, Edna Hickson, great-great grand daughter of William
Cox, states that it is likely that a granson of Cox was responsible
for the publication, if not the author. Hickson goes on to say
that: "The diary written in Chapter 9 has been transcribed from Cox's original journal, now in the Mitchell Library (C708). This is the most interesting section of the Memoir, and is the only part written by William Cox himself. Some parts of the old road can still be found, and it is possible to walk down the dreaded descent from Mount York into the Hartley Valley." From: Memoirs of William Cox. |
This is an early Austrlaian 'Science Fiction' story, which first appeared in The South Australian Odd Fellows' Magazine, August, 1845) But the ringing of bells and the firing of the great steam cannon at Fort Boston announce the fact that the festivities of the day have now commenced, and as our Lodge takes a prominent part in them, I must resign my seat in the electro-phonotypographical chair to some one more worthy to fill it. |
More than two-thirds of the newspaper articles in this
"scrapbook" fall naturally into one of a number of broad
topics. Port Jackson, 14th November, 1788. I take the first opportunity that has been given us to acquaint you with our disconsolate situation in this solitary waste of the creation. Our passage, you may have heard by the first ships, was tolerably favourable; but the inconveniences since suffered for want of shelter, bedding, &c., are not to be imagined by any stranger. However, we have now two streets, if four rows of the most miserable huts you can possibly conceive of deserve that name. Windows they have none, as from the Governor's house, &c., now nearly finished, no glass could be spared; so that lattices of twigs are made by our people to supply their places. At the extremity of the lines, where since our arrival the dead are buried, there is a place called the church-yard; but we hear, as soon as a sufficient quantity of bricks can be made, a church is to be built, and named St. Philip, after the Governor. Notwithstanding all our presents, the savages still continue to do us all the injury they can, which makes the soldiers' duty very hard, and much dissatisfaction among the officers. [Extract from a letter from a female convict.] |
I have the honour to submit...the following Report, briefly explaining the operations of the Expedition to Shark Bay; and adverting to the geological structure, natural productions, water-parting, and general character of the interior of this colony to the N. and E. of the settled districts, and towards the Gascoigne River, described in the accompanying maps and journals, and explored by the party under my command, in pursuance of instructions received... | ||
B | ||
E J BANFIELD (1852-1923) | . . . am I not free from the cares that obtrude on
those of tougher texture of mind who find joy in the opposite to
this peace and unconcern for the rewards and honours of the world?
Better this isolation and moderation in all things than, racked
with worries, to moan and fret because of non-success in the
ceaseless struggle for riches, or the increase thereof; better than
to bow down to and worship in the "soiled temple of Commercialism"
that haughty and supercilious old idol Mammon; better than to offer
continual sacrifices of rest, health, and the immediate good of
life to appease the exacting and silly deities of fashion and
society. There may be some who, in a disparaging tone, will at this stage of my confessions enter an accusation of impracticableness. To such a charge I would plead guilty; but to those who proffer it, I neither appeal, nor do I fear judgment. These writings are for those who see something in life beyond the mere "getting on in world," or making a din in it. |
Sir Joseph BANKS (1743-1820) | 1770 June 28. Tupia by Roasting his Coccos very much in his Oven made them lose intirely their acridity; the Roots were so small that we did not think them at all an object for the ship so resolvd to content ourselves with the greens which are calld in the West Indies Indian Kale. I went with the seamen to shew them the Place and they Gatherd a large quantity. Saw one tree and only one notchd in the same manner as those at Botany bay. We have ever since we have been here observd the nests of a kind of Ants much like the White ants in the East indies but to us perfectly harmless; they were always pyramidical, from a few inches to 6 feet in hight and very much resembled stones which I have seen in English Druidical monuments. Today we met with a large number of them of all sizes rangd in a small open place which had a very pretty effect; Dr Solander compard them to the Rune Stones on the Plains of Upsal in Sweden, myself to all the smaller Druidical monuments I had seen. | |
George BARRINGTON (1755-1804)![]() |
Upon his trial on this occasion, it was that he appeared to have first distinguished himself as a public speaker. He endeavoured, with much art, but without any success, to work upon the feelings of the Court and Jury; but the proofs against him were so clear, that he was found guilty; and, pursuant to his sentence, he was removed once more to the Hulks at Woolwich, about the middle of the year 1778. A Voyage to Botany Bay | |
Sir John BARROW (1764-1848)
Just before sun-rising on Tuesday the 28th [April 1789], while I was yet asleep, Mr. Christian, officer of the watch, Charles Churchill, ship's corporal, John Mills, gunner's mate, and Thomas Burkitt, seaman, came into my cabin, and seizing me, tied my hands with a cord behind my back, threatening me with instant death if I spoke or made the least noise. I called, however, as loud as I could in hopes of assistance; but they had already secured the officers who were not of their party, by placing sentinels at their doors. There were three men at my cabin door, besides the four within; Christian had only a cutlass in his hand, the others had muskets and bayonets. [William Bligh] | |
John Arthur BARRY (1850-1911) | The general opinion of those who felt called upon to give it was that Steve Brown, of the Scrubby Corner, 'wasn't any chop.' Not that, on the surface, there seemed much evidence confirmatory of such a verdict--rather, indeed, the contrary. If a traveller, drover or teamster lost his stock, Steve, after a long and arduous search, was invariably the first man to come across the missing animals--provided the reward was high enough. Yet, in spite of this useful gift of discovery, its owner was neither liked nor trusted. Uncharitable people--especially the ones whom he took such trouble to oblige--would persist in hinting that none knew so well where to find as those that hid. --From Steve Brown's Bunyip | |
George Burnett BARTON (1836-1901)![]()
Every country, it is said, is governed as well as
it deserves to be; and since the same electors who have
deliberately returned these corrupt and time-serving politicians to
represent them will choose the members of the Federal Parliament,
is it to be supposed that they will return men of a higher class to
represent them in its two Houses? From: "The Troubles of Australian Federation." |
Furneaux's Land, or that land seen by Captain Furneaux in the latitude of 39° 00',** is a lofty hummocky promontory of hard granite, of about 20 miles in length, and varying from 6 or 7 to 12 or 14 miles in breadth. Its firmness and vast durability make it well worthy of being, what there is great reason to believe it is, the boundary point of a large strait and a corner-stone of this great island, New Holland. It is joined to the mainland by a low neck of sand, which is nearly divided by a lagoon that runs in on the west side of it, and by a large shoal inlet on the east. | ||
Thomas BASTARD (fl. 1881) |
In those days there were no telegraphs or railways,
so that when I arrived at Port Adelaide I had no means of making my
arrival known to my wife and family, and was unable to make a quick
journey to the city, but had to be jolted along a rough road in a
very modest spring cart, I was not even favored with a public
demonstration, but "Never mind," thought I, "stop
till I get home, for there I know I shall meet a warm and loving
reception from my dear wife and children, perhaps more so than if I
had been the Governor of the Province," and as it happened I
was not far wrong. After a great deal of pulling and hauling by the
children, and kissing and hugging by my wife, there was a pause,
and then came questions and answers too numerous to mention, and amongst others there was, "Have you been lucky, Tom?" "Yes!" replied I, "lucky to get home safely." "That is not what I mean," said my wife, "have you got any gold?" "Very little, I am sorry to say," was my reply. The news of my return, however, soon spread, and the neighbors flocked in to see a returned digger, but, alas, with very little gold. |
Daisy BATES (1859?-1951) |
Just before I left London a letter had been published in The Times containing strong allegations of cruelty to Western Australian aborigines by the white settlers of the North-West. I called upon The Times, stated that I was going to Western Australia and offered to make full investigation of the charges, and to write them the results. The offer was accepted. | |
...a Bill was presented to the English Parliament "relative to the Government of His Majesty's settlements in Western Australia on the western coast of New Holland." This was passed on 14 May [1829] (10 George IV c.22) and provided that the King, with the advice of the Privy Council, might make, or might authorise any person or persons resident in the colony to make, such laws and ordinances as might be necessary for the peace, order, and good government of His Majesty's subjects within the settlement; that such laws, orders, etc., were to be laid before both Houses of Parliament as soon as practicable thereafter; that no part of the colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land was to be included in the new colony or settlements, and that the Act was to continue in force until the end of 1834. This period of continuance was extended by the various Acts from time to time until it was formally repealed by the passage of 13-14 Victoria c.59, which dealt with the government of the whole of the Australian colonies. | ||
The creek was a banker, but the track led to a plank, which, lashed to the willows on cither bank, was usually above flood-level. A churning sound showed that the water was over the plank, and she must wade along it. She turned to the sullen sky. There was no gleam of light save in her resolute, white face. | ||
Louis BECKE (1855-1913) | Now the trader thought in this wise: "This is well for me, for if I get the girl away thus quietly from all her relations I shall save much in presents," and his heart rejoiced, for although not mean he was a careful man. So he steered his boat seaward, between the seething surf that boiled and hissed on both sides of the boat passage. From "By Reef and Palm and Other Stories." | |
Joseph Lievesley BEESTON (1859-1921) |
One of ours told me they had reached a man severely wounded in the leg, in close proximity to his dug-out. After he had been placed on the stretcher and made comfortable, he was asked whether there was anything he would like to take with him. He pondered a bit, and then said: "Oh! you might give me my diary--I would like to make a note of this before I forget it!" | |
Thomas BELT (1832-1878)
It was the time of the discovery of gold in Australia, and after much discussion he and his elder brother joined the stream of adventurers and sailed in 1852 for Victoria. In this rough "school of mines" he acquired that insight into the building-up of the earth's crust and that practical knowledge of minerals which served him so well in after-life as a mining engineer. But although the whole colony was in the grip of the gold-fever, Belt retained the same quiet habits of observation which had marked him at home--for there, as to whatever part of the world his work subsequently called him, the engineer was always at heart a naturalist. He proved an excellent observer, and a certain speculative tendency led him to group his observations so as to bring out their full theoretical bearing. | |
In 1822 Mr. J T. Bigge was commissioned, by the House of Common in England, to report on the state of the Colony of New South Wales; to report on the Judicial Establishments and to report on the state of Agriculture and Trade, in the Colonies of both New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land. | ||
James BISCHOFF (1776-1845) | In order to make the Proprietors of the Van
Diemen's Land Company acquainted with the country in which they
have invested their properly, it has been thought desirable to give
a brief Sketch of the History of that interesting island, to point out some of the difficulties against which early settlers have had to contend, the manner in which they have been surmounted, and the prosperity which has resulted from their industry and perseverance, that by comparing themselves with other colonists, the Proprietors may be enabled to form a just estimate of their prospects, not only from produce which forms annual income, but from the increased and increasing value of their permanent investment in land. |
On the 28th they proceeded about five miles and three-quarters. Not being able to find water, they did not halt till five o'clock, when they took up their station on the edge of the precipice. To their great satisfaction, they discovered that what they had supposed to be sandy barren land below the mountain, was forest land, covered with good grass and with timber of an inferior quality. In the evening they contrived to get their horses down the mountain by cutting a small trench with a hoe, which kept them from slipping, where they again tasted fresh grass for the first time since they left the forest land on the other side of the mountain. | |
William BLIGH (1754-1817)
Mutiny on the Bounty Just before sun-rising, while I was yet asleep, Mr. Christian,
with the master at arms, gunner's mate, and Thomas Burkitt, seaman,
came into my cabin, and seizing me tied my hands with a cord behind
my back, threatening me with instant death if I spoke or made the
least noise: I however called as loud as I could in hopes of
assistance; but they had already secured the officers who were not
of their party by placing sentinels at their doors. There were
three men at my cabin door besides the four within; Christian had
only a cutlass in his hand, the others had muskets and bayonets. I
was hauled out of bed and forced on deck in my shirt, suffering
great pain from the tightness which with they had tied my hands. I
demanded the reason of such violence but received no other answer
than abuse for not holding my tongue. The master, the gunner, the
surgeon, Mr. Elphinstone, master's mate, and Nelson, were kept
confined below; and the fore hatchway was guarded by sentinels. |
Rolf BOLDREWOOD (1826-1915) | But it's all up now; there's no get away this time; and I, Dick Marston, as strong as a bullock, as active as a rock-wallaby, chock-full of life and spirits and health, have been tried for bush-ranging--robbery under arms they call it--and though the blood runs through my veins like the water in the mountain creeks, and every bit of bone and sinew is as sound as the day I was born, I must die on the gallows this day month. From 'Robbery Under Arms'. | |
Guy BOOTHBY (1867-1905)![]()
"...You have lately been in Ashanti, I
perceive." I admitted that I had, and went on to inquire how he had become aware of it; for as Kelleran had not known it until a few minutes before, I did not see how he could be acquainted with the fact. "It is not a very difficult thing to tell," he answered, with a smile at my astonishment, "seeing that you carry about with you the mark of a Gwato spear. If it were necessary I could tell you some more things that would surprise you: for instance, I could tell you that the man who cut the said spear out for you was an amateur at his work, that he was left-handed, that he was short-sighted, and that he was recovering from malaria at the time. All this is plain to the eye; but I see our friend Kelleran fancies his dinner is getting cold, so we had better postpone our investigations for a more convenient opportunity." |
In this story of the bushrangers I do not pretend to have included the names of all those who have at various times been called bushrangers in Australia. That, as will be seen from what I have said in the earlier chapters, would be not merely impossible but useless. I believe, however, that I have collected some particulars about all those who succeeded in winning even a local notoriety, and I have also endeavoured to supply such personal characteristics of the leaders in the movement as may throw some light on the causes which induced them to "take to the bush." My principal object, however, has been to make the picture as complete as possible... | ||
"BRENT OF BIN BIN" see Miles Franklin |
Ships bound to the Australian colonies sail at all times of the year; but it is by no means an easy matter to ascertain the precise period fixed for their departure; for such is the anxiety of the agents to secure passengers, that they will not hesitate to state a positive time, although well aware that the vessel may not sail for many weeks afterwards. It is therefore advisable to withhold the passage money until the vessel is in a state of forwardness for sea, which can only be ascertained by a person going himself on board, and finding out what portion of the cargo is shipped: if he cannot do so personally, he should employ a friend to act for him. Without taking this precaution, the emigrant may be detained in London, at very great expense, and during a considerable time: indeed I know of one instance in which a family were induced, through the misrepresentations of an agent, to go from Aberdeen to London, where, after having made their arrangements and paid their passage-money, they were detained three months. |
John Le Gay BRERETON (1871-1933)
We had a little difficulty in crossing Cox's River, which was somewhat swollen. There is no bridge, and the gigantic oaks which have been felled from time to time across the stream have all been swept away. Bill sniffed at the Cox, and called it a dribbling creek, but it took him an hour to get from one side of it to the other, with his swag and his clothes in one big bundle on his head. There are a couple of selectors' huts near the ford, and a half-caste woman strolled down to the river bank to watch us. But she offered us no advice, and I mutely thanked her for her forbearance. She was the last person we saw to-day. There are not many houses near that bridle-track. | |
Includes sermons preached by Rev. D Jacobson and Rev. M Rintel. Published in 1877. | |
Alexander BRITTON |
Volume I, by George Burnett BARTON (see above) covered the period from 1783-1789, when Arthur Phillip was Governmor. Volume II covers the period from 1789-1794, when Phillip and Grose were Governors. | |
"I say, Dora, can't we get up some special excitement for sister Maggie, seeing she is to be here for Christmas? I fancy she will, in her home inexperience, expect a rather jolly time spending Christmas in this forsaken spot. I am afraid that my letters home, in which I coloured things up a bit, are to blame for that," my husband added ruefully. "What can we do, Jack?" I asked. "I can invite the Dunbars, the Connors and the Sutherlands over for a dance, and you can arrange for a kangaroo-hunt the following day. That is the usual thing when special visitors come, isn't it?" From A Christmas with Australian Blacks. |
Thomas John BUCKTON (fl. 1840) | It is now universally admitted that there exists in this country, great competition for employment in every kind of labour, bodily and mental, amongst all classes of persons, whether well or ill-educated. The debates in Parliament, the evidence supplied to Committees of both Houses, and almost every newspaper, furnish proof that the number of persons in this kingdom who are struggling with difficulty for the means of subsistence, is extremely great; that the happiness and prosperity of society at large is thereby materially lessened, and that even the stability of our political institutions is occasionally placed in jeopardy by this state of things. | |
Daniel Bunce describes his work as "twenty-theee years' wanderings in Tasmania and the Australias; including travels with Dr. Leichhardt in north or tropical Australia." | ||
C T (Charles Trimby) BURFITT (d. 1927) |
Abel Janszoon Tasman was unquestionably one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of the navigators between Magellan, (who, in the early years of the 16th century first crossed the Pacific Ocean), and Cook, who in the latter years of the eighteenth century practically opened Oceania and Australia to Europe. | |
William Aubrey BURNAGE (1837-1881) | ...the Southern Cross has given up her charge, and her mixed assortment of prisoners are penned in Hyde Park Barracks--the more desperate portion to be employed upon public works, the remainder to be assigned to various masters, and scattered broadcast among the settlements. From Sydney, the capital town of the young colony, we turn northward, and reach the scene of our future chapters--the Valley of the Hunter River. Situated several miles above the mouth of the river was an extensive cattle farm, the property of Walter Shelley, Esq. | |
Subsequent to the publication of Mr. Dalrymple's Historical Collection, a manuscript Journal of Captain Tasman's, with charts and views of the lands discovered by him, was brought to this country, and was purchased of the then possessor by Mr. Banks (the present Sir Joseph Banks) shortly after his return from the South Sea. In Sir Joseph's Library it has been preserved not merely as a curiosity. To facilitate the means of information from so valuable a manuscript, he procured it to be translated into English; and the Dutch original with the English translation are kept on the same shelf in his Library. From these, with the permission of the Right honourable owner, the account of Abel Jansen Tasman's Voyage is now offered to the public. The English translation was made in 1776, by the Reverend Charles Godfrey Woide, who was then Chaplain to His Majesty's Dutch Chapel at St. James's Palace, and afterwards Under Librarian to the British Museum, and is done with much care and judgment. | |
C | ||
Albert F CALVERT |
... during my wanderings through Western Australia, in the capacity of a mining engineer, I came across a good many of the natives; and taking a profound interest in everything connected with the colony I resolved to set down in brief and simple form such facts as I could glean regarding this most curious specimen of the human race. I lay no more claim to originality than is due to one who has arranged his matter in his own way, and added a few thoughts suggested and accruing. | |
Guthrie Carey began life young. He was not a week over twenty-one when, between two voyages, he married Lily Harrison, simply because she was a poor, pretty, homeless little girl, who had to earn her living as a nondescript lady-help in hard situations, and never had a holiday. He saw her in a Sandridge boarding-house, slaving beyond her powers, and made up his mind that she should rest. With sailor zeal and promptitude, he got the consent of her father, who was glad to be rid of her out of the way of a new wife; took the trembling, clinging child to the nearest parson, and made her a pensioner on his small wages in a tiny lodging of her own. From "Sisters". | ||
