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The pages relating to Dr. Widger's Library were created and maintained by Dr. Charles David Widger, M.D. (1932-2021).


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4,840 EBOOKS

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         A to J
Abbott Seven Wives and Prisons
JSC Abbott Index: American Pioneers
Adams Orations
A.Adams The Outlet
H.Adams Democracy An American Novel
E.Adams The Inhumanity of Socialism
S.H.Adams Average Jones
F.C.Adams Manuel Pereira
B.Adams Emancipation of Massachusetts
Hrt.Adams Dawn
Adeler Frictional Electricity
Adler Creed And Deed
AEschylus Suppliant Maidens
Aesop Aesop's Fables
Aiken The House of Dust
Ainsworth Windsor Castle
Alberger Monks and Popes
Alcott Eight Cousins
Alden Ester Ried Yet Speaking
Aldrich Stories
Alger Novels
Allen A Woman With Tenacity
E.A.Allen The Prehistoric World
Ethan Allen Reason, The Only Oracle
Ethan Allen Capture of Ticonderoga
J.L. Allen Bride of the Mistletoe
S.P. Allen Trooper With Sheridan
Allison The Delicious Vice
Altsheler Scouts of the Valley
Ambient Oh! Suzannah
Anderson Fairy Tales
S.Anderson Windy McPherson's Son
Andreyev Crushed Flower and Others
Ames Mayflower and Her Log
Amiel Amiel's Journal
Angellotti The Firefly Of France
Anonymous Works of Unknown Authors
Appleton Tom SwiftDiamond Makers
Apuleius The Golden Asse
Arbuthnot History of John Bull
Aristophanes Lysistrata
Aristotle Poetics
Arnold The Light of Asia
Arthur Cast Adrift
Atkinson Greyfriars Bobby
Auerbach Gellert's Last Christmas
Augustine Confessions of
Aurelius Meditations
J.Austen Eight Novels
M.Austin Land of Little Rain
Ayer Great NorthWestern Conspiracy
Babbage Decline of Science in England
Bacheller Eben Holden
F.Bacon Essays
J.M.Bacon Dominion of the Air
J.M.Badger The Lost City
Bailey Vignettes Of San Francisco
Baker The Friendly Road
S.W.Baker In the Heart of Africa
Baldwin The Story of Siegfried
Balzac 102 Stories
Ball The Voice on the Wire
Ballou Fanny Campbell
Bandini History of California
Banfield Tropic Days
Bangs The Enchanted Typewriter
Bannerman Little Black Sambo + Mingo
Barca Life Is A Dream
Barber The Aeroplane Speaks
Barker Kansas Women in Literature
Lady Barker Station Amusements
Barnard Behind A Mask
Barnum Art of Money Getting
Barney L. P. M.
Baroja Cæsar or Nothing
Barr Remember the Alamo
R.Barr Jennie Baxter, Journalist
A.Barr The Paper Cap
Barrie Peter Pan
Baring Orpheus in Mayfair and Others
Barrus Our Friend John Burroughs
Bastiat Works of Bastiat
Bazin The Ink Stain
Beach Air Service Boys
Beale The Ghost of Guir House
Beasley Bret Harte Country
Beauchamp German Garden
Beck Ninth Vibration And Others
Becke Novels
Becker Eve of the Revolution
Bede Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green
Bedier Tristan and Iseult
Beerbohm Seven Men
Beethoven Man and Artist
Bellamy Stories
Belloc The Path to Rome
Benet Young Adventure
Bennett The Grand Babylon Hotel
Benson Michael
Bentley Trent's Last Case
Bentzon (Mme. Blanc) Jacqueline
Bernard Gerfaut
Bernard Gerfaut
Beresford Psychical Tale
Bernhardt My Double Life
Besant My Path to Atheism
BethamEdwards East of Paris
Bierce Essays
Biggers The Agony Column
Biggs Drake's Great Armada
Bindloss The Girl From Keller's
Birmingham Novels
Birrell Obiter Dicta
Björnson Novels
Blackburn Artists and Arabs
Blackmantle The English Spy
Blackmore Novels
Blades Enemies of Books
Blatchford God and my Neighbour
Blavatsky Caves and Jungles of Hindostan
Bojer The Great Hunger
Bone The Lani People
Boswell Life of Johnson
Boulanger Life of St. Paul
Bourrienne Memoirs of Napoleon
Bower Good Indian
Boyesen A GoodForNothing
Bradlaugh Freethinkers
Bradley Story of the Pony Express
Bramah The Mirror of Kong Ho
Brand The Seventh Man
Bresse L'Histoire Des Vaudois
Bridge Journal of an African Cruiser
Brighouse Hobson's Choice
Brine Grandma's Memories
Brightwell Georgie's Present
Brockwell Leonardo da Vinci
Bronte Poems
Brooke Collected Poems
N. Brooks First Across the Continent
E. Brooks True Story of Columbus
Brown Clotelle
C.B.Brown Carwin the Biloquist
J.Brown Rab and His Friends
Browne Robbery Under Arms
Browning A Blot In The 'Scutcheon
Bruce Back To Billabong
Buchan The Path of the King
Buchanan Foxglove Manor
Buck The Agrarian Crusade
Bullen Cruise of the Cachalot
Bulwer The Fallen Star
BulwerLytton Novels, etc.