Raffaello CARBONI (1817-1885) | The old command, "Charge!" was distinctly heard, and the red-coats rushed with fixed bayonets to storm the stockade. A few cuts, kicks and pulling down, and the job was done too quickly for their wonted ardour, for they actually thrust their bayonets on the body of the dead and wounded strewed about on the ground. A wild "hurrah!" burst out and 'the Southern Cross' was torn down, I should say, among their laughter, such as if it had been a prize from a May-pole. | |
David CARNEGIE (1871-1900)
The night of the 10th our supply was down to three gallons. None could be spared for the horses now, none could be spared for beef-boiling, only a little for bread, and a drop each to drink. Every rock-hole we had seen--but one--was dry. Alexander Spring would be dry. We should have to make for the Empress Spring, fifty miles beyond. Every thing pointed to the probability of this sequence of events, therefore the greatest care must be exercised. The horses would die within a few miles, but the camels were still staunch in spite of the weakening effect of the sand-ridges, so there was no need for anxiety. Yet we could not help feeling anxious; one's nerves get shaky from constant wear and tear, from want of food and rest. We had been in infinitely worse positions than this; in fact, with health and strength and fresh camels no thought of danger would have been entertained, but it is a very different matter after months of constant strain on body and mind. Faith--that is the great thing, to possess--faith that all is for the best, and that all will "pan out" right in the end. | |
William CARRON (1821-1876)
Edmund Kennedy led an expedition from Rockingham Bay in an attempt to reach Cape York by land. Kennedy and eight other companions on the expedition were either killed by aborigines or died of starvation. William Carron was one of the survivors. The text also includes statements by Jackey Jackey, an aborigine who accompanied the expedition, and by others involved in the subsequent search and rescue of the survivors. | |
Mrs. Charles (Ellen) CLACY | At times, you may see men, half-mad, throwing sovereigns, like halfpence, out of their pockets into the streets; and I once saw a digger, who was looking over a large quantity of bank-notes, deliberately tear to pieces and trample in the mud under his feet every soiled or ragged one he came to, swearing all the time at the gold-brokers for "giving him dirty paper money for pure Alexander gold; he wouldn't carry dirt in his pocket; not he; thank God! he'd plenty to tear up and spend too." | |
Marcus CLARKE (1846-1881) | I sent for Hankey, and asked him about cells. He says that the gaol is crowded to suffocation. "Solitary confinement" is a mere name. There are six men, each sentenced to solitary confinement, in a cell together. The cell is called the "nunnery". It is small, and the six men were naked to the waist when I entered, the perspiration pouring in streams off their naked bodies! It is disgusting to write of such things. --from 'For the Term of his Natural Life' | |
The discovery of a continental island like Australia was not a deed that could be performed in a day. Many years passed away, and many voyages to these shores of ours were undertaken by the leading maritime nations of Europe, before the problematic and mysterious TERRA AUSTRALIS INCOGNITA of the ancients became known, even in a summary way, and its insularity and separation from other lands positively established. From the Introduction to The First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea | |
COLLINS (1754-1810)
The coast, as the boats drew near Port Jackson, wore so unfavourable an appearance, that Captain Phillip's utmost expectation reached no farther than to find what Captain Cook, as he passed by, thought might be found, shelter for a boat. In this conjecture, however, he was most agreeably disappointed, by finding not only shelter for a boat, but a harbour capable of affording security to a much larger fleet than would probably ever seek for shelter or security in it. In one of the coves of this noble and capacious harbour, equal if not superior to any yet known in the world, it was determined to fix the settlement; and on the 23rd [January, 1788], having examined it as fully as the time would allow, the governor and his party left Port Jackson and its friendly and peaceful inhabitants (for such he everywhere found them), and returned to Botany Bay. | |
Tom COLLINS (1843-1912) (Pseudonym of Joseph FURPHY) |
And away circles the colt, slapping at the bit with his front feet, whilst your historic saddle shines in the sun, and the stirrup-irons occasionally meet high in the air. And away in chase go two of the chaps on their bits of stuff. Meanwhile, you explain to the other two that the spill serves you right for riding so carelessly; and that, though your soul lusts to have it out with the colt, a stringent appointment in the township will force you to clear as soon as you can get your saddle. Such is life. | |
James COOK (1728-1779)
Saturday, 28th. In the P.M. hoisted out the Pinnace and Yawl in order to attempt a landing, but the Pinnace took in the Water so fast that she was obliged to be hoisted in again to stop her leakes. At this time we saw several people a shore, 4 of whom where carrying a small Boat or Canoe, which we imagin'd they were going to put in to the Water in order to Come off to us; but in this we were mistaken. Being now not above 2 Miles from the Shore Mr. Banks, Dr. Solander, Tupia, and myself put off in the Yawl, and pull'd in for the land to a place where we saw 4 or 5 of the Natives, who took to the Woods as we approached the Shore; which disappointed us in the expectation we had of getting a near View of them, if not to speak to them. But our disappointment was heightened when we found that we no where could effect a landing by reason of the great Surf which beat everywhere upon the shore. We saw haul'd up upon the beach 3 or 4 small Canoes, which to us appeared not much unlike the Small ones of New Zeland. In the wood were several Trees of the Palm kind, and no under wood; and this was all we were able to observe from the boat, after which we return'd to the Ship about 5 in the evening.* (* The place where Cook attempted to land is near Bulli, a place where there is now considerable export of coal. A large coal port, Wollongong, lies a little to the southward.) At this time it fell Calm, and we were not above a Mile and a half from the Shore, in 11 fathoms, and within some breakers that lay to the Southward of us; but luckily a light breeze came off from the Land, which carried us out of danger, and with which we stood to the Northward. At daylight in the morning we discover'd a Bay, ( Botany Bay.) which appeared to be tollerably well shelter'd from all winds, into which I resolved to go with the Ship, and with this View sent the Master in the Pinnace to sound the Entrance, while we keept turning up with the Ship, having the wind right out. At noon the Entrance bore North-North-West, distance 1 Mile. | |
I believe that, both in the old country and in the neighboring colonies, as well as in Queensland, the early incidents of our origin and growth will furnish a by no means useless contribution to the great store of facts which concern the general progress of humanity. Unfortunately, few amongst us have time or opportunity to collect that portion which elucidates either; while day by day the sources of information are decreasing, and those who could either furnish it, or indicate where it could be found, are silently passing away. Thus believing, and thus regretfully observing, I have collected the material for the first volume, and wrought as I have been enabled in its arrangement and distribution. | |
W. H. (William Henry) CORFIELD |
The reasons for this book are as follow:--Whilst
talking over early days with Mr. Courtenay-Luck, the popular
Secretary of the Commercial Travellers' Club, that gentleman
suggested that I should write a paper, to be read at a meeting of
the Historical Society of Queensland.
In writing that paper, so many long-forgotten men, places and incidents came back to memory that I thought my reminiscences might prove interesting to others. I may be occasionally incorrect in dates, or in the sequence of events, but I relate facts and personal experiences. As they are, I leave them to the kind consideration of readers. |
Erle COX (1873-1950) |
There was a man seated at a table in what appeared to be a vast physical laboratory. On the table, which was littered with instruments and apparatus, stood a large glass tank in which a fish could be seen swimming. The silence was broken only by occasional movements of the man utterly absorbed in the work he was doing. (Out of the Silence) | |
The political story of Australia is not an obviously interesting story. Great things have happened, but they have happened gradually, and without observation. There have been no wars of conquest, for a handful of people were dowered with a continent; no wars of defence, for the continent was protected by the fleet of Nelson; no racial conflict, for the people were as entirely British as the people of the British Isles. The great battles of freedom had been already fought and won before Australia came of age. The principles of Democracy and Liberty, of Colonial Home Rule and Responsible Government, had been recognised as essential principles of British civilisation. Australians had not to fight; they had only to ask, and to argue. There were mistakes and delays and friction; but in general, Australia got the full privileges of British citizenship as soon as Australia was ready to use them with advantage to herself. Our story has not been the story of a people striving to be free. It has been the story of an infant society gradually growing into the freedom that was recognised to be its natural birthright. | ||
J H L CUMPSTON (1880-1954) |
They had reached the Murray, and Sturt now held the second key to the riddle of the rivers: the ring was closing fast--the upper Darling, Macquarie, Lachlan, Murrumbidgee, and now the Murray--no longer mysteries, but very unromantic realities. From Charles Sturt. | |
Amidst the ardour with which geographical research has been patronized and prosecuted in almost every other portion of the globe, it is a subject of surprise and regret that so little anxiety should have been shown by geographers, and even by men of science in general, to increase our knowledge of the interior of the Australian continent. But so it is,--that land of anomalies may still be said to be almost a terra incognita; and, limited as may be the information which we possess of its internal features, yet, with the conviction that some concise notice of the way in which that knowledge has been progressively acquired will not prove altogether uninteresting to the Geographical Society, I beg to lay before it, in a brief view, the results of the several expeditions, which have been employed in inland discovery since the first settlement was formed at Port Jackson; to which I have added, a few occasional remarks on the different routes which have been pursued... | ||
D |
Alexander DALRYMPLE (1737-1808)
On this the islanders conducted our people farther
up the country, and indeed to a most pleasant place, where they
seated them under a very sightly Belay, on mats of a very
delicate texture, and variety of beautiful colours, treating them
with two cocoa-nuts, one for the chief, and one for our skipper.
In the evening our people returned on board with a hog, and an account that no water was to be had; they however made so good a day's work of it, as to get forty pigs, seventy fowls, and vegetables in abundance, for a few nails, a little fail-cloth, etc. |
William DAMPIER (1651-1715)
The sea-fish that we saw here (for here was no river, land, or pond of fresh water to be seen) are chiefly sharks. There are abundance of them in this particular sound, and I therefore give it the name of Shark's Bay. Here are also skates, thornbacks, and other fish of the ray kind (one sort especially like the sea-devil) and garfish, bonetas, etc. Of shellfish we got here mussels, periwinkles, limpets, oysters, both of the pearl kind and also eating-oysters, as well the common sort as long oysters; beside cockles, etc. The shore was lined thick with many other sorts of very strange and beautiful shells, for variety of colour and shape, most finely spotted with red, black, or yellow, etc., such as I have not seen anywhere but at this place. I brought away a great many of them; but lost all except a very few, and those not of the best. From 'A Voyage to New Holland, etc. in the year 1699'. |
Charles DARWIN (1809-1882) | The greyhounds pursued a kangaroo rat into a hollow tree, out of which we dragged it: it is an animal as large as a rabbit, but with the figure of a kangaroo. A few years since this country abounded with wild animals; but now the emu is banished to a long distance, and the kangaroo is become scarce; to both the English greyhound has been highly destructive. It may be long before these animals are altogether exterminated, but their doom is fixed. From 'The Voyage of the Beagle' | |
Aidan de BRUNE (died 1946)
Thaddeus Keene was well known in Melbourne; Oliver Manx had seen to that detail. Keene was a great traveller, and had no relations, few friends, and a host of acquaintances. He travelled widely. Acquaintances are rarely inquisitive. They ask questions when met, some of their questions bordering on the inquisitive; but with absence comes forgetfulness on their part. Certainly, it was strange that, with Keene's re-appearance in Melbourne social life, Oliver Manx made one of his frequent absences from Sydney. Oliver Manx had found Thaddeus Keene useful. Yet he was only one of quite a number of unattached Australians who roamed their country, turning up at infrequent intervals in the cities and towns they call "home." None of them claimed to have relations, friends, or intimates. They held only one likeness. Whenever one of them appeared in public in any city, the others, including Oliver Manx, were absent from their home towns, on private and unobtrusive business. From: —The Kahm Syndicate. | |
Louis DE ROUGEMONT (1847-1921) |
Just picture the scene for yourself. The weird, unexplored land stretches away on every side, though one could not see much of it on account of the grassy hillocks. I, a white man, was alone among the blacks in the terrible land of "Never Never,"--as the Australians call their terra incognita; and I was wrestling with a gigantic cannibal chief for the possession of two delicately-reared English girls, who were in his power. | |
Don DELANEY see John SANDES | ||
Dennis is comprehensively covered at Perry Middlemiss' Literature Site |
'Er name's Doreen ...Well spare me bloomin' days! From The Sentimental Bloke |
William DERRICOURT (1819-1897) | On our return, when nearing Pancridge, the horse cast a shoe, and the other boy and I took him to a forge. The other boy left me at the forge for a time, and went for a stroll. By-and-bye we both went back to the boat, and, on reaching Brood, my companion told me that he had a beautiful long-sleeved plush waistcoat that his mother had given him. He arranged that when we got to Wolverhampton I was to take the waistcoat and try and sell it so that with the money we might go to the play together at Birmingham. I was told to say that the waistcoat was my own, and was quite unaware that it had been stolen when I was waiting with the horse at Pancridge. I went on my errand and, near the courthouse, I saw a man whom I thought looked a likely purchaser. I asked him if he would like to buy a waistcoat, assuring him that it was my own property. He said, "Oh yes, come in and let me have a look at it." I went with him, when I found to my horror that I was offering a stolen waistcoat to the constable of the place. He told me that he was looking for someone of my sort as the coach from Pancridge had brought notice of the robbery. Thus was I, though innocent, again laid by the heels in Wolverhampton. | |
William DRAPER (c.1818-1881) |
"NOT GUILTY! My lord, not guilty, I assure
The speaker was a young man, respectably dressed, with a countenance somewhat pale, but giving evidence of a determined will, and a general demeanor which indicated intelligence and good breeding. Standing in the dock, arraigned before the judge of assize at Winchester, in a crowded court, with the serious charge of forgery against him, James Stewart in a firm tone of voice pleaded thus, and, the plea being recorded, the trial commenced. The Crown Court in that ancient assize hall is very commodious, and the galleries are sufficiently capacious to hold several hundred spectators, but upon this occasion every nook and corner was occupied. |
Suelette DREYFUS | This copyright work was written in 1997 and permission has been given to Project Gutenberg to list it. The author writes, in the Introduction to the book..."This is a book about the computer underground. It is not a book about law enforcement agencies, and it is not written from the point of view of the police officer. From a literary perspective, I have told this story through the eyes of numerous computer hackers. In doing so, I hope to provide the reader with a window into a mysterious, shrouded and usually inaccessible realm. Who are hackers? Why do they hack? There are no simple answers to these questions. Each hacker is different. To that end, I have attempted to present a collection of individual but interconnected stories, bound by their links to the international computer underground. These are true stories, tales of the world's best and the brightest hackers and phreakers. There are some members of the underground whose stories I have not covered, a few of whom would also rank as world-class. In the end, I chose to paint detailed portraits of a few hackers rather than attempt to compile a comprehensive but shallow catalogue." | |
George DUNDERDALE (1822-1903) |
"Many truthful sketches of the early colonial life of squatters, whalers, convicts, diggers, and others who left their native land and never returned." | |
Mr. Doyle observed the foreign invasion with mingled feelings of righteous anger and pained solicitude. He had found fossicking by the creek very handy to fall back upon when the wood-jambing trade was not brisk; but now that industry was ruined by Chinese competition, and Michael could only find relief in deep and earnest profanity. From: A Golden Shanty, in "The Golden Shanty" (short stories). |
E |
Charles Henry EDEN (1839-1900) | Amongst other calamities attendant on this visitation [of a terrible cyclone] was the loss of a small coasting schooner, named the 'Eva', bound from Cleveland to Rockingham Bay, with cargo and passengers. Only those who have visited Australia can picture to themselves the full horror of a captivity amongst the degraded blacks with whom this unexplored district abounds; and a report of white men having been seen amongst the wild tribes in the neighbourhood of the Herbert River induced the inhabitants of Cardwell to institute a search party to rescue the crew of the unhappy schooner, should they still be alive; or to gain some certain clue to their fate, should they have perished. | |
This Australian Idyll is largely based on reminiscences of a year (1878) spent as school teacher at the spot described. The haunting memories of that unique year in my life still pursued me, on my return to London, amid medical studies at St. Thomas's Hospital. I attempted at intervals to throw those memories into a fictional form, and my friend Oliver Schreiner, interested in my experiment, encouraged me to pursue it. This was round about the year 1886, some eight years after leaving the real Sparkes Creek, but while my memories of the life there were still vivid and precise. The only critical judgment to which I submitted the Idyll was that of my friend Arthur Symons who was pleased to find it of the same class as Flaubert's _Contes_. But I put it aside, making no attempt at publication. Apart from the fact that it was far removed from the field of my choosen work in life, I suspected that if the book ever wandered into the real Kanga Creek it might give offence to people for whom I cherished only friendly feelings. | ||
Taken from the Historical Records of Australia, this ebook details Evans' journey to the Bathurst Plains and his discovery, during a second journey, of the Lachlan River. | ||
Edward John EYRE (1815-1901)
We again moved away at dawn, through a country which gradually become more scrubby, hilly, and sandy. The horses crawled on for twenty-one miles, when I halted for an hour to rest, and to have a little tea from our now scanty stock of water. The change which I had noticed yesterday in the vegetation of the country, was greater and more cheering every mile we went, although as yet the country itself was as desolate and inhospitable as ever. . .In the course of our journey this morning, we met with many holes in the sheets of limestone, which occasionally coated the surface of the ground; in these holes the natives appeared to procure an abundance of water after rains, but it was so long since any had fallen, that all were dry and empty now. In one deep hole only, did we find the least trace of moisture; this had at the bottom of it, perhaps a couple of wine glasses full of mud and water, and was most carefully blocked up from the birds with huge stones: it had evidently been visited by natives, not an hour before we arrived at it, but I suspect they were as much disappointed as we were, upon rolling away all the stones to find nothing in it. | |
F |
Ernest FAVENC (1845-1908) | In the history of exploration are to be found some of the brightest examples of courage and fortitude presented by any record. In the succeeding pages I have tried to bring these episodes prominently to the fore, and bestow upon them the meed of history. Ernest Favenc. | |
The most important discovery, which the following pages record, is certainly that of the navigable river in Moreton Bay, four hundred miles to the northward of Port Jackson, since this is the direction in which it is desirable to extend the colony of New South Wales. The honour of this discovery has fortunately fallen to the lot of Mr. Oxley, to indemnify him for his double disappointment in the termination of the rivers Lachlan and Macquarie. The wonder is, not that he has discovered it; but that this adventure should have been reserved for him; for the master of one of the vessels belonging to the colonial government had been to Moreton Bay only a few months before Mr. Oxley, for the very purpose of survey; and Captain Cook, as long ago as the year 1770, suggested, that "some on board having, in addition to a small space where no land was visible, also observed that the sea looked paler than usual, were of opinion that the bottom of Moreton Bay opened into a river." | ||
Matthew FLINDERS (1774-1814)
There is no probability, that any other detached
body of land, of nearly equal extent, will ever be found in a more
southern latitude; the name Terra Australis will, therefore, remain
descriptive of the geographical importance of this country, and of
its situation on the globe: it has antiquity to recommend it; and,
having no reference to either of the two claiming nations, appears
to be less objectionable than any other which could have been
selected. Had I permitted myself any innovation upon the original
term, it would have been to convert it into AUSTRALIA; as being
more agreeable to the ear, and an assimilation to the names of the
other great portions of the earth.
* * * * *. After running near an hour in this critical manner, some high breakers were distinguished ahead; and behind them there appeared no shade of cliffs. It was necessary to determine, on the instant, what was to be done, for our bark could not live ten minutes longer. On coming to what appeared to be the extremity of the breakers, the boat's head was brought to the wind in a favourable moment, the mast and sail taken down, and the oars got out. Pulling then towards the reef during the intervals of the heaviest seas, we found it to terminate in a point; and in three minutes were in smooth water under its lee. A white appearance, further back, kept us a short time in suspense; but a nearer approach showed it to be the beach of a well-sheltered cove, in which we anchored for the rest of the night. So sudden a change, from extreme danger to comparatively perfect safety, excited reflections which kept us some time awake: we thought Providential Cove a well-adapted name for this place; but by the natives, as we afterwards learned, it is called Watta-Mowlee. |
John FORREST (1847-1918)
I now propose to relate my own experiences--the results of three journeys of exploration, conducted by myself. The first was undertaken in the hope of discovering some traces of Leichardt; the second nearly retraced the route of Eyre; the third was across the desert from Western Australia to the telegraph line in South Australia. The first journey did not result in obtaining the information sought for; the second and third journeys were successfully accomplished.--John Forrest | |
Mary FORTUNE (c.1833-c.1910) |
There are many who recollect full well the rush at Chinaman's Flat. It was in the height of its prosperity that an assault was committed upon a female of a character so diabolical in itself, as to have aroused the utmost anxiety in the public as well as in the police, to punish the perpetrator thereof. The case was placed in my hands, and as it presented difficulties so great as to appear to an ordinary observer almost insurmountable, the overcoming of which was likely to gain approbation in the proper quarter, I gladly accepted the task.--Traces of Crime | |
Joseph FOWLES |
The principal object of this Work is to remove the erroneous and discreditable notions current in England concerning this City, in common with every thing else connected with the Colony. We shall endeavour to represent Sydney as it really is--to exhibit its spacious Gas-lit Streets, crowded by an active and thriving Population--its Public Edifices, and its sumptuous Shops, which boldly claim a comparison with those of London itself: and to shew that the Colonists have not been inattentive to matters of higher import, we shall display to our Readers the beautiful and commodious Buildings raised by piety and industry for the use of Religion. It is true, all are not yet in a state of completion; but, be it remembered, that what was done gradually in England, in the course of many ceuturies, has been here effected in the comparatively short period of sixty years. | |
Sir John FRANKLIN (1786-1847)
The following pages have been written chiefly for my friends in Van Diemen's Land in order not to leave them in ignorance of the steps which I have taken to vindicate the honour of my late office, and my character as their Governor, from ex-parte representations on points on which, so long as I exercised the functions of government, I was precluded from offering any explanations. John Franklin | |
Under the pseudonym |
This was life--my life--my career, my brilliant career! I was fifteen--fifteen! A few fleeting hours and I would be old as those around me. I looked at them as they stood there, weary, and turning down the other side of the hill of life. When young, no doubt they had hoped for, and dreamed of, better things--had even known them. But here they were. This had been their life; this was their career. It was, and in all probability would be, mine too. My life--my career--my brilliant career! --From "My Brilliant Career" |
Captain Tobias Furneaux was an English navigator and Royal Navy officer, who accompanied James Cook on his second voyage of exploration. He was the first man to circumnavigate the world in both directions, and later commanded a British vessel during the American Revolutionary War. This excerpt covers the only Australian landfall in Cook's second voyage around the world. [ebook editor] | |
Joseph Furphy (see Tom Collins)
G |
...on a beautiful summer's evening towards dusk, Gilbert Larose, the best known of all the detectives of the great Commonwealth of Australia, was crouching down behind a small bush high up upon the sides of Mount Lofty, watching with an annoyed and frowning face four men who were climbing slowly up the slope towards him. They were only about two hundred yards away, and through his binoculars he could discern plainly the expressions upon their faces. They looked alert and eager, as if they had some particular and important business on hand. They were sturdy, thick-set men, and were all armed with stout sticks. They walked spread out, fanwise, with about ten yards between them, and they peered intently into all the bushes as they passed. | ||
It seemed unlikely, certainly. All the anxious days he had spent seeking the precious metal, and never a sign of gold, and now, after eighteen months of existence in this desolate hole, here under his very eyes, was sticking up out of the ground what looked like a bar of cleanly-melted gold. He was twenty miles to the south-east of his hut this morning, simply having ridden out in this direction the night before, because he had nothing else to do, and he thought he might as well follow the trend of the range eastward, and see what the country was like. From Kirkham's Find | ||
Ernest GILES (1835-1897)
Gibson, having had my horse, rode away in my saddle with my field glasses attached; but everything was gone--man and horse alike swallowed in this remorseless desert. The weather was cool at night, even cold, for which I was most thankful, or we could not have remained so long away from water. We consulted together, and could only agree that unless we came across Gibson's remains by mid-day, we must of necessity retreat, otherwise it would be at the loss of fresh lives, human and equine, for as he was mounted on so excellent an animal as the Fair Maid, on account of whose excellence I had chosen her to ride, it seemed quite evident that this noble creature had carried him only too well, and had been literally ridden to death, having carried her rider too far from water ever to return, even if he had known where it lay. | |
Adam Lindsay GORDON (1833-1870)
(Including: Bush Ballads and Galloping Rhymes; Sea Spray and Smoke Drift; Miscellaneous Poems; Ashtaroth, A Dramatic Lyric) |
Courage, comrades, this is certain, All is for the
best -- There are lights behind the curtain --Gentiles, let us rest. As the smoke-rack veers to seaward, From "the ancient clay", With its moral drifting leeward, Ends the wanderer's lay. |
I have the honor that leaving the Alice Springs, April 21st, with a party consisting of four white men, three Affghans, and a black boy, I travelled along the telegraph line to latitude 22° 28' S., about forty miles south of Central Mount Stuart. From this point I followed the Reynolds Range about W.N.W. for forty-five miles; I was then obliged to turn S.W., passing a high bluff, piled by Major Warburton, and on to the western extremity of the MacDonnell Ranges (Giles's Mount Liebig). Here I was compelled to turn south, crossing Mr. Giles's track several times, the eastern arm of his Lake Amadeus, and on to a high hill, east of Mount Olga, which I named Ayers Rock... |
To the stranger the harbour of Port Jackson appears pleasing and picturesque, as he advances up it to the town. A small island with a house on it, named Garden Island, (which afterwards became my residence) enriches the view. On the main is Walamoola, so named by the natives, a rural situation, where Mr. Palmer, the Commissary, has built a large and commodious house, and bestowed much labour in cultivating the land round it. Such a house in so young a Colony excites a degree of surprise in a new comer. The town of Sydney is much larger and more respectable that can well be imagined considering the time it has been built. The streets are by order made broad and strait; each house is generally separated from the adjoining ones, an excellent regulation in case of fire; few or any are without gardens; and many of the houses are large and commodious. When I landed I found that the heavy rain, which I had experienced some days before, had been equally felt here. The Hawkesbury River had been swelled almost instaneously to the great annoyance of the Settlers on its banks. Various were the causes assigned for the rapid increase of water; some supposed it owing to the bursting of a cloud in the mountains, which hurried the water down the level country; others to the overflowing of a lake or morass, which augmented the currents of all the neighbouring rivers, for that at Paramatta had also overflown its banks to a very great height, as I afterwards was shewn by Dr. Thompson, now the Resident Colonial Surgeon, as almost to be supposed impossible. | |
Augustus GREGORY (1819-1905) and Frank GREGORY (1821-1888)
"Numerous inquiries having been made for copies of the Journals of the Explorations by the Messrs. Gregory in the Western, Northern, and Central portions of Australia, and as these journals have hitherto only been partially published in a fragmentary form, and are now out of print, it has been deemed desirable to collect the material into one volume, for convenience of reference, and to place on permanent record some of the earlier attempts to penetrate the terra incognita which then constituted so vast a portion of the Australian Continent." Preface to Journals of Australian Exploration | |
George GREY (1812-1898)
Finding that the man remained absent longer than I had expected I called loudly to him, but received no answer, and therefore passed round some rocks which hid the tree from my view to look after him. Suddenly I saw him close to me breathless and speechless with terror, and a native with his spear fixed in a throwing-stick in full pursuit of him; immediately numbers of other natives burst upon my sight; each tree, each rock, seemed to give forth its black denizen, as if by enchantment. A moment before, the most solemn silence pervaded these woods. We deemed that not a human being moved within miles of us, and now they rang with savage and ferocious yells, and fierce armed men crowded round us on every side, bent on our destruction. | |
Walter Burley GRIFFIN (1876-1937) The Federal Capital Report Explanatory of the Preliminary General Plan (1913) |
Taken altogether, the site may be considered as an irregular amphitheatre--with Ainslie at the north-east in the rear, flanked on either side by Black Mountain and Pleasant Hill, all forming the top galleries; with the slopes to the water, the auditorium; with the waterway and flood basin, the arena; with the southern slopes reflected in the basin, the terraced stage and setting of monumental Government structures sharply defined rising tier on tier to the culminating highest internal forested hill of the Capitol; and with Mugga Mugga, Red Hill, and the blue distant mountain ranges, sun reflecting, forming the back scene of the theatrical whole. | |
"Mr. Farrer's self-imposed task of improving the flour-strength of our wheats and producing rust-resisting and drought-resisting varieties has greatly influenced both quality and yield in this, his adopted land, and has materially affected wheat production in almost every other country." | ||
Zane GREY (1872-1939 |
Crossing the river on the ferry at Bateman Bay, from which the wonderful Toll Gates can be seen out at sea, I conceived an idea that this place had marvelous potentialities for fishing. As a matter of fact, the place haunted me so that I went back, motored all around the bay, walked out upon the many wooded capes that projected far out toward the sentinel Toll Gates, patrolled the curved sandy beaches, and finally interviewed the market fishermen. The result was that I broke camp at Bermagui and chose a lovely site three miles out from Bateman Bay, where we pitched camp anew. It turned out that the vision in my mind's eye had been right. This camp was the most beautiful and satisfactory of all the hundreds of camps I have had in different countries. How it will turn out from a fishing standpoint remains to be seen. But I would like to gamble on my instinct. | |
H |
Hamlet was an avid walker. In the early 20th Century he walked twice from Bribane to Sydney and once from Sydney to Melbourne. He wrote a number of newpaper articles about his trips and these are gathered together in this ebook. "Don Dorrigo Carbonera makes a fine sonorous mouthful of a name, which, if not exactly suggestive of "Castles in Spain," may nevertheless be here used in respect of the brave toilers and workers up on the Dorrigo; for whatever their intended careers may have been, they now at least appear to be, one and all, veritable timber-cutters and charcoal-burners, every man wielding his axe and firestick to some purpose. Nowhere else will you see such a desolating display of blackened and half carbonised timber, such gaunt hollow stumps, the more dead shells of the old-time forest trees, their sombre ebony logs lying about all over the newly fenced paddocks in obstructive confusion, all telling of the settlers' dogged determination to clear the land at all costs." (Written on a walk from Brisbane to Sydney in 1907) |
The original intention of the expedition was to suggest Buckland Hill as the site for a town for the proposed settlement. This, however, was superseded by Captain Stirling, on his arrival with the first immigrants, in the ship "Parmelia", in June, 1829, by placing the capital, Perth, about twelve miles from the port, at which he settled the town of Fremantle. The elucidation of the naming of Perth after the birthplace of Sir George Murray, the then Secretary of State for the Colonies, in honor of whom also towns in New South Wales, Tasmania, and Canada were named, and the origin of the naming of Mount Eliza after Lady Darling, should set aside many absurd stories for these nomenclatures. | ||
William Gosse HAY (1875-1945) | He reached for the comb in the PLUTARCH, and slit the package. Unfolding this with a slight increase of colour, he eyed the few words: "Money to hand. Secured boys. EMERALD near dry. Launch next Saturday. Sail on Wednesday morning, August 22nd. Hang off Spring Bay on Thursday, where boat will wait near mouth of creek after dusk." | |
Even before the voyage of Magellan, geographers had a strong belief in the existence of land beyond the southern ocean, and this was greatly strengthened by the passage of that navigator through the strait which bears his name, as it was naturally imagined that the land to the south of the strait formed part of a great continental mass. Whether or not the ancient and medieval geographers had to any extent based their ideas on vague rumours of Australia which may have reached the countries of southern Asia, is a question which cannot be answered; but it has been held with some show of reason that statements of Marco Polo, Varthema, and other travellers, point to a knowledge that an extensive land did lie to the south of the Malay Archipelago. It is an almost equally difficult matter, and one which concerns our present subject more nearly, to decide whether the indications of a continental land immediately to the south of the Archipelago, to be found in maps of the sixteenth century, were based at all on actual voyages of European navigators. | ||
J E (Jan
Ernst) HEERES (1858-1932)
Heeres book on "The Part Borne by the Dutch..." was published in 1899 to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Royal Geographical Society of the Netherlands. Heeres notes in the introduction to the book that the object of publication was "once more to throw the most decided and fullest possible light on achievements of our forefathers in the 17th and 18th century, in a form that would appeal to foreigners no less than to native readers. An act of homage to our ancestors, therefore, a modest one certainly, but one inspired by the same feeling which in 1892 led Italy and the Iberian Peninsula to celebrate the memory of the discoverer of America, and in 1898 prompted the Portuguese to do homage to the navigator who first showed the world the sea-route to India." Heeres work is now difficult to access and it is fitting that we are now able, with the release of this ebook, to once more to "throw the most decided and fullest possible light on achievements" of the Dutch in commemorating the first authenticated landing on Australian soil by Willem Janszoon. |
Rachel HENNING (1826-1914) | ...The roads were in a most awful state. The driver
from Penrith to Hartley said he had never seen them so bad. The
ascent of the Blue Mountains on the Penrith side was almost
impassable. We went along for four or five miles with the axle-tree
buried in mud. I cannot think how ever the horses did it at
all. We passed a carriage stuck in the mud, which two horses had not been able to pull out, so they had been taken out and were standing by the side of the road, while a gentleman, up to his knees in mud, and a stupid Irishman were trying to fasten four bullocks to the carriage. Our coachman got down and helped them, remarking that very likely we should want to be dragged out soon. However, we managed to get along, and only came to grief once. We went through the bush to avoid the sea of mud in the main road, and one of the leaders got frightened and turned off among the trees, dragging the coach against some saplings and nearly upsetting it. The restive horse was taken out of the harness, and the passengers got out while the coach was backed out of the scrape. |
John David HENNESSEY (1847-1935)
"The Outlaw" is the story of a convict turned bushranger, set mainly in the Liverpool Ranges/Patrick's Plains/Maitland/Morpeth area of New South Wales around 1840. It won second prize of £400 in a £1,000 novel competition. | |
G A (George Alfred) HENTY |
It was agreed, at once, that more aid would be necessary, before they could think of attacking the bush rangers; but all were ready to join in the hunt for them. Therefore it was decided that Dick Shillito and the two Watsons should each ride, at once, to neighbouring stations to bring aid. At one of the stations two more policemen would be found, and as in the pursuit they should probably pass near other stations, their numbers would swell as they went. When this was settled, the party sat down to the meal. | |
J G HILL The Calvert Scientific
Exploring Expedition (1905) |
Even when it is admitted that the object of the expedition was only achieved in part, that its scientific value was further diminished by the compulsory abandonment of the hundreds of specimens collected, and that its records are overshadowed by the death of two members of the loyal little band of adventurers, there is still sufficient interest left in the undertaking to justify this rescue of the bare details of the story from the limbo of contemporary newspaper descriptions. | |
Edwin HODDER |
It was the lifelong wish of Mr. George Fife Angas, one of the Fathers and Founders of South Australia, that a History of the Colony of his adoption, and which he was mainly instrumental in establishing, should be written. To this end he collected a vast number of documents from all available sources, and for many years employed a secretary to set them in order, hoping some day to write the History himself. But that day never came, and in 1879 Mr. Angas passed away. Among his papers several were found that showed how intensely keen his desire was that a full and comprehensive History, giving the story of the rise and progress of the colony, should be written. His son, the Hon. J.H. Angas, Member of the Legislative Council of South Australia, determined that the wish should be fulfilled, and kindly placed in my hands the whole of the valuable and voluminous papers. Of this material I have availed myself freely, and I have also drawn from Memoirs, Diaries, Travels, Parliamentary Debates, as well as from the Colonial Newspapers. -- From The History of South Australia. | |