Bunce Fairy Tales; Their Origin
Burgess Adventures of Reddy Fox
Burke Conciliation with America
Burnett RackettyPacketty
Burney Madame D'Arblay
Burnham Jewel
Burns Poems and Songs
Burr Bacon And Shakspere
Burroughs Novels
J. Burroughs Birds and Bees
Burt SnowBlind
Burton Vikram and the Vampire
Bury The Idea of Progress
Butler Water Goats and Other Troubles
S.Butler God the Known and Unknown
Byron Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
Cæsar Commentaries, Books IIV
Caine The Scapegoat
Caldwell Legends of San Francisco
Calhoun Legends of San Francisco
Calthrop The Harlequinade
Campan Marie Antoinette
Campanella City of the Sun
Campbell Battle of The Press
Cannon Prophet in Utah
Cardozo Altruist in Politics
Will Carleton   Farm Ballads
Carleton Irish Stories
Carlile Address to Men of Science
Carlyle French Revolution and Others
Carpenter Pagan and Christian Creeds
Carr Nan Sherwood at Pine Camp
Carroll Stories
Carter California Mission Stories
Casson History of the Telephone
Casanova Memoirs
Cassels Supernatural Religion
Cather Stories
Catherwood Mackinac Tales
Cervantes Don Quixote (Illust.)
Chamberlin New Religion
Chambers Between Friends
Chapin The Crown of Thorns
Chaplin Stories
Chappell Cruise of the Kawa
Chase The Penance of Magdalena
Chatrain The Dean's Watch
Chaucer Troilus and Criseyde
Chekhov Schoolmistress and Others
Cherbuliez Samuel Brohl & Company
Chesterfield Letters to His Son
Chesterton Writings
Child Magician's Show Box
Chopin The Awakening and Others
Christie Mysterious Affair at Styles
Church Stories from Livy
Churchill Novels
W.S.Churchill   The River War
Cicero Friendship and Old Age
Claretie Prince Zilah
Clark Journals of Lewis and Clark
Clarke His Natural Life
Mrs.H.Clarke Miss Merivale's Mistake
C.B.Clarke Political Economy
Clausewitz On War
Claxton Mastery of the Air
Cleland Fanny Hill
Clough Amours de Voyage
Clouston Count Bunker
Cobb Cobb's Anatomy
Cohen Grammar of Freethought
Colton The Belted Seas
Colbron Stories
Colby A Chronicle of Champlain
Coleridge Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Collins Novels
Colum The King of Ireland's Son
Comfort Red Fleece
Conkling Poems By a Little Girl
Connor Novels
Connors Bowery Life
Conrad Novels
Constant Life of Napoleon
Conway Life Of Thomas Paine
Conwell Acres of Diamonds
Cook Captain Cook's Journal
Cooke The Last Days of Lee
Cooper The Last of the Mohicans
R.Cooper Biblical Extracts
Coppée A Romance of Youth
Coppée The Lost Child
Corelli Temporal Power
Corneille Polyeucte
Corson Intro to R. Browning
Corwin John Marshall
Cory Ionica
Cotes The Path of a Star
Cowan Daybreak
Crackanthorpe Victorian Short Stories
Craik Novels
Crandall Days in the Open
Crawford The Witch of Prague
Creasy Fifteen Decisive Battles
Craig Pen Pictures
Crane Index of PG Works
Croft Pit Prop Syndicate
Crowquill The Pictorial Grammar
Cruikshank Illustrated Books
Cucuel Bohemian Paris of Today
Cupples My Pretty ScrapBook
Curtis Ars Recte Vivende
Curwood Thomas Jefferson Brown
Cushing Baron d'Holbach
Dana Within the Law
Dandridge American Prisoners
Daniel Merrie England In Olden Time
Dannau Power Of The Popes
Dante Divine Comedy(Illust.)