James Francis HOGAN (1855-1924)
We are now at the close of the first century of colonization in Australia, and the time is therefore opportune for an estimate of the influence exercised by the Irish element of the population on the remarkable growth and development of the Greater Britain of the South. Having lived in Australia from childhood, I have endeavored, not I hope without some success, to present in this volume a faithful panorama of Irish life, Irish history, and Irish achievements in the land I know and love so well. J F Hogan, 1887. | |
Truth is said to be stranger than fiction, and certainly the extraordinary murder which took place in Melbourne on Thursday night, or rather Friday morning, goes a long way towards verifying this saying. A crime has been committed by an unknown assassin, within a short distance of the principal streets of this great city, and is surrounded by an inpenetrable mystery. | ||
HUME and William HOVELL
In the course of the day, they again came by surprise upon a body of natives, consisting of eight men; these appeared much alarmed, and, on perceiving the bullocks, fled through a small creek, and concealed themselves among the reeds on its banks. In the evening, about a mile from the spot where they had been first seen, the natives again made their appearance, and approached them with marks of friendship. One of these men dressed in an old yellow jacket, spoke a few words of English, and had been at Lake George. They had among them, one iron axe, and four tomahawks.--The whole party remained with them till dark, when, except two of their number, they all retired, promising to return in the morning. | |
A few days after my arrival with the transports in Port Jackson, I set off with a six oared boat and a small boat, intending to make as good a survey of the harbour as circumstances would admit: I took to my assistance Mr. Bradley, the first lieutenant, Mr. Keltie, the master, and a young gentleman of the quarter-deck. During the time we were employed on this service, we had frequent meetings with different parties of the natives, whom we found at this time very numerous; a circumstance which I confess I was a little surprized to find, after what had been said of them in the voyage of the Endeavour; for I think it is observed in the account of that voyage, that at Botany-bay they had seen very few of the natives, and that they appeared a very stupid race of people, who were void of curiosity. We saw them in considerable numbers, and they appeared to us to be a very lively and inquisitive race; they are a straight, thin, but well made people, rather small in their limbs, but very active; they examined with the greatest attention, and expressed the utmost astonishment, at the different covering we had on; for they certainly considered our cloaths as so many different skins, and the hat as a part of the head: they were pleased with such trifles as we had to give them, and always appeared chearful and in good humour: they danced and sung with us, and imitated our words and motions, as we did theirs. They generally appeared armed with a lance, and a short stick which assists in throwing it: this stick is about three feet long, is flattened on one side, has a hook of wood at one end, and a flat shell, let into a split in the stick at the other end, and fastened with gum; upon the flat side of this stick the lance is laid, in the upper end of which is a small hole, into which the point of the hook of the throwing stick is fixed; this retains the lance on the flat side of the stick; then poising the lance, thus fixed, in one hand, with the fore-finger and thumb over it, to prevent its falling off side-ways, at the same time holding fast the throwing-stick, they discharge it with considerable force, and in a very good direction, to the distance of about sixty or seventy yards*. Their lances are in general about ten feet long: the shell at one end of the throwing-stick is intended for sharpening the point of the lance, and for various other uses. I have seen these weapons frequently thrown, and think that a man upon his guard may with much ease, either parry, or avoid them, although it must be owned they fly with astonishing velocity. | ||
Leonard HUXLEY (1860-1933) | On this cruise there was an unusual piece of interest in Kennedy's ill-fated expedition, which the "Rattlesnake" landed in Rockingham Bay, and trusted to meet again at Cape York. Happy it was for Huxley that his duties forbade him to accept Kennedy's proposal to join the expedition. After months of weary struggles in the dense scrub, Kennedy himself, who had pushed on for help with his faithful black man Jacky, was speared by the natives when almost in sight of Cape York; Jack barely managed to make his way there through his enemies, and guided a party to the rescue of the two starved and exhausted survivors of the disease-stricken camp by the Sugarloaf Hill. It was barely time. Another hour, and they too would have been killed by the crowd of blackfellows who hovered about in hopes of booty, and were only dispersed for a moment by the rescue party. | |
I J |
The purpose of the following pages is to lay before persons desirous of emigrating a short, but impartial, statement of the condition of the colony of Western Australia, commonly called the Swan River Settlement. The object of the writer is not to exalt its advantages above those of other colonies. His statements are put forward neither from motives of private interest, nor to forward the views of any party or associated body whatever; and he trusts that, however brief, his statement will be found throughout essentially correct. | ||
Robert Logan
JACK (1845-1921) ![]() |
Had the nations outside of Spain and Portugal admitted the validity of the bull, the greater part of Australia would have belonged to Portugal, and a slice of the eastern coast, covering Sydney, Brisbane and Rockhampton, would have been Spanish. By the treaty (which was a sort of reciprocal Monroe doctrine), the western half of Australia would have been Portuguese and the eastern half Spanish. (from Northmost Australia) | |
The Settlement of Northern Australia has of late years been of such rapid growth as to furnish matter for a collection of narratives, which in the aggregate would make a large and interesting volume. Prominent amongst these stands that of the Settlement of Cape York, under the superintendence of Mr. Jardine, with which the gallant trip of his two sons overland must ever be associated. It was a journey which, but for the character and qualities of the Leader, might have terminated as disastrously as that of his unfortunate, but no less gallant predecessor, Kennedy. | |
Bending her head of wavy, glossy black hair, the girl pressed her lips softly upon the white man's hand, and raising her face again, her eyes followed his, and as she noticed his intent look, a curious, alarmed expression came into her own lustrous orbs. | ||
No sane person would attempt to write a complete history of Australasia in three hundred pages. Having, therefore, to make a selection, I have fallen back upon the traditions of that school which regards history as past politics, and politics as present history. Even with this limitation, I have had to go lightly over the ground, omitting much that even I know, and, doubtless, much more of which I am ignorant. I can boast no special qualification for the task, save that I have spent three years in Australia, living as an Australian amongst Australians; but I have not spared to search the best sources of information. | ||
I do not think it necessary to make an apology for putting this Address into your hands; or to enter into a long detail of the reasons which induced me to write it. One reason may suffice. I find I cannot express my regard for you, so often, or so fully, as I wish, in any other way. On our first arrival in this distant part of the world, and for some time afterwards, our numbers were comparatively small; and while they resided nearly upon one spot, I could not only preach to them on the Lord's day, but also converse with them, and admonish them, more privately. But since that period, we have gradually increased in number every year (notwithstanding the great mortality we have sometimes known) by the multitudes that have been sent hither after us. | |
K |
Edward (Ned) KELLY (1854-1880)
As soon as I shot Lonigan he jumped up and staggered some distance from the logs with his hands raised and then fell he surrendered but too late I asked McIntyre who was in the tent he replied no one. I advanced and took possession of their two revolvers and fowling-piece which I loaded with bullets instead of shot. I asked McIntyre where his mates was he said they had gone down the creek, and he did not expect them that night he asked me was I going to shoot him and his mates. I told him no. | |
Kendall is comprehensively covered at Perry Middlemiss' Literature Site |
At last the great kingfisher came, and called Across the hollows, loud with early whips, And lighted, laughing, on the shepherd's hut, And roused the widow from a swoon like death. |
Robert KERR (1755-1813)
This remarkable work, of 18 volumes, was published from 1811 to 1824. The contents of the individual volumes and links to the ebooks will be found on the Voyages and Travels page. The collection includes ebooks of the three voyages of James Cook. | |
Phillip Parker KING
The principal object of your mission is to examine the hitherto unexplored Coasts of New South Wales, from Arnhem Bay, near the western entrance of the Gulf of Carpentaria, westward and southward as far as the North-west Cape; including the opening, or deep bay called Van Diemen's Bay, and the cluster of islands called Rosemary Islands, and the inlets behind them, which should be most minutely examined; and, indeed, all gulfs and openings should be the objects of particular attention; as the chief motive for your survey is to discover whether there be any river on that part of the coast likely to lead to an interior navigation into this great continent. | |
(1830-1876) |
Then what a to-do is there. The Vicar jumping about on the grass, giving all sorts of contradictory advice. The Major, utterly despairing of ever getting his fish ashore, fighting a losing battle with infinite courage, determined that the trout shall remember him, at all events, if he does get away. And the trout, furious and indignant, but not in the least frightened, trying vainly to get back to the old root. Was there ever such a fish?--Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn | |
[this] is the final result of an attempt on my part, early in 1907, to write a magazine article dealing with the dangers to which the neighbourhood of overcrowded Asia exposes the thinly populated Commonwealth of Australia. At that time, my thoughts on the subject resembled those of the Australian multitude: they were disconnected, and more in the shape of a vague fear than defined clearly. However, when I began to work out my problem, I soon recognized that it was too vast for intelligible compression within the limits of an ordinary magazine contribution. I was quite convinced of this when the central idea of the book occurred to me--the possibility of a coloured invasion of Australian territory, organized on such lines that the Australians would be unable to persuade the heart of the Empire that there was any invasion. | |
When his apprenticeship had expired he went before the mast for about three years. In 1750 he was in the Baltic trade on the Maria, owned by Mr. John Wilkinson of Whitby, and commanded by Mr. Gaskin, a relative of the Walkers. The following year he was in a Stockton ship, and in 1752 he was appointed mate of Messrs. Walker's new vessel, the Friendship, on board of which he continued for three years, and of which, on the authority of Mr. Samwell, the surgeon of the Discovery on the third voyage, who paid a visit to Whitby on his return and received his information from the Walkers, he would have been given the command had he remained longer in the mercantile marine. This was rapid promotion for a youth with nothing to back him up but his own exertions and strict attention to duty, and tends to prove that he had taken full advantage of the opportunities that fell in his way, and had even then displayed a power of acquiring knowledge of his profession beyond the average. | ||
R (Reginald) Hugh KNYVETT |
I am a scout; nature, inclination, and fate put me into that branch of army service. In trying to tell Australia's story I have of necessity enlarged on the work of the scouts, not because theirs is more important than other branches of the service, nor they braver than their comrades of other units. Nor do I want it to be thought that we undergo greater danger than machine-gunners, grenadiers, light trench-mortar men, or other specialists. But, frankly, I don't know much about any other man's job but my own, and less than I ought to about that. To introduce you to the spirit, action, and ideals of the Australian army I have to intrude my own personality, and if in the following pages "what I did" comes out rather strongly, please remember I am but "one of the boys," and have done not nearly as good work as ten thousand more. | |
L |
In 1791 Labillardière was appointed as a
naturalist to Bruni d'Entrecasteaux's expedition to Oceania in
search of the lost ships of Jean-François de Galaup, comte
de La Pérouse. D'Entrecasteaux failed to find any trace of
the missing expedition, but his ships visited southwest Australia,
Tasmania, the North Island of New Zealand, and the East Indies,
where Labillardière, Claude Riche, Étienne Pierre
Ventenat assisted by gardener Félix Delahaye collected
zoological, botanical and geological specimens, and described the
customs and languages of the local Indigenous Australians. --From Wikipedia |
It was fortunate, however, that this first attempt to form a settlement on Victorian soil did not succeed, for thus the Colony escaped the evils as well as the stigma of a criminal origin. Ours, as other Colonies might have done, came into existence and prosperity without the aid of transportation, which, however beneficial it may at one time have appeared, instead of accelerating, undoubtedly retarded the growth of Australia. | ||
Edward Wilson
LANDOR (1811-1878) |
That it is the system and not THE MEN who are in fault, is sufficiently proved by the fact that the most illustrious statesmen and the brightest talents of the Age, have ever failed to distinguish themselves by good works, whilst directing the fortunes of the Colonies. Lord John Russell, Lord Stanley, Mr. Gladstone -- all of them high-minded, scrupulous, and patriotic statesmen -- all of them men of brilliant genius, extensive knowledge, and profound thought -- have all of them been but slightly appreciated as Colonial rulers. Their principal success has been in perpetuating a noxious system. They have all of them conscientiously believed their first duty to be, in the words of Lord Stanley, to keep the Colonies dependent upon the Mother Country; and occupied with this belief, they have egislated for the Mother Country and not for the Colonies. Vain, selfish, fear-inspired policy! that keeps the Colonies down in the dust at the feet of the Parent State, and yet is of no value or advantage to her. To make her Colonies useful to England, they must be cherished in their infancy, and carefully encouraged to put forth all the strength of their secret energies. |
LANDSBOROUGH (1825-1886)
The readers of this pamphlet are no doubt aware that the anxiety entertained for the fate of Burke and Wills led to the formation of several expeditions in their search. The first of these was formed in Melbourne and entrusted to the command of Mr. Howitt. The second in Adelaide, under Mr. McKinlay. The third from Rockhampton, under Mr. Walker; and the fourth from Brisbane, under Mr. Landsborough. These several expeditions were organised and started within a short period of each other. The steamship Victoria, Commander Norman, was despatched by the Victorian Government to the Gulf of Carpentaria to assist the explorers in carrying out their objects. | |
William LANE (See John MILLER)
Andrew LANG (1844-1912)
Everybody has heard about 'Fisher's Ghost.' It is one of the stock 'yarns' of the world, and reappears now and again in magazines, books . . . and general conversation. As usually told, the story runs thus: One Fisher, an Australian settler of unknown date, dwelling not far from Sydney, disappeared. His overseer, like himself an ex-convict, gave out that Fisher had returned to England, leaving him as plenipotentiary. One evening a neighbour (one Farley), returning from market, saw Fisher sitting on the fence of his paddock, walked up to speak to him, and marked him leave the fence and retreat into the field, where he was lost to sight. The neighbour reported Fisher's return, and, as Fisher could nowhere be found, made a deposition before magistrates. A native tracker was taken to the fence where the pseudo Fisher sat, discovered 'white man's blood' on it, detected 'white man's fat' on the scum of a pool hard by, and, finally, found 'white man's body' buried in a brake. The overseer was tried, condemned, and hanged after confession. | |
John LANG (1816-1864)![]() |
GEORGE GILES was, on the whole, what used to be termed by the masters of convict servants, a very good man; but on several occasions he misbehaved, and as Captain Bellamy never looked over but one offence--namely, the first--he was several times punished; that is to say, flogged. For five years and some months he was with Captain Bellamy, and during that period was seen by the captain every day. | |
D H LAWRENCE (1885-1930) | "In a job like this," he said, "a man wants a mate--yes, a mate--that he can say ANYTHING to, and be absolutely himself with. Must have it. And as far as I go--for me--you don't mind if I say it, do you?--Kangaroo could never have a mate. He's as odd as any phoenix bird I've ever heard tell of. You couldn't mate him to anything in the heavens above or in the earth beneath or in the waters under the earth. No, there's no female kangaroo of his species. Fine chap, for all that. But as lonely as a nail in a post." | |
Gilbert H LAWSON |
BUTCHER BIRD--Name given the family of Australian shrikes, distinguished for their habit of hanging prey to "ripen," and for their powers of song. GOO-GOO EYES--Affectionate glance. |
Henry LAWSON (1867-1922)
'Run, Andy! run!' they shouted back at him. `Run!!! Look behind you, you fool!' Andy turned slowly and looked, and there, close behind him, was the retriever with the cartridge in his mouth -- wedged into his broadest and silliest grin. And that wasn't all. The dog had come round the fire to Andy, and the loose end of the fuse had trailed and waggled over the burning sticks into the blaze; Andy had slit and nicked the firing end of the fuse well, and now it was hissing and spitting properly. From 'The Loaded Dog' (Joe Wilson and His Mates). | |
Louisa LAWSON [Dora Falconer] (1848-1920) |
It is but seldom that a man foregoes ambitions, or changes his life plans because he is a husband and a father. The circle of the wedding ring spreading and broadening for him closes in about his wife, bringing with it so many new duties and responsibilities that time and hands are so full, except in a rare combination of circumstances, as to leave her without either time or strength for the cultivation of talents or the pursuing of such a line of thought as will render her companionable to her husband. Whether bread and babies are pursuits lower or higher than those that fall to the lot of the husband is a question not to be decided here. But every woman in average circumstances who cannot with the two, satisfy every longing of her soul will certainly find marriage a failure. Unhappy Love Matches. | |
Caroline LEAKEY |
Taking handcuffs from his pocket, the constable clasped them on Sam, and, shaking him till he was sufficiently aroused to stand, bade him, with a fierce kick, walk on whilst he and Bob carried Giles to the barracks. At that moment the bell rang, and, from every part of the town, road and building parties were seen returning to their quarters. | |
Ida LEE (1865-1943) |
The objects for which the Lady Nelson's voyages were undertaken render her logbooks of more than ordinary interest. She was essentially an Australian discovery ship and during her successive commissions she was employed exclusively in Australian waters. The number of voyages that she made will perhaps never be accurately known, but her logbooks in existence testify to the important missions that she accomplished. The most notable are those which record early discoveries in Victoria: the exploration of the Queensland coast: the surveys of King Island and the Kent Group: the visits to New Zealand and the founding of settlements at Hobart, Port Dalrymple, and Melville Island. Seldom can the logbooks of a single ship show such a record. From "The Logbooks of the Lady Nelson." |
LEICHHARDT (1813-1848)
The natives returned very early to our camp. I went up to them and made them some presents; in return for which they offered me bunches of goose feathers, and the roasted leg of a goose, which they were pleased to see me eat with a voracious appetite. I asked for Allamurr, and they expressed themselves sorry in not having any left, and gave us to understand that they would supply us, if we would stay a day. Neither these natives nor the tribe of Eooanberry would touch our green hide or meat: they took it, but could not overcome their repugnance, and tried to drop it without being seen by us. Poor fellows! they did not know how gladly we should have received it back! They were the stoutest and fattest men we had met. | |
Charles Herbert LIGHTOLLER (1874-1952) | Now, standing in the middle of the harbour is a rock, on which is built a fort, known as Fort Dennison (sic), or more commonly Pinchgut, owing to the starvation diet on which the convicts were kept whilst confined in the fort. Mounted on this fort is a huge gun, that covers the whole of the harbour. We were coming off with a light breeze, clad in our white ducks, thoroughly enjoying life, and went to pass windward of the fort. The boat did not seem inclined to lie up to it, and as it was of no consequence whatever, we ran close under the lee. One of the boys, Watson by name, lying on his back along one of the thwarts and looking up as we passed close under the fort, noticed the projecting muzzle of this huge gun. What a lark, he blurted out, to fire that gun some night. Wouldn't it shake 'em up? I looked up, and as they say in Yankeeland, fell for it. It was a proposition that appealed. So, with each one sworn to secrecy, we set about what proved to be a task that took over six weeks to accomplish, but it was worth it. First, there was the powder to get, and, to avoid suspicion, it had to be obtained in very small quantities. There was fuse to get also, but before we committed ourselves very deeply, bearing in mind our very limited exchequer, it behoved us to go off some night and reconnoiter, and find out what sort of gun it was, and if it could be fired. For this purpose we commandeered a scow from Cavill's Baths that lie off the Domain.... | |
David LINDSAY (1856-1922) |
Queen Victoria's Spring was reached on the twenty-fifth day at a distance of 393 miles from Mount Squires, and found to be dry. Our position now was somewhat critical, for the camels had been twenty-five days without water and were not only thirsty, but leg-weary. To go north back into the desert was not possible, and the only safe course to take was to make for the nearest certain water, which, after consulting the map, was found to be at Fraser Range, 125 miles distant. It was questionable whether the camels would travel another week without water. A well was sunk 15ft. deep and 60 gallons of water obtained, to which we added 40 gallons out of the casks, enabling the camels to have 2 1/2 galls. each. | |
Lennie LOWER
Lower is comprehensively covered at Perry Middlemiss' Literature Site |
"And I--when I have sunk my last pot, when my foot no more rests on the rail, and old Time calls, 'Six o'clock, sir!' then carry me to the strains of the Little Brown jug and lay me on my bier. . .'And in a winding-sheet of vine-leaf wrapt, so bury me by some sweet gardenside.' Till then. . .Here's luck!" | |
For nearly half a century Sir Henry Parkes was a conspicuous figure in Australian public life, and, for much of that period, by far the most prominent. By very many people he was regarded as Australia's greatest statesman. Primarily the labours of his long career were for the advancement of New South Wales, the colony in which his lot was more directly cast; but many of his public acts have had a beneficial influence upon the Australasian colonies as a whole, and, in benefiting Australasia, he assisted the progress of the British Empire. Throughout his life he was loyal to the mother land. While faithful to the country of his adoption, he ever remembered that "the crimson thread of kinship runs through us all", and, foremost in the movement for Australian federation, the union he sought was a "union under the Crown." | ||
M |
M A McCARTER (fl. 1908)
"Grace, my dear, I think that you acted
unwisely, very unwisely, in leaving 'Looranna,' when old Lawyer
Graham entreated you to remain, and something tells me that he had
some ulterior motive for so urging." The speaker is Mrs. Carrington, a dignified, elderly lady, who in her youth must have been very beautiful, for even now, after the ravages of time, her face bears strong traces of early loveliness. Over her kind features one can easily discern the imprint of a deep and recent sorrow. She is addressing her niece, Grace Moore, a tall, beautiful girl, who is seated on a low stool by her side. The girl does not answer, but remains silent and thoughtful. |
Thomas McCOMBIE (1819-1869) |
Dr. Arabin was determined to reach the place, and, no longer afraid of the water, he spurred his horse down a frightful descent. When he had reached the bottom of the ravine, he could perceive the flicker of a light at some distance amongst the trees. He shouted again to the hut, to ask if it was safe to come on. | |
MacGILLIVRAY (1822-1867)
These people appeared to repose the most perfect confidence in us--they repeatedly visited the ship in their own canoes or the watering-boats, and were always well treated; nor did any circumstance occur during our intimacy to give either party cause of complaint. We saw few weapons among them. The islanders had their bows and arrows, and the others their spears and throwing-sticks. As the weather was fine, at least as regarded the absence of rain, no huts of any kind were constructed; at night the natives slept round their fires without any covering. During our stay the food of the natives consisted chiefly of two kinds of fruit, the first (a Wallrothia) like a large yellow plum, mealy and insipid; the second, the produce of a kind of mangrove (Candelia) the vegetating sprouts of which are prepared for food by a process between baking and steaming. At low-water the women usually dispersed in search of shellfish on the mudflats and among the mangroves, and the men occasionally went out to fish, either with the spear, or the hook and line. | |
John McKINLAY (1819-1872)
At first blush of dawn wind from same quarter (east-south-east). Rained heavily all night and to my astonishment, instead of the creek rising as usual (three and a half inches per hour) it was now rising five and a half inches and hourly increasing. Although the creek has in many places overflown its banks, and consequently a much broader channel, we are completely surrounded with at least five feet of water in the shallowest place that we can escape from this by. After a breakfast by daybreak the animals are immediately sent for and, as the men start for them, drive before them our sheep for more than half a mile through a strong current, and swimming three-fourths of the time; they went over splendidly and were left on a piece of dry land until our camels and horses came and removed the stores etc., which fortunately they did with not very many of the things getting wet. The camels being brought in and loaded and out to where the sheep were first, I had two of them unloaded and sent back to carry to the dry ground any of the perishable articles such as ammunition, flour, tea, and sugar, which they brought in safety; for had it been put on the horses as usual, and not being able to keep them on our track, the probability is they would have to swim and completely destroy the ammunition and injure the other stores; the camels acted famously and from their great height were as good as if we had been supplied with boats. | |
Then one day I came again to Thursday Island, the place of pearls and pearl-shell which sits astride the strait that makes of New Guinea and Australia two separate lands, and encountered a man with a proposal which suited me exactly. It was that we should establish a coconut plantation at Cape York--that is to say, at Australia's uttermost north, the apex of that tremendous and almost completely unknown peninsula which, after half a thousand miles of paralleling the mighty Barrier Reef, thrusts up amid the islands of Torres Strait and towards New Guinea like a pointing finger. |
On looking over some old papers lately, I came across a journal of mine written upwards of thirty years ago, giving an account of the many difficulties and dangers which I experienced in taking up the now well-known pastoral station of Mount Abundance, in the colony of Queensland; and in the hope of its having sufficient interest to merit publication, I have compiled from this old diary the following narrative. | ||
On emigration, Mrs. Chisholm has produced, by indomitable perseverance, a deep impression, the results of which will long be acknowledged, as it has given life, energy, and moral character to an important and rising colony. She found the stream polluted, and she has purified it. The weak she has protected, and the poor she has sheltered tenderly and affectionately. With a woman's courage and resolution she has asserted the dignity of her sex, and caused the unscrupulous voluptuary to shrink appalled, and respect nature's loveliest creation, although in want and in rags. The chances, perils, and difficulties of a new far off home she has reduced; the outset rendered more independent, the voyage one of health, industry and protection, the reception kind and secure, and the future prospects of life one of earthly happiness. | ||
Emma (Mrs Allan)
As soon as I felt at all equal for any exertion I
was anxious to see a little more of our bush home. Accordingly, on
the evening of the day after our arrival I got up and took a short
ramble of discovery about the cottage and garden, extending my walk
to the banks of the river. On the whole, I was much pleased with
the result of my observations. Our station, as I have before mentioned, was situated in a beautiful valley, surrounded by high hills lightly wooded to the very summits. |
When, at a period comparatively recent in the world's history, the discovery was made that, on the face of the as yet unmeasured ocean, there existed a western continent which rivalled in extent the world already known, it became a subject of natural enquiry whether a fact of such momentous importance could for so many thousands of years have remained a secret. Nor was the enquiry entirely without response. Amid the obscurity of the past some faint foreshadowings of the great reality appeared to be traceable. The poet with his prophecy, the sage with his mystic lore, and the unlettered seaman who, with curious eye, had peered into the mysteries of the far-stretching Atlantic, had each, as it now appeared enunciated a problem which at length had met with its solution. | ||
Since the destruction of this building, [a play-house] the sources of amusement have been confined to cricket, cards, water-parties, shooting, fishing, hunting the kangaroo, etc. or any other pleasures which can be derived from society where no public place is open for recreations of any description. The officers of the colony have also built a private billiard-room, by subscription, for their own use; and if these amusements possess not that degree of attraction which is attached to dramatic representations, they cannot, on the other hand, be liable to those abuses, and produce those injurious consequences, which previously existed. | ||
War is waged by men; not by beasts, or by gods. It is a peculiarly human activity. To call it a crime against mankind is to miss at least half its significance; it is also the punishment of a crime. That raises a moral question, the kind of problem with which the present age is disinclined to deal. Perhaps some future attempt to provide a solution for it may prove to be even more astonishing than the last. | ||
Harriet Anne Patchett MARTIN |
It is certainly 'a far cry' from the Antipodes to England and back again. Yet in the name of my Australian sisters who have contributed to this little volume, I venture to express a hope that our 'Coo-ee' may succeed in making itself heard on either shore, and that its echoes may linger pleasantly around the Bush Station and by the English fireside. | |
Louisa Anne MEREDITH (1812-1895) |
Opposite the south shore of the Domain, and forming the other boundary of a beautiful cove, is another similar point or promontory, called still by the native name of Wooloomooloo (the accent being on the first and last syllables), on which a number of elegant villas have been erected by the more wealthy residents in Sydney, being to that place what the Regent's Park is to London. The views from many of these are beautiful in the extreme, looking down into two bays, one on either side, and beyond these to the town and port, with the magnificent heads of the harbour closing the seaward prospect. | |
Owing to her many engagements in other countries, Melba's house in Paris was at this time little more than a pied-a-terre for her; but she always made a point of being there during the holidays of her little son, who was at school in England, and whose home-comings were the brightest light in these days of ever-growing brilliancy. Every detail that could add to his wellbeing and increase his none too abundant physical vigour was the mother's constant care. No matter what the storm or stress of her professional life, no want of the little lad was too trifling for her attention. Pictures of the boy in every pose accompanied her on all her expeditions, and the fortune that had come so readily to her was doubly prized because of all it would mean in the future to her idolized only child. | |
John MILLER (pseudonym of William LANE) (1861-1917) |
To understand Socialism is to endeavour to lead a better life, to regret the vileness of our present ways, to seek ill for none, to desire truth and purity and honesty, to despise this selfish civilisation and to comprehend what living might be. Understanding Socialism will not make people at once what men and women should be but it will fill them with hatred for the unfitting surroundings that damn us all and with passionate love for the ideals that are lifting us upwards and with an earnest endeavour to be themselves somewhat as they feel humanity is struggling to be. From the Preface to The Workingmans' Paradise. | |
Ethel MILLS |
It was about a young wife--the most innocent of brides, who thought the world of her husband, and had no wish or look for other men. Yet the house was full of other men in those days, and they all gave thoughts or looks, more or less, to the prettiest woman in the district. Every evening she used to stand at her bedroom door, looking along the verandah, until she saw her husband returning from his work; and every evening he brought her a rose from the big bush by the steps. That was during the first months of her marriage. Next year, the rose-bush bore as abundantly as ever, but the man often forgot to pick a flower for her; and, after a time, he forgot altogether. | |
I...began to examine the work of that extremely
able group of men who had...developed theories of colonization,
with special reference to Australia, and had succeeded in putting
into practice, though imperfectly, many of their theories, of which
responsible government for colonies was one. The leader of this
group was Edward Gibbon Wakefield, whose name is familiar to every
student of land settlement in Australia. On examining the great
mass of literature, expository and controversial, which surrounds
his theory, I could find no book which seemed to do justice to
Wakefield's achievements in colonization and colonial policy. Much
of what has been written is polemical in character, and many of the works contemporary with Wakefield are spoilt by an obvious bias for or against him. Writings which were not guilty of these defects were for other reasons inadequate.--Preface to The Colonisation of Australia, 1829-1942. |
Thomas MITCHELL (1792-1855)
The same attraction which drew the greatest of discoverers westward. . .seemed to invite the Australian explorer northward; impelled by the wayward fortunes of the Anglo-Saxon race already rooted at the southern extremity of the land whose name had previously been "Terra Australis incognita." The character of the interior of that country still remained unknown, the largest portion of earth as yet unexplored. For the mere exploration, the colonists of New South Wales might not have been very anxious just at that time, but when the object of acquiring geographical knowledge could be combined with that of exploring a route towards the nearest part of the Indian Ocean, westward of a dangerous strait, it was easy to awaken the attention of the Australian public to the importance of such an enterprise. A trade in horses required to remount the Indian cavalry had commenced, and the disadvantageous navigation of Torres Straits had been injurious to it: that drawback was to be avoided by any overland route from Sydney to the head of the Gulf of Carpentaria. From Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia. | |
On this day of destiny he was in a particularly bad temper. He had been detached with his company to take charge of the new settlement at Moreton Bay in the remotest corner of his Majesty's dominions. He was a man of somewhat more than middle height, slender as a rapier is slender, of a steely, supple strength. Mounted on a hunter that he had ridden far, for his jack-boots were splashed with mud and his steel spurs blood-stained, he looked every inch a cavalry man rather than a foot soldier. His keen black eyes were upon the figure of Mary Worthington, as she rode ahead of him, and he hastened to overtake her. But she, disliking the appearance of him from the quick short glance she gave him, stopped at a wayside farriers with the pretence of having her horse's shoes looked over, and the man rode on into Tavistock. | ||
The following pages, of which I began the compilation when still engaged in the arduous work of Repatriation of the Australian troops in all theatres of war, were intended to be something in the nature of a consecutive and comprehensive story of the Australian Imperial Force in France during the closing phases of the Great War. I soon found that the time at my disposal was far too limited to allow me to make full use of the very voluminous documentary material which I had collected during the campaign. The realization of such a project must await a time of greater leisure. So much as I have had the opportunity of setting down has, therefore, inevitably taken the form rather of an individual memoir of this stirring period. While I feel obliged to ask the indulgence of the reader for the personal character of the present narrative, this may not be altogether a disadvantage. Having regard to the responsibilities which it fell to my lot to bear, it may, indeed, be desirable that I should in all candour set down what was passing in my mind, and should attempt to describe the ever-changing external circumstances which operated to guide and form the judgments and decisions which it became my duty to make from day to day. | ||
Patrick F.