Darwin Voyage of the "Beagle"
Daskam Stories
Daudet Fromont and Risler
Daudet Other Novels
Davies Foliage
Davis Stories
J. Davis The Iron Puddler
Dawson Glory of the Trenches
Day Novels
Defoe Journal of the Plague Year
Deforest The Brigade Commander
Dellenbaugh Colorado River
Deland The Way to Peace
Dent Handel
DeTroyes Four Arthurian Romances
Dewey Democracy and Education
Dickens Novels
Disraeli Endymion
Ditchfield English Villages
Dixon The Foolish Virgin
Dobie Literature of the Southwest
Dobson Eighteenth Century Vignettes
Dodge Campaign of Chancellorsville
M.P.Dodge Hans Brinker
Donkersley Athaliah
Donnell A Treeless Street
Doré Illustrated Books
Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment
Douglass Life of Frederick Douglass
Douglas Placid Pug and Other Rhymes
Doumic George Sand
Doyle Stories
Draper Religion and Science
Dreiser The Financier
Droz M.M. and Bebe
Drummond Pax Vobiscum
Dryden Palamon and Arcite
Dubh Ridgeway
Dubnow Jewish History
Duhamel New Book Of Martyrs
Dumas Works
Dumas, fils Camille
Duncan Pool in the Desert
Dunne Mr. Dooley's Philosophy
Dunsany If
DurningL. The Shakespeare Myth
Dyer Edison, Life and Inventions
Dyke Little Rivers and Others
Earls Ballads of Peace in War
Eastman American Indians
Ebers Historical Novels
Edgeworth Castle Rackrent
Edwards Old English Ballads
A.Edwards Monsieur Maurice
Egan Real Life in London
Eldredge The March of Portolá
Ellet Women of American Revolution
Emerson Essays
W.G. Emerson The Smoky God
English Lady Residence in France
Eliot Adam Bede
T.S. Eliot Prufrock and Others
Ellis Thomas Jefferson
H.Ellis Impressions And Comments
English Authors Stories of Many English Authors
Epictetus Golden Sayings of Epictetus
Erasmus A Mery Dialogue
Eschstruth The Gray Nun
Euripides Hippolytus and The Bacchae
Fabre The Masonbees
FâHsien Buddhistic Kingdoms
Fanu The Purcell Papers
Faguet Philosophy
Farrow The Missing Prince
Farnol Geste of Duke Jocelyn
Farquar The BeauxStratagem
Farrand Fathers of the Constitution
Farrar Songs for Parents
Ferber Fanny Herself
Ferguson Garrison's Finish
Ferris Music History
Feuillet Monsieur de Camors
Field Buttercup Gold and Others
E.Field LoveSongs of Childhood
M.A.Field Chimes of Mission Bells
Fielding A Voyage to Lisbon
S.Fielding The Governess
Filson Colonel Daniel Boone
Fish The Path of Empire
Fisher The Quaker Colonies
J.Fisher Landholding In England
Fiske Myths and MythMakers
Fitzgerald This Side of Paradise
Fitzhugh PeeWee Harris
Flaubert Novels
Fleming Novels
W.Fleming The Sequel of Appomattox
Fletcher The Paradise Mystery
Fogazzaro The Saint
Fontaine Tales and Novels(Poetry)
Foote Prisoner for Blasphemy
M.H.Foote The Desert and The Sown
Forbes The Baitâl Pachchisi
Forster Howards End
H. Foster Webster's 7th Mar Speech
Ford The Good Soldier
H.J. Ford The Cleveland Era
Fouque The Two Captains
Fox Knight of the Cumberland
France The Red Lily
France Other Novels
Franklin Hawkins' Humorous Adventures
B.Franklin Index of PG Works of Franklin
Fraser Thoroughbreds
Frederic Novels
Freeman The Yates Pride
Freud A Young Girl's Diary
Friebe Nomad of the Nine Lives
Fries Moravians in Georgia
Frost A Boy's Will
J.Frost The Indian
Fuhrer The Mysteries of Montreal
Gaboriau Novels
Galdos Dona Perfecta
Galsworthy Novels and Essays
Ganguli The Mahabharata
Gardiner Windfalls
Garibaldi Rule of the Monk
Gatlin Missy
Gaunt The Moving Finger
Gautier Captain Fracasse