(Cardinal) MORAN, Archbishop of Sydney (1830-1911) ![]() |
...the opinion very generally prevailed that the Island of Santo, the chief island of the New Hebrides, was the Great Land discovered by De Quiros. In the History of the Catholic Church in Australia I ventured to dissent from that opinion, and since then several papers bearing on the subject have appeared in the public press and in the Proceedings of the Geographical Society of Melbourne. | |
Edward E MORRIS (1843-1902) |
Stonewall , v. intr. 1876. 'Victorian Hansard,' Jan., vol. xxii. p. 1387: "Mr. G. Paton Smith wished to ask the honourable member for Geelong West whether the six members sitting beside him (Mr. Berry) constituted the 'stone wall' that had been spoken of? Did they constitute the stone wall which was to oppose all progress--to prevent the finances being dealt with and the business of the country carried on? It was like bully Bottom's stone wall. It certainly could not be a very high wall, nor a very long wall, if it only consisted of six." 1884. G. W. Rusden, 'History of Australia,' vol. iii. p. 405: "Abusing the heroic words of Stonewall Jackson, the Opposition applied to themselves the epithet made famous by the gallant Confederate General." 1894. 'The Argus,' Jan. 26, p. 3, col. 5: "The Tasmanians [sc. cricketers] do not as a rule stonewall." |
G E (George Ernest) MORRISON (1863-1920) | In the first week of February, 1894, I returned to Shanghai from Japan. It was my intention to go up the Yangtse River as far as Chungking, and then, dressed as a Chinese, to cross quietly over Western China, the Chinese Shan States, and Kachin Hills to the frontier of Burma. The ensuing narrative will tell how easily and pleasantly this journey, which a few years ago would have been regarded as a formidable undertaking, can now be done. | |
Samuel MOSSMAN and Thomas BANISTER | ...although changes are rapidly taking place in these young communities, yet we are confident that the traveller, with our book in his hand, some ten or even twenty years hence, will easily recognise the various cities, towns, districts, and estates herein described, however greatly they may have increased in extent and population; and we flatter ourselves that the tenour of our remarks on the social and political condition of the people are based upon those sound principles of human nature which will apply for all time. So that the intending colonist, who may be guided by our statements in his selection of a spot for his future labours, will find that we have neither exaggerated nor misrepresented the country or the inhabitants of any one locality. | |
The full title of this book is The Felonry of New South Wales, being a Faithful Picture of the Real Romance of Life in Botany Bay with Anecdotes of Botany Bay Society. Mudie's entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography describes the book as "an attack on all whom he fancied had opposed him in the colony. He also appeared before the select committee on transportation; though much of his evidence was removed from the report, enough remains to reveal his distorted mind. In 1840 Mudie returned to Sydney [he had gone to London before publication of the book], where he found himself no longer welcome, for his vindictive comments had lost him old friends. John Kinchela, son of the judge who had been maligned in the book, publicly horsewhipped Mudie in Sydney, and, when Mudie sued him, the £50 damages imposed on Kinchela were promptly paid by a subscription in the court. In 1842 Mudie returned to London, where he lived until his death on 21 May 1852 at Tottenham." ( |
Samuel MULLEN |
It is unnecessary to enlarge upon the events which crowded the remainder of the week. How Friday evening brought tidings that the enemy were bearing down upon the Heads, and how the fleet went off to engage them. How the land forces hurried off to the same quarter. How on Saturday it came out that the threatened attack on the Heads was only a feint after all, and that the main portion of the expedition had effected a landing at Westernport, and were strongly entrenched near Hastings, and how the troops were hurried back to Melbourne, and then on to Mordialloc to intercept the enemy's march. All this is matter of history, and need not be detailed here. | |
Philip Edward MUSKETT (?-1909) | Although this work fully deals with all the many matters connected with the art of living in Australia, its principal object is the attempt to bring about some improvement in the extraordinary food-habits at present in vogue. For years past the fact that our people live in direct opposition to their semi-tropical environment has been constantly before me. As it will be found in the opening portion of the chapter on School Cookery, the consumption of butcher's meat and of tea is enormously in excess of any common se nse requirements, and is paralleled nowhere else in the world. | |
N O |
Hume NISBET (1849-1923) |
The Professor was of that peculiar craft which flourished so much during the earlier centuries, and has more or less flourished ever since under various disguises. He belonged to the tribe of the witch of Endor, that profession of seers and fore-tellers whom King Saul tried to put down in his vigorous and virtuous years, and afterwards weakly consulted in his decline; the same craft which that modern Solomon, King James I. of England, so rigorously hunted to death, and which might have died naturally only for the efforts of the Pschychological Society, and that able editor of Border-land, the discoverer of the fourth dimension. | |
(1887-1947) and
On the twenty-third of December, 1787, His
Majesty's armed transport Bounty sailed from Portsmouth on
as strange, eventful, and tragic a voyage as ever befell an English
ship. Her errand was to proceed to the island of Tahiti (or
Otaheite, as it was then called), in the Great South Sea, there to
collect a cargo of young breadfruit trees for transportation to the
West Indies, where, it was hoped, the trees would thrive and thus,
eventually, provide an abundance of cheap food for the negro slaves
of the English planters. The events of that voyage it is the purpose of this tale to unfold. Mutiny on the Bounty, which opens the story, is concerned with the voyage from England, the long Tahiti sojourn while the cargo of young breadfruit trees was being assembled, the departure of the homeward-bound ship, the mutiny, and the fate of those of her company who later returned to Tahiti, where the greater part of them were eventually seized by H. M. S. Pandora and taken back to England, in irons, for trial. |
"We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan, In accents most forlorn, Outside the church, ere Mass began, One frosty Sunday morn. The congregation stood about, "It's looking crook," said Daniel Croke; From SAID HANRAHAN. |
John Boyle
O'REILLY (1844-1890)![]() |
"May the Lord help Moondyne Joe this day," said
another, "for he's chained to the stirrup of the only man living
that hates him."
The sympathizing gang looked after the party till they were hidden by a bend of the road; but they were silent under the eye of their warder. |
"It is not intended that this volume, which was almost finished for publication by my Mother before she died in England in 1911, should be taken as a life of John Macarthur of Camden. Its object is rather to place finally on record an authentic account of John Macarthur's connection with the introduction of Fine Wool into Australia, and of the keen interest he took in that industry and in all that concerned the welfare of the infant colony which he had adopted as his home. It has been compiled chiefly from letters and authenticated copies of letters found at Camden Park, and from MS. notes left by James and William, the sons of John Macarthur. All of these papers have been literally reproduced throughout; but other papers have been used and books quoted, when necessary, to link up the original materials into a connected history." | ||
This work includes extracts from Historical Records of Australia, Historical Records of New South Wales, History of New South Wales From its First Discovery to the Present Time (1811), by G. Paterson, and Proceedings of a General Court-Martial (1811) relating to Col. George Johnston. It includes biographical details of the main Protagonists, William Bligh, George Johnston and John Macarthur, together with details of the mutiny and trial. | |
John OXLEY (1785-1828)
. . .we passed over an excellent and rich country; alternately thick brush and clear forest, with small streams of water for near four miles more, when, to our great joy and satisfaction, we arrived on the sea-shore about half a mile from the entrance of what we saw (with no small pleasure), formed a port to the river which we had been tracing from Sea View Mount. Thus, after twelve weeks travelling over a country exceeding three hundred and fifty miles, in a direct line from the Macquarie River, without a single serious fatality, we had the gratification to find that neither our time nor our exertions had been uselessly bestowed; and we trusted that the limited examination, which our means would allow us to make of the entrance of this port, would ultimately throw open the whole interior to the Macquarie River, for the benefit of British settlers. We pitched our tent upon a beautiful point of land, having plenty of good water and grass; and commanding a fine view of the interior of the port and surrounding country. | |
P |
Edward PALMER (d. 1899) |
The writer came to Queensland two years before separation, and shortly afterwards took part in the work of outside settlement, or pioneering, looking for new country to settle on with stock. Going from Bowen out west towards the head oi the Flinders River in 1864, he continued his connection with this outside life until his death in 1899. Many of the original explorers and pioneers were known to him personally; of these but few remain. This little work is merely a statement of facts and incidents connected with the work of frontier life, and the progress of pastoral occupation in the early days. | |
Gilbert PARKER (1862-1932) | Volumes 2 and 3 contain stories which relate to Australia. | |
K. Langloh PARKER | Oolah the lizard was tired of lying in the sun, doing nothing. So he said, "I will go and play." He took his boomerangs out, and began to practise throwing them. While he was doing so a Galah came up, and stood near, watching the boomerangs come flying back, for the kind of boomerangs Oolah was throwing were the bubberahs. They are smaller than others, and more curved, and when they are properly thrown they return to the thrower, which other boomerangs do not. From 'Australian Legendary Tales' (The galah, and Oolah the lizard). | |
Alice Fox PARRY (c.1903-1951) | It was not such a simple procedure as they had imagined. There were certainly plenty of farms but these were either too small or too large, too remote from civilisation, or too expensive. At last, however, they succeeded in finding something which they thought would fit their needs. Situated in a fruit-growing district in the heart of mountainous country about 120 miles from Melbourne, the property had come on the market owing to the death of the owner, whose heir was disinclined to continue working the place, and was prepared to lease it with an option to purchase at the end of six months. They made hurried preparations for departure. Furniture had to be sold, suitable clothing bought and numerous articles for kitchen and household use, which had not been necessary in a flat, but which they considered would be essential for the country. The boys proved but broken reeds. Their heads in the clouds, their pockets stuffed with literature supplied by a benevolent if somewhat indiscriminate Government bureau. | |
A. B. 'Banjo' PATERSON (1864-1941)
When they reached the mountain's summit, even
Clancy took a pull. It well might make the boldest hold their breath; The wild hop scrub grew thickly, and the hidden ground was full Of wombat holes, and any slip was death. From 'The Man from Snowy River' |
Charles William PECK (1875-1945) |
Time was when the story-teller was an honoured man, when he dressed for his part, when the young people were educated in the lore of the land and the law of the land, by means of legend. But there is so much white blood in the people that practically none wish to bear the stories of the "Alcheringa," and so the stories have faded. But not all. | |
Ethel PEDLEY (c1860-1898) | The day Dot had lost her way she had been threading beads, and she still had upon her finger a ring of the pretty coloured pieces of glass. She saw the old Satin Bird look at this ring longingly, so she pulled it off, and begged that it might be added to the other decorations. It was instantly given the place of honour--over the entrance and above the piece of milk tin. | |
Orchids are usually termed the aristocrats of plant
life. The presence of over 130 species in Western Australia adds
considerable interest to the study of her magnificent and
world-famous flora.
West Australian orchids, which are practically all terrestrial, cannot be compared to some found in Brazil, the Malay States, India, and other tropical places, for size, vividness of colour, and bizarre marking. But their delicate tints, dainty fragility of form, the curious structure of many of the species, and their methods of fertilisation, constitute beauty that endears them to young and old, and characteristics that fascinate the botanist. |
Cabell frowned at the table. He knew that McGovern was weaving a
web round him, but how and where he did not know. McGovern's face,
at once lazily cheerful and slyly calculating, told him nothing. He
fidgeted with the meat-knife for a second or two, then dug it deep
into the table. Words impatiently escaped him again. "You must be a
monster, an absolute maniac, if you haven't got some purpose
treating him like that." He brushed the hair out of his eyes with a
gesture of helplessness. "Nobody could be so brutal, not even in
this country." |
Of the five zoologists appointed by the government, two remained in the Isle of France: two others who were taken ill at Timor, died through the fatigues of the second campaign, before they were able to reach, as it were, the shores which they were to explore. M. PERON being, therefore, the only one of his colleagues who was left, redoubled his zeal and activity. M. LESUEUR joined his efforts with those of his friend, and by the exertions of both, was prepared the valuable zoological collection which we now possess. More than one hundred thousand specimens of animals, large and small, are contained in it; amongst which are several important genera. There are also many more to be described, and the number of new species, according to the report of the professors of the museum, is upwards of two thousand five hundred. Thus by referring to the amount of those discovered by COOK, in his second voyage; as well as CARTERET, WALLIS, FURNEAUX, MEARS, and even VANCOUVER, we shall find that Messrs. PERON and LESUEUR alone, have discovered more new animals than all the naturalist voyagers of our times. | ||
Arthur PHILLIP (1738-1814)
The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay--This is an account of the voyage of the First Fleet, which sailed from England in 1787 and arrived in New South Wales on 26 January, 1788. This date is now commemorated as Australia Day. Arthur Phillip was the first Governor of the new colony. | |
John PINKERTON (1758-1826) | On the 24th of the same month, being in the latitude of 42 degrees 25 minutes south, and in the longitude of 163 degrees 50 minutes, I discovered land, which lay east-south-east at the distance of ten miles, which I called Van Diemen's Land. The compass pointed right towards this land. The weather being bad, I steered south and by east along the coast, to the height of 44 degrees south, where the land runs away east, and afterwards north-east and by north. In the latitude of 43 degrees 10 minutes south, and in the longitude of 167 degrees 55 minutes, I anchored on the 1st of December, in a bay, which I called the Bay of Frederic Henry. I heard, or at least fancied I heard, the sound of people upon the shore; but I saw nobody. From 'The Voyage of Francis Pelsart' | |
...A long account followed of the bride's family connections, in which the biographer touched upon the accident of sex that had deprived her of the hereditary honours; the ancient descent of the Gavericks, with a picture of the old Irish castle where Lady Bridget had been brought up--and so forth, and so forth. Mrs Gildea sighed as she read, and pictured in her imagination the wild wastes of the Never-Never Land and the rough head-station which was to be Lady Bridget's home. | ||
No man now living can either authenticate or authoritatively dispute the claim put forward in these memoirs. Did Daniel Kelly survive the Glenrowan tragedy, and was he actually saved, as is related by his brother? It is not my place to venture an opinion. Curious readers must answer the question for themselves... [From Dan Kelly Outlaw] | |
Weston Andrew PRICE (died 1948) |
The Australian Aborigines constitute one of the most unique primitive races that have come out of the past into our modern times and they are probably the oldest living race. We are particularly concerned with those qualities that have made possible their survival and cultural development. | |
QR |
An account of this expedition is also given by F and A JARDINE | |
Handel RICHARDSON (1870-1946) (Richardson's works are comprehensively covered by Perry Middlemiss at his Literature Site )
"If I only think what it would be like to be fixed up and settled, and able to live in peace, without this eternal dragging two ways . . . just as if I was being torn in half. And see Mother smiling and happy again, like she used to be. Between the two of you I'm nothing but a punch-ball. Oh, I'm fed up with it! . . . fed up to the neck. As for you . . . And yet you can sit there as if you were made of stone! Why don't you SAY something? BETTY! Why won't you speak?" From 'Two Hanged Women'. | |
The clerk who lives out his life in the rabbit-warren of the city of London by day, and in a cheap, pretentious, red-brick suburb by night, believes firmly that outside London not much matters. He lumps together the Canadian, the South African, the Australian, and the New Zealander under the slighting category of "colonials." He imagines them bowing themselves humbly before the majesty of the Londoner, taking their cues from London and reverencing it as the fount of all wisdom and might and wealth. | |
Morley ROBERTS (1857-1942)![]()
...He saw at last that this coat and his high hat alone were insufficient for civilisation. For full dress in a corroboree it might do. Unconsciously, he was so wrought upon by the purpose for which the coat had been built that he determined to reserve it for parties in the seclusion of the bush, where any merriment could be rightly checked by a crack from his waddy. He planted it carefully in a hollow log, and, having inserted himself with as much care into his discarded rags, he wondered off into the town. He got very intoxicated that night, and determined to have a party all by himself. | |
Our horses having now been two days without water, and eating but sparingly for want of it, I became anxious to obtain a supply for them, and fortunately succeeded next morning by digging in a small water-course we had followed down to the eastward. Here their pressing thirst was in a slight degree alleviated by ½ a bucket each of a red liquid, which was, nevertheless, fresh, and before the heat of the day came on we fortunately found an abundant supply of good water, in small pools in the midst of thickets and scrub, where little expected. The rush of the poor horses to it was so sudden and uncontrollable that they were all in the midst of the pool in an instant; and two of them carrying heavy loads were with difficulty unloaded and got out again. By this time we had passed to the S. side of the range, and found a continuation of the fresh pools in a water-course which descended from its south-eastern slopes; there was, however, a total absence of grass at this time, although there was reason to believe some good grass had covered the hill-sides previous to the last fires, which had swept all minor vegetation away, and left standing only that close thicket and scrub we heartily wished had shared the same fate. | ||
This work is notworthy for its account of, probably, only the second visit to Van Diemen's Land by Europeans. Julien-Marie Crozet captained their ship after the murder of Marc-Joseph (not Nicholas Thomas) Marion Dufresne in New Zealand. Appendix III contains a brief reference to the literature of New Zealand. (ebook editor.) | ||
Charles ROWCROFT (1798-1856) |
The increasing difficulty of maintaining a family in England, in which the competition for mere subsistence has become so keen; and the still greater difficulty of providing for children when their maturer years render it imperative on the parent to seek for some profession or calling on which they may rely for their future support, has excited among all classes a strong attention towards the colonies of Great Britain, where fertile and unclaimed lands, almost boundless in extent, await only the labour of man to produce all that man requires. | |
Steele RUDD (1868-1935) | Our selection adjoined a sheep-run on the Darling Downs, and boasted of few and scant improvements, though things had gradually got a little better than when we started. A verandahless four-roomed slab-hut now standing out from a forest of box-trees, a stock-yard, and six acres under barley were the only evidence of settlement. A few horses--not ours--sometimes grazed about; and occasionally a mob of cattle--also not ours--cows with young calves, steers, and an old bull or two, would stroll around, chew the best legs of any trousers that might be hanging on the log reserved as a clothes-line, then leave in the night and be seen no more for months--some of them never. From On Our Selection. | |
Henry Stuart RUSSELL (1818-1889)
An account of the first exploring journeys to and over Darling Downs: the earliest days of their occupation; social life; station seeking; the course of discovery, northward and westward; and a resumé of the causes which led to separation from new south wales. with portrait and fac-similes of maps, log, &c., &c. | |
"New Holland," he [Dampier] says, "is a very large tract of land. It is not yet determined whether it is an island or a main continent; but I am certain that it joyns neither to Africa, Asia, or America." Why he is certain he does not tell us, but he is too sagacious to err, though whilst he thus thinks, all that he sees of the vast territory is "low land with sandy banks against the sea." He devotes several pages to descriptions of the natives, telling us that they have no houses, that they go armed with a piece of wood shaped like a cutlass, that their speech is guttural, that in consequence of the flies which tease and sting their faces, they keep their eyelids half closed; and so forth. | |
S |
The captain's eyes ranging swiftly round the room, fell on Tristram standing up to his full height with his eyes blazing out under the dark mark on his white forehead, and with a fearful gash across his cheekbone. Black-eyed Poll stood before him, clinging to his arm. At the feet of the pair of them lay the motionless body of Jim the Sealer, with Kitty sobbing wildly over him. A Bush Bayad. | |
Henry SAVERY (1791-1842) |
Five and twenty years ago, New South Wales was not, what it has since become, an important English Colony, but partook more of the nature of a mere penal settlement for the reception of offenders, transported from the Mother Country, and was under a form of Government, precisely in keeping with this character. Still, some of the properties belonging to it, and which have subsequently served to exalt it to its present station, were known and appreciated; and scarcely was the anchor cast, than Quintus availed himself of every opportunity that the intercourse with the shore permitted, towards acquainting himself with such particulars, as he fancied might help to give a direction to his future movements. | |
Sir Ernest SCOTT(1867-1939) |
All Sydney people, and most of those who have visited the city, have seen the tall monument to Laperouse overlooking Botany Bay. Many have perhaps read a little about him, and know the story of his surprising appearance in this harbour six days after the arrival of Governor Phillip with the First Fleet. One can hardy look at the obelisk, and at the tomb of Pere Receveur near by, without picturing the departure of the French ships after bidding farewell to the English officers and colonists. Sitting at the edge of the cliff, one can follow Laperouse out to sea, with the eye of imagination, until sails, poops and hulls diminish to the view and disappear below the hazy-blue horizon. From 'Laperouse.' | |
George Firth SCOTT (c.1862-1935) |
There had been three years of drought, more or less
severe, over that portion of South Australia where Curriewildie
Station was situated; and what with the stock dying off in
thousands for want of food and water, and the damage done to fences
and such buildings as an outlying station boasts by bush fires, the
revenue returns sent in by the manager to the owner were not
exhilarating reading. She, poor old lady, was a resident in
England, and had been so during the ten years which had elapsed
since her husband, the original owner of the station, had died.
There had been some heavy amounts sent home before the drought set
in, and that, perhaps, was the reason why she took it into her head
that we who were employed on the property were robbing her. Any
way, that is what we thought, when one day, without a word of
warning, a young, fresh-faced Englishman arrived at the head
station with all the necessary documentary evidence to prove to
us--that is, Tom Smiles, the manager, and myself, the
overseer--that he had been sent out by Mrs. Halliday to take
immediate possession from us and send us about our business. --The Last Lemurian |
Percival SERLE (1871-1951) | The Dictionary took more than twenty years to complete and contains more than one thousand biographies of prominent Australians or persons closely connected with Australia. Serle comments in the Preface that "I have endeavoured to make the book worthy of its subject. It would have been better could I have spent another five years on it, but at seventy-five years of age one realizes there is a time to make an end." | |
SHACKLETON (1874-1922)
Go to the South Pole site for more information about Shackleton and South Pole exploration. |
When I returned from the Nimrod Expedition on which
we had to turn back from our attempt to plant the British flag on
the South Pole, being beaten by stress of circumstances within
ninety-seven miles of our goal, my mind turned to the crossing of
the continent, for I was morally certain that either Amundsen or
Scott would reach the Pole on our own route or a parallel one.
After hearing of the Norwegian success I began to make preparations
to start a last great journey---so that the first crossing of the
last continent should be achieved by a British Expedition. We failed in this object, but the story of our attempt is the subject for the following pages, and I think that though failure in the actual accomplishment must be recorded, there are chapters in this book of high adventure, strenuous days, lonely nights, unique experiences, and, above all, records of unflinching determination, supreme loyalty, and generous self-sacrifice on the part of my men which...still will be of interest to readers who now turn read...the tale of the White Warfare of the South. The struggles, the disappointments, and the endurance of this small party of Britishers, hidden away for nearly two years in the fastnesses of the Polar ice, striving to carry out the ordained task...make a story, which is unique in the history of Antarctic exploration. From "South" |
The scene of the new beginning here studied was a distant and at first despised part of the dowry of that fairest mistress "Trade", for whom Britain, Holland and France long fought. It was peopled first by outcasts, rebels and adventurers, stiffly governed for two generations by British officials, and to this day is largely financed by the British middle class. For a full century the little communities were outworks of the industrial revolution in Britain. In clearing the crowded gaols, in producing raw materials and food for the city-dwellers of the old land, they played a role of increasing importance in the grand speculation of industrialism--that experiment on which the British people have staked their capital, their mighty energy, their very life-blood. Australia emerged from the degradation of convictism by taking the place for which Spain had proved inadequate in the divided tasks of growing and manufacturing wool, both formerly discharged by Britain herself. (From the Preface to An Economic History of Australia.) | ||
...the archives of the Public Record Office of England have been successfully ransacked by the son of an early Victorian colonist, who has lately published the result of his five years' painstaking research. To Mr. Labilliere belongs the credit of having gathered from the vast collection of State Papers preserved in the Colonial and Admiralty offices in London most of the missing records; and, for the first time, we read in his volumes the true story of the first discovery and subsequent exploration of this province, given in the exact words of the men who did the work. But for some of these missing documents Mr. Labilliere sought in vain; and the Journals of Grimes and Knopwood, now published, are of that number. These fill up gaps in his collection, and their value will be best seen when read in connection with his full and clear narrative, which at the same time has rendered it unnecessary in this place to do more than sketch-in a few outlines left by Mr. Labilliere untouched. [See Labilliere, above] | ||
The Historical section contains, in twenty chapters...a sketch of the discovery and foundation of the Three Colonies, and the principal political and social events in their respective careers, between the landing of the first fleet in Port Jackson and the opening of the gold mines at Mount Alexander. In the preparation of the first seven chapters...I had, in addition to the oral information of old colonists and valuable MSS., the assistance of the works of Collins, Wentworth, &c. The remaining thirteen chapters, which include the administrations of Governors Bourke, Gipps, and Fitzroy, in New South Wales: the Land Question; Emigration Transportation; the Constitutional Contests of the first Australian Representative Council; and the whole History of the Colonisation of South Australia, are in the strictest sense of the term original. | ||
Helen de Guerry SIMPSON
Somewhere about the same year, 1837, Grandfather
Geraldine took ship for the same destination. I can give no
biography of him, except to say that he had all the scoundrelly
qualities of the best type of Irishman. He set out with the notion
that Australia would provide none of the luxuries of life at all,
and equipped himself accordingly with a wife, a wooden house
numbered in parts, a great many hogsheads of claret, and several
tons of Irish earth, which served during the voyage as ballast, and
afterwards as a foundation for the wooden house and a protection
against snakes. He set up the wooden house facing Sydney Harbour on the pleasant heights which overlook Rushcutter's Bay. Perhaps in that year people still were cutting rushes there, or purses for a change when any plutocrat was mad enough to take a stroll by its shores. It was rustic, with the arid yet exotic charm of Australian scenes before they become professional beauty-spots. The wooden house, too, was rustic, and must have looked paltry among the stone palaces which other pioneers had built with the help of convict labour, and which were staffed with a nice assortment of forgers, poachers, and even duellists who had been assigned as servants. From Boomerang. |
Many foolish little birds try to fly before they are strong enough, and so flutter to the ground, where they become easy prey to enemies. Karaway, the White Cockatoo, wasn't going to make similar mistakes. Barring accidents, he had a long life before him. Was not his great-great-grandmother over a hundred years old? There was, indeed, no need to hurry at the beginning. He was so well feathered, when his mother coaxed him out of the hollow spout at the top of a big red gum tree, that from the ground he and his parent looked as much alike as two peas. From an ugly, clumsy-looking, almost naked, dark-skinned infant, who nodded and rocked his big head and squawked all day, he had become a sprightly and elegant bird. [From Karaway the Cockatoo] | |
Daniel SOUTHWELL (1764-1797) |
[Southwell embarked as a midshipman in the Sirius in 1787 and was made a mate on the voyage to NSW.] The moskitos are very troublesome, and insects of almost every kind are here in g't number. The large ant, both black and brown, when they attack us give g't pain, tho' of no long duration, and is not attend'd with so tedious an itching as the bite of the small one occasion, who are almost as much to be fear'd as the muskitos. |
Mr. Hogarth, of Cross Hall, had been taken suddenly ill a few days previously, and had never recovered consciousness so far as to be able to speak, though he had apparently known those who were about him, and especially the two orphan nieces whom he had brought up as his daughters. He had no other near relations whom any one knew of, and had never been known to regret that the name of Hogarth, of Cross Hall, was likely to become extinct. He had the reputation of being the most eccentric man in the country, and was thought to be the most inconsistent. From 'Mr Hogarth's Will' | ||
Christopher SPOTSWOOD |
I certainly did love these people, and knew I should feel it much whenever I should part from them. No doubt I have omitted many things relating to them which I ought to have described and may think of at some future time, but I do not think I have flattered them. Some day perhaps an expedition may be fitted out to try and find them; that is, if my story is believed, which I think rather doubtful, seeing that there is only my unsupported word; and it was unfortunate that I had nothing to show from that country to confirm my statements. | |
The history of the Hawkesbury District between the years 1788 and 1794 consists of the discovery, exploration and naming of the river and its tributaries, among them the McDonald and the Colo Rivers, by Governor A. Phillip and Captains Collins, Johnston, Watkin, and Tench. These and others made several successive visits to the Hawkesbury River, reaching as far as Richmond Hill. In the year 1794 Lieut.-Governor Major Grose placed the first twenty-two settlers along the banks of the Hawkesbury River and South Creek, railed then Ruse's Creek, as James Ruse, the man who first grew wheat at Parramatta, had a grant of land at the junction of that stream with the Hawkesbury. The following year many more families were settled, and as the natives were troublesome, some troops from the N.S.W. Corps were sent up, and the settlement of Windsor, then called Green Hills, was fairly launched. | ||
George (A G) STEPHENS (1865-1933) [As Editor]
IN collating these stories and literary sketches from the files of The Bulletin, the aim has been to make an interesting book. It has not been attempted to choose the best examples of literary style. Judged by a high canon, our most talented story-writers are still only clever students of the art of writing. A mere two or three have been able to earn a living by the profession of literature, and even these have been obliged to make the perilous compromise with journalism. So the stories and sketches which follow are usually the literary dreams of men of action, or the literary realisation of things seen by wanderers. Usually they are objective, episodic, detached--branches torn from the Tree of Life, trimmed and dressed with whatever skill the writers possess (which often is not inconsiderable). —A G Stephens (Editor) | |
The moonlight flutters from the sky, To meet her at
the door, A little ghost, whose steps have passed, Across the creaking floor. And rustling vines that lightly tap, Against the window-pane, Throw shadows on the white-washed walls, To blot them out again. From 'A Little Ghost' by Mary Gilmore. |
Henry STEVENS (1855-1930) |
The recovery of the long-lost manuscript Relación of Captain Don Diego de Prado y Tovar, who accompanied Pedro Fernandez de Quiros on his famous voyage of exploration in the South Seas in 1605-6, is undoubtedly the most important "find" of virgin historical material made in modern times. It furnishes us for the first time with a detailed account of the discovery of Torres Strait and Northmost Australia, made during the continuation of the voyage to Manila by Prado and Torres after the parting of the ships at the Island of Espiritu Santo, whence Quiros returned to America. | |
John Lort STOKES (1811-1885)
Of the Australian shores, the North-western was the
least known, and became, towards the close of the year 1836, a
subject of much geographical speculation. Former navigators were
almost unanimous in believing that the deep bays known to indent a
large portion of this coast, received the waters of extensive
rivers, the discovery of which would not only open a route to the
interior, but afford facilities for colonizing a part of Australia,
so near our East Indian territories, as to render its occupation an
object of evident importance. His Majesty's Government therefore determined to send out an expedition to explore and survey such portions of the Australian coasts as were wholly or in part unknown to Captains Flinders and King. |
Louis STONE (1871-1935) |
On Saturday night they went to Bob Fenner's dance-room, or strolled down to Paddy's Market. When Jonah was flush, he took her to the "Tiv.", where they sat in the gallery, packed like sardines. If it were hot, Jonah sat in his shirtsleeves, and went out for a drink at the intermission. When they reached home, they stood in the lane bordering the cottage where Ada lived, and talked for an hour in the dim light of the lamp opposite, before she went in.--Jonah | |
John McDouall STUART (1815-1866)
Friday, 4th May, Gum and Spinifex Plains. At times this country is visited by blacks, but it must be seldom, as since we left the Fisher we have only seen the track of one, who seems to have come from the east, and to have returned in that direction. The spinifex in many places has been burnt, and the track of the native was peculiar--not broad and flat, as they generally are, but long and narrow, with a deep hollow in the foot, and the large toe projecting a good deal; the other in some respects more like the print of a white man than of a native. Had I crossed it the day before, I would have followed it. My horses are now suffering too much from the want of water to allow me to do so. If I did, and were not to find water to-night, I should lose the whole of the horses and our own lives into the bargain.... | |
Charles STURT (1795-1869)
I still retained a strong impression on my mind that some change was at hand, and on this occasion, I was not disappointed; but the view was one for which I was not altogether prepared. We had, at length, arrived at the termination of the Murray. Immediately below me was a beautiful lake, which appeared to be a fitting reservoir for the noble stream that had led us to it; and which was now ruffled by the breeze that swept over it. From 'Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia.' Volume. II. | |
Alexander SUTHERLAND (1852-1902) and George SUTHERLAND (1855-1905) ![]() |
Few of the early pioneers of Western and North-Western Queensland are now in the land of the living, and to collate any reminiscences of the distant past, of men and matters--the dangers and hardships they underwent through, droughts and floods, savage blacks, hunger and thirst, &c., &c.--may be of interest to many readers of the present day and to certain extent illustrate the hard conditions of life in the wild regions at that period. From Pioneering Days: Thrilling Incidents. |
The number of events described in a Source Book must necessarily be smaller than that in histories of another type; but the aim is to place the student in contact with the evidence of history in order that he may become his own historian by drawing his own deductions from the contemporary records. The greatest historian can find no materials ulterior to such as are here presented, for there is nothing ulterior to them but the deeds themselves. They are the records written by the men who gave their life and health to lay the foundation of Australia's greatness--by Phillip, weakening under the racking cares of the infant state; by Sturt in the scorching desert, as the last duty of an exhausting day. They are aglow with the heat of action; they are inspiring in their quiet modesty and strength. | |
T |
TASMA (1848-1897) |
Thomas and Anne Thompson were among those who determined to leave England for New South Wales. They had been married eight years; their family was increasing, and labor becoming scarcer and scarcer. They heard of other families emigrating and that they easily got high wages, and lived in plenty: so they thought with their four children they would do so also. They were both honest, hard working and strong people, and Anne had been well brought up by a careful and pious mother, who had lived many years as servant in the squire's family.--Tales of the Bush. | |
Abel Janszoon
TASMAN (c.1603-1659) ![]()
This land being the first land we have met with in the South Sea and not known to any European nation we have conferred on it the name of Anthony Van Diemensland in honour of the Honourable Governor-General, our illustrious master, who sent us to make this discovery; the islands circumjacent, so far as known to us, we have named after the Honourable Councillors of India, as may be seen from the little chart which has been made of them. | |
Watkin TENCH (1759-1833) |
The dread of want in a country destitute of natural resource is ever peculiarly terrible. We had long turned our eyes with impatience towards the sea, cheered by the hope of seeing supplies from England approach. But none arriving, on the 2nd of October the 'Sirius' sailed for the Cape of Good Hope, with directions to purchase provisions there, for the use of our garrison. From 'A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson.' | |
Northcote W THOMAS (1868-1936)
It is becoming an axiom in anthropology that what is needed is not discursive treatment of large subjects but the minute discussion of special themes, not a ranging at large over the peoples of the earth past and present, but a detailed examination of limited areas. This work I am undertaking for Australia, and in the present volume I deal briefly with some of the aspects of Australian kinship organisations, in the hope that a survey of our present knowledge may stimulate further research on the spot and help to throw more light on many difficult problems of primitive sociology. | |
William H THOMES (1824-1895) |
The mines are overrun with ruffians, who have no fear of law, and can only be kept in awe by courage superior to their own. Of this we were quickly made acquainted, as we were considered, by the old residents, green, having but recently arrived, and not yet learned the mysteries of Ballarat. | |
(1844-1933) |
Tuesday, April 16th.--Camp No. 12. Bar. 27.580in., ther. 56° at dawn.--Very heavy dew during the night, but a most lovely morning. Our arrangements all completed, we packed up and started. Mr. MacDonald kindly gave me all the fat of a bullock that he killed last night. Many and various have been the attentions that we have received from this kind-hearted gentleman during our stay near his homestead, among others was a liberal supply of fresh milk sent down to our camp every morning, besides which, upon hearing that my watch was broken, he very generously lent me his for the journey. It will be understood that a timekeeper is a most important item in the outfit of such a party; observation for position would be almost impossible without one. | |
H J (Henry James) TOMPKINS (1860-1942)
If, my jaded and fagged friend of the city--if you
would venture upon a new experience, you will want to know where
you can go. Possibly you know only of the ordinary tourist resorts.