Gellibrand J. Cole
Gentry Nests and Eggs of Birds
Gibbon Decline and Fall of Rome
P. Gibbs Now It Can Be Told
G.Gibbs Index of G. Gibbs
Gibran The Prophet
Gibson Southerly Busters
Gilbert Gilbert and Sullivan Plays
Giles Books on China
Gilman Herland
Gillmore Angel Island
Gissing New Grub Street
Glaspell Lifted Masks
Gladstone On Books and their Housing
Glasgow The Battle Ground
Godolphin In Words of One Syllable
Godwin Thoughts on Man
Goethe Egmont
Gogol Dead Souls
Goldsmith Court of St.Cloud
O.Goldsmith She Stoops to Conquer
Goncharov The Precipice
Gordon Poems
H.Gordon Legends of the Northwest
Gore Theresa Marchmont
Gorky Foma Gordyeff
Gosse Henrik Ibsen
Gowanlock Camp of Big Bear
Gower Confessio Amantis
Grahame Writings
Grant Memoirs
R.Grant The LawBreakers and Othes
Graves Country Sentiment
K.Graves Sixteen Crucified Saviors
Gray A Bad Boy
I.Gray Gospel of Slavery
Green Stories
Grey The Lone Star Ranger
Grimm Grimms' Fairy Tales
Grimshaw The Strange South Seas
Groner Detective Stories
Grove Over Prairie Trails
Guest Just Folks
Guizot History of France
Gunn Bergson and His Philosophy
A.Gunn We of the NeverNever
Hadden Haydn
Haeckel Monism
Haggard Novels
Haldeman Dust
L.P.Hale The Peterkin Papers
B.F.Hale The Nest Builder
M.Hale Hero of Hill House
Halevy Abbe Constantin
Haliburton The Attache
Hall Buried Cities
A.Hall The Blind Spot
Hallays The Heart of France
Hamilton Memoirs Count Grammont
Hamsun Pan
Hancock Young Engineers in Arizona
Hankin The Last of The De Mullins
Hanson Frontier Ballads
Harben Land of the Changing Sun
Hardy Return of the Native
Hargrave At Suvla Bay
Hariot A Briefe and True Report
Harland Cardinal's SnuffBox
M.Harland At Last
Harrington Commonwealth of Oceana
Harris Stories
J.C. Harris Stories of Georgia
Harrison Crowded Out and Others
Harte Selected Stories
Hauff The Severed Hand
Hausett Memoirs Louis XIV.& XV.
Hawk Makataimeshekiakiak
Hawthorne Remaining Works
J.Hawthorne The Golden Fleece
Hay Pike County Ballads
A.A Hayes The Denver Express
E. Hayes Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland
Hayley Ballads
Hazlitt TableTalk
Headley Great Riots of New York
Hearn French West Indies
Hemphill Down the Mother Lode
Hendrick The Age of Big Business
O.Henry Trimmed Lamp and Others
Henty Saint George for England
Herbert Two Dianas in Somaliland
Hergesheimer The Happy End
Herndon Biography of A. Lincoln
Herodotus An Account of Egypt
Herr Their Mariposa Legend
Herrick Lyrical Poems
Hewlett Rest Harrow
Hiatt Picture Posters
Hichens Prophet of Berkeley Square
FâHsien Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms
Higginson Malbone
Hill The City of Fire
F.T. Hill On the Trail of Grant and Lee
C. C. Hine Mrs. Leary's Cow
Hobbes Leviathan
Hodges Cabots and the Discovery of America
Hoffman Man In The Reservoir
Hogan Auricular Confession
Holbach Good Sense
Holland Liberty In The 19th Century
Holley Samantha
Holmes, Sr. Essays and Novels
Holmes, Jr. Path of the Law
T. Holmes London's Underworld
M. Holmes Aikenside
G.Holyoake Works
Home Illustrated works
Homer Works of Homer and Hesiod
Hope Prisoner of Zenda and Sequel
L.Hope India's Love Lyrics
Hornung Dead Men Tell No Tales
Hough Passing of the Frontier
Housman The Blue Moon
A.Housman A Shropshire Lad
Howard The Female Gamester
Howe How We Robbed Mexico
Howells Novels and Essays
Howland Theodore Roosevelt
S.Hudson Wartime Silhouettes