Well, Mr. Tompkins here sets before you some two or more scores of
interesting trips well within the reach of everybody. Here are
short and easily negotiable trips, occupying but a few hours, which
the author has verified from actual experience. The practice is
with him as well as myself, to construe the verb "to go"
into "to go afoot. Given good health, a holiday, some few
modest coins of the realm, and a live companion, you will here find
entrance into Arcady, or the Cambewarra, which, I take it is
geographically the same; your midday meal is enjoyed in the open,
and a clean bed and plain fare at dusk in some quiet unpretentious
village inn; at break of day you start, and away you go with your
swag and your staff, "While the winds up aloft whistle to a
tune." --From the Introduction by W Mogford Hamlet. |
Anthony TROLLOPE (1815-1882) | "He knows more about sheep than any man this side of the Mary," said her husband. From all this I trust the reader will understand that the Christmas to which he is introduced is not the Christmas with which he is intimate on this side of the equator--a Christmas of blazing fires in-doors, and of sleet arid snow and frost outside--but the Christmas of Australia, in which happy land the Christmas fires are apt to be lighted--or to light themselves--when they are by no means needed. | |
James TUCKER (1808-1888) | Again, it was the policy of the superintendent to put two gangs of similar strength at the same kind of work within view of each other, when the overseers would vie one with the other to try which could get most done; and dire was then the cursing, swearing, raging and tearing of the rivals, who would goad on their men every instant with threats of the torturing lash, uttered with all the real arrogance of low-bred jacks-in-office, who, it need hardly be said, were capable of any atrocity themselves, and would commit any crime rather than descend from their ill-sustained eminences to work among their fellows. This is premised, lest the reader should scarcely believe what follows; yet there are many scores now alive in New South Wales who can vouch for the truth of the leading features. | |
Mark TWAIN (1835-1910) | We changed [rail] cars. This was at Albury. And it was there, I think, that the growing day and the early sun exposed the distant range called the Blue Mountains. Accurately named. "My word!" as the Australians say, but it was a stunning color, that blue. Deep, strong, rich, exquisite; towering and majestic masses of blue--a softly luminous blue, a smouldering blue, as if vaguely lit by fires within. It extinguished the blue of the sky--made it pallid and unwholesome, whitey and washed-out. A wonderful color--just divine. | |
Richard TWOPENY (1857-1915) |
Victoria has invented a set of rules for herself--a kind of compound between the Rugby Union and Association. South Australia plays the Victorian game. I suppose it is a heresy for an old Marlburian to own it, but after having played all three games, Rugby, Association and Victorian--the first several hundred times, the second a few dozen times, and the third a couple of score of times--I feel bound to say that the Victorian game is by far the most scientific, the most amusing both to players and onlookers, and altogether the best; and I believe I may say that on this point my opinion is worth having. Of course, men who are accustomed to the English games, and have not played the Victorian, will hold it ridiculous that the solution of the best game of football problem should be found, as I believe it has been found, in Melbourne. But I would ask them to remember that the Victorian game was founded by rival public school men, who, finding that neither party was strong enough to form a club of its own, devised it--of course not in its present elaborate state--as a compromise between the two. | |
UVW | ||
George VANCOUVER (1757-1798) | Although the considerations adverted to in the foregoing chapter, rendered it impracticable to explore the s.w. coast of New Holland to the extent my wishes first led me to imagine, and prevented our ascertaining its boundary and connection with, or separation from, Van Dieman's Land; yet the information we have acquired, will open a field to those whose duty it may hereafter be to perform that task; by shewing, that its s.w. part may be approached with the greatest safety, as its shores are bold with regular soundings to the distance of 8 or 9 leagues; and by the discovery of the very excellent harbour in King George the Third's Sound. Considering therefore its situation and conveniences as likely to become of material importance to those whose pursuits may induce them to navigate this and the pacific ocean, it may not be uninteresting to detail, in a more particular manner, the circumstances that occurred during our visit to a country hitherto so little known to Europeans. | |
James Hardy VAUX (fl. 1812) |
This is a dictionary of Australian slang, and the earliest dictionary of any kind produced in Australia. With the utmost deference and respect, I beg leave to submit to your perusal the following sheets. The idea of such a compilation first originated in the suggestion of a friend; and however the theme may be condemned as exceptionable by narrow minds, I feel confident you possess too much liberality of sentiment to reject its writer as utterly depraved, because he has acquired an extensive knowledge on a subject so obviously disgraceful. True it is, that in the course of a chequered and eventful life, I have intermixed with the most dissolute and unprincipled characters, and that a natural quickness of conception, and most retentive memory, have rendered me familiar with their language and system of operations. |
Mary Theresa VIDAL (1815-1873)![]() |
Grace made an excellent managing wife. No cottage
was cleaner or more tasty, no meals so well cooked. No man turned
out so neat and well dressed as William. The rent was always paid,
and all things prospered. Grace worked hard; but as evening came,
she never failed to be at the garden paling to catch the first
look, and if it was fine, they had their evening stroll. No woman, as she afterwards said, was ever half so happy; alas for the blossom which had no root, and which the first wintry storm crushed to the ground for ever! |
Edward Gibbon WAKEFIELD (1796-1862)
All that you read in the works of Wentworth and Cunningham, as to the healthfulness and beauty of the climate, is strictly true. There are scarcely any diseases but what result immediately from intemperance. Dropsy, palsy, and the whole train of nervous complaints, are common enough; but then, drunkenness is the vice par excellence of the lower orders; and the better class of settlers have not learned those habits of temperance which are suited to the climate of Naples. The two classes often remind me of English Squires and their grooms, as I used to see them at Florence, just after the peace; the masters drinking at dinner, because they were abroad, and after dinner because they were Englishmen; the servants drinking always, because wine and brandy were cheap. Perhaps a generation must pass away before the people here will accommodate their habits to the climate, which is that of Italy, without either malaria or the sirocco. From A Letter from Sydney. | |
Frederick WALKER (c.1820-1866) | Nov. 26.--I had to go up the river 8 miles before I could get a crossing-place, and last night's rain had made the ground so heavy that the horses were much distressed. I therefore camped as soon as we had crossed. This morning Jemmy Cargara, in collecting the horses, found Burke's trail returning across the plain, and going S.S.E. | |
James Backhouse WALKER |
The discovery of Tasmania and New Zealand was no chance adventure. It was the result of a steady policy. It was the outcome of the adventurous energy which in the 16th and 17th centuries created the Dutch Republic; gave to Holland her Colonial Empire; and--not content with her possession of the Eastern Archipelago--sent out her sailors to search for a New world in the unknown regions of the mysterious South. Tasman and Visscher are but types of the men who won for their country her once proud position of mistress of the seas. From the Preafe to Abel Janszoon Tasman: His Life and Voyages. | |
Dorothy WALL (1894-1942)
The bush was alive with excitement. Mrs Koala had a brand new baby, and the news spread like wildfire. The kookaburras in the highest gum-trees heard of it, and laughed and chuckled at the idea. In and out of their burrows the rabbits came scuttling, their big brown eyes opening wide with wonder as they heard the news. Over the grass the message went where Mrs Kangaroo was quietly hopping towards her home. She fairly leapt in the air with joy. "I must tell Mr Kangaroo!" she cried and bounded away in great hops and leaps. | |
James Morgan WALSH (1897-1952) |
We never felt the lift, the Cosmos rose so lightly from the slips. Insulated from all sound as we were in the cabin, we heard none of the blare of departure either. Only, the warning glow of the red bulb above the dial chart on the opposite wall told us that New York, the whole American continent indeed, was sliding away beneath us. | |
Peter WARBURTON (1813-1889) |
I was much vexed at my carelessness in not knowing there was to be a total eclipse of the moon. I might have been prepared to some extent by rating my Adelaide timekeeper, and getting my true time at camp, and though I had no telescope that would note the different contacts and phases accurately, I might have approximately corrected my longitude. Taken by surprise, when the eclipse commenced, I could get nothing to be safely relied upon, though I tried. It was a splendid sight, and our view was perfect. The moon was at its full, and the eclipse commenced shortly after sundown, lasting for about two hours, during half of which time it was total. After an hour the shadow began to move off. | |
Price WARUNG (1855-1911)![]() |
Big, burly Tom M'Grundy, with the thirst of a sponge, features of a red, red nose, the heart of an angel, and the financial genius of a Wilkins Micawber--his I. O. U.s and P. N.s would have covered the Old Man Plain with a pavement of tesselated indebtedness--drove up to the boats as they were raising steam for the trip to Echuca. | |
Thomas WATLING (b. 1762) |
The letters were written to his aunt in Dumfries "giving a particular account of the settlement of New South Wales, with the customs and manners of the inhabitants." The air, the sky, the land, are objects entirely different from all that a Briton has been accustomed to see before. The sky clear and warm; in the summer very seldom overcast, or any haze discernable in the azure; the rains, when we have them, falling in torrents, & the clouds immediately dispersing. Thunder, as said, in loud contending peals, happening often daily, & always within every two or three days, at this season of the year. Eruscations and flashes of lightning, constantly succeeding each other in quick and rapid succession. The land, an immense forest, extended over a plain country, the maritime parts of which, are interspersed with rocks, yet covered with venerable majestic trees, hoary with age, or torn with tempests.--In a word, the easy, liberal mind, will be here filled with astonishment, and find much entertainment from the various novel objects that every where present themselves. |
Frederick WATSON (1878-1945)
BY the appointment of Lachlan Macquarie as governor of New South Wales, the government showed that English opinion had changed regarding the qualifications required by the man who was to administer and control the affairs of the distant colony. Macquarie's predecessors had been naval officers. When captain William Bligh had been appointed at a salary of £2,000 per annum, it had been recognised that the growth and importance of the settlements made it necessary that an officer of not less than flag rank should hold the position. The disastrous result of placing a stern, outspoken naval post-captain in the command of a colony where the military party was predominant had been shown in the usurpation of Bligh's government. The appointment of a military governor of equal rank was determined, and the final selection was made of Macquarie. Instead of being accustomed to the bluff manners of the quarter-deck, Macquarie was courteous and politic. He had served on the staffs of the earls of Harrington and Cavan, Sir Robert Abercromby, Sir David Baird, and General James Stuart, and by experience had acquired the attributes necessary for an executive officer to avoid friction and useless controversies. | |
Henry Brereton Marriott WATSON (1863-1921) | As I was rejoining her a strange low whirring was audible, and looking up I saw in a corner of the high-arched roof a horrible face watching me out of black narrow eyes. I confess that I was very much startled at the apparition, but the next moment realized what it was. The creature hung with its ugly fleshy wings extended over a grotesque stone head that leered down upon me, its evil-looking snout projecting into the room; it lay perfectly still, returning me glance for glance, until moved by the repulsion of its presence I clapped my hands, and cried loudly; then, slowly flitting in a circle round the roof, it vanished with a flapping of wings into some darker corner of the rafters. Mrs Batty was astounded, and expressed surprise that it had managed to conceal itself for so long.--From The Stone Chamber | |
[a.k.a Alwyn Alverstoke, E.J.W., and Edwin Halstead]
Both horse and rider were manifestly weary. The scrubby ridges and broken gullies, characteristic of the Upper Dawson country of Queensland, seemed interminable. Over the ridge, longer and more forbidding than previous ones, the rays of a fast-disappearing sun shed a lustre that made it almost beautiful. The young man on the flea-bitten grey drew rein mechanically, and muttered an imprecation. He was dressed bush fashion--slouch hat, Crimean shirt, serviceable riding pants, and a belt out of which protruded the handle of a murderous-looking revolver. His carriage and demeanor denoted connection at some time or other with one of Her Majesty's services. He had the confidence which comes of training and discipline, and the reckless abandon which only youth and excellent health can give. Turning in his saddle, he glanced around him. "By Jove," he muttered, "this has been a most trying day. It looks like camping out again, and sleeping with one eye open in case of blacks." |
Thomas E. WELLS (1782-1833) |
Michael Howe...was born at Pontefract in Yorkshire in the year 1787, and was bound apprentice to a merchant vessel at Hull; but he served only two years when he ran away and entered on board a man-of-war. In the year 1811 he was apprehended for robbing a miller on the highway, and tried at the York assizes following; but from an informality in the indictment the capital part of the charge was abandoned, and he received sentence of seven years transportation. He arrived at this settlement in the ship Indefatigable, Captain Cross, in the month of October 1812. |
Charles WENTWORTH (1792-1872) ![]() |
The animals are, the kangaroo, native dog, (which is a smaller species of the wolf,) the wombat, bandicoot, kangaroo rat, opossum, flying squirrel, flying fox, etc. etc. There are none of those animals or birds which go by the name of "game" in this country, except the heron. The hare, pheasant and partridge are quite unknown; but there are wild ducks, widgeon, teal, quail, pigeons, plovers, snipes, etc. etc., with emus, black swans, cockatoos, parrots, parroquets, and an infinite variety of smaller birds, which are not found in any other country. In fact, both its animal and vegetable kingdoms are in a great measure peculiar to itself. | |
At the era of discovery by Tasman, Van Diemen's Land was inhabited. He heard, or thought he heard, the voices of people and the sound of a trumpet: he noticed the recently cut notches, five feet asunder, on the bark of the trees, and he saw the smoke of fires. He inferred that they possessed some unusual method of climbing, or that their stature was gigantic. In the sound, the colonist recognises the vocal cooey of the aborigines, and learns from the steps "to the birds' nests," that they then hunted the opossum, and employed that method of ascent, which, for agility and daring has never been surpassed. Thus, during more than 150 years, this country was forgotten; and such were the limits of European knowledge, when the expedition of Cook was dispatched by Great Britain to explore this hemisphere. No navigator brought larger views, and a temper more benevolent, to the task of discovery. To some nations he opened the path of civilisation and religion: to this race he was the harbinger of death. Volume 2 | ||
WESTGARTH (1815-1889) ![]() |
Entering Port Phillip on the morning of the 13th December, 1840, we were wafted quickly up to the anchorage of Hobson's Bay on the wings of a strong southerly breeze, whose cool, and even cold, temperature was to most of us an unexpected enjoyment in the middle of an Australian summer. A small boat came to us at the anchorage containing Mr. and Mrs. D.C. McArthur and others who had friends or relations on board, and who told us that for some days there had been excessive heat and a hot wind, which had now reacted in this southerly blast, to go on probably into heavy rain, the country being excessively dry. | |
The early history of bushranging in
Australia will never be written, for the facts have never been
recorded. Limited though the colony was in extent, its
literature--even its journalism--was still more limited. Moreover,
the first men who "took the bush" were neither important
nor interesting enough to obtain more than a passing mention in
those Governors' despatches which are our chief authorities for
early colonial history. Owing to the stringent military rule during
the first years of convict settlement, the unknown character of the
country, and the absence of prey in the shape of men with money or
other possessions (the aborigines being the only occupants of the
soil outside the properly formed settlements), those who were
called bushrangers then were simply men who had broken away from
their gangs in the hope of escaping from the torture of labour
under Government. The name has been made to carry a very different
meaning since then, being applied to men who, some from choice and
some from necessity, ranged the bush as freebooters,
"sticking-up" settlers and travellers and demanding in
orthodox style "your money or your life." From: History of Australian Bushranging. |
John WHITE (1757/8-1832) |
26 January, 1788. At ten o'clock the Sirius, with all the ships, weighed, and in the evening anchored in Port Jackson, with a few trifling damages done to some of them, who had run foul of each other in working out of Botany Bay. Port Jackson I believe to be, without exception, the finest and most extensive harbour in the universe, and at the same time the most secure, being safe from all the winds that blow. It is divided into a great number of coves, to which his excellency has given different names. That on which the town is to be built, is called Sydney Cove. It is one of the smallest in the harbour, but the most convenient, as ships of the greatest burden can with ease go into it, and heave out close to the shore. Trincomalé, acknowledged to be one of the best harbours in the world, is by no means to be compared to it. In a word, Port Jackson would afford sufficient and safe anchorage for all the navies of Europe. The Supply had arrived the day before, and the governor, with every person that could be spared from the ship, were on shore, clearing the ground for the encampment. In the evening, when all the ships had anchored, the English colours were displayed; and at the foot of the flag-staff his Majesty's health, and success to the settlement, was drank by the governor, many of the principal officers, and private men who were present upon the occasion. | |
William John WILLS
We proceeded down the creek for seven miles, crossing a branch running to the southward, and followed a native track leading to that part of the creek where Mr. Burke, Mr. Wills, and King encamped after their unsuccessful attempt to reach Mount Hopeless and the northern settlements of South Australia, and where poor Wills died. We found the two gunyahs situated on a sand-bank between two waterholes and about a mile from the flat where they procured nardoo seed, on which they managed to exist so long. Poor Wills's remains we found lying in the wurley in which he died, and where King, after his return from seeking for the natives, had buried him with sand and rushes. From Mr Howitt's diary. | |
The complete title of this work provides an apt description of its contents: "Narrative of a Voyage Round the world comprehending an account of the wreck of the ship "Governor Ready," in Torres Straits; a description of the British Settlements on the coasts of New Holland, more particularly Raffles Bay, Melville Island, Swan River, and King George's Sound; also, the manners and customs of the Aboriginal Tribes; with an Appendix, containing remarks on transportation, the treatment of convicts during the voyage, and advice to persons intending to emigrate to the Australian Colonies." |
William Bramwell WITHERS (1823-1913)
This little History, in eight chapters, only touches a few of the more prominent incidents connected with pastoral settlement and the gold discovery in the Ballarat district. The compiler has seen the growth of the town from a mere collection of canvas tents among the trees and on the grassy slopes and flats of the wild bush to its present condition. Less than 20 years ago there was not a house where now stands this wealthy mine and farm-girdled city, whose population is nearly equal to the united populations of Oxford and Cambridge, and exceeding by several thousands the united populations of the cities of Winchester, Canterbury, Salisbury, and Lichfield at the time of the gold discovery. This is one of the truths which are magnificently stranger than fiction. | |
The object of this work is to preserve, before civilization has made them obsolete, the traditions and customs of the aboriginal natives of the North-West of Western Australia--particularly those of the Pilbarra district--as accurately as possible, based upon upwards of twenty years' observation. | |
George WITTON (1874-1942) Harry "Breaker" Morant is covered at Perry Middlemiss' Literature Site |
I have not attempted to defend the doings of the ill-starred
Bushveldt Carbineers, or the policy of those who employed them. |
The story may begin in a Greek Utopia, written by
an author named Theopompus about 350 B.C.
"At length in process of talk Selenus told Midas of certain islands named Europia, Asia, and Libia, which the Ocean Sea circumscribeth and compasseth round about; and that without this world there is a continent or parcel of dry land which in greatness is infinite and immeasurable"; and he told of its "green meadows and pasture plots," its "big and mighty beasts," its gigantic men, who, "in the same climate exceed the stature of us twice," its "many and divers cities, its laws and ordinances clean contrary to ours." [From: The Discovery of Australia] [From these initial words Wood takes us on a voyage of discovery
through the centuries. This culminates in Cook's landing on the
east coast of Australia and Flinders' mapping of the
continent.] |
George B WORGAN (1757-1838) |
I think I hear You saying, "Where the D--ce is Sydney Cove Port Jackson"? and see You whirling the Letter about to find out the the Name of the Scribe: Perhaps You have taken up Salmons Gazetteer, if so, pray spare your Labour, and attend to Me for half an Hour--We sailed from the Cape of Good Hope on the 12th of November 1787-- As that was the last civilized Country We should touch at, in our Passage to Botany Bay We provided ourselves with every Article, necessary for the forming a civilized Colony, Live Stock, consisting of Bulls, Cows, Horses Mares, Colts, Sheep, Hogs, Goats Fowls and other living Creatures by Pairs. We likewise, procured a vast Number of Plants, Seeds & other Garden articles, such, as Orange, Lime, Lemon, Quince Apple, Pear Trees, in a Word, every Vegetable Production that the Cape afforded. Thus Equipped, each Ship like another Noah's Ark, away we steered for Botany Bay, and after a tolerably pleasant Voyage of 10 Weeks & 2 Days Governour Phillip, had the Satisfaction to see the whole of his little Fleet safe at Anchor in the said Bay. | |
Updated 20 July 2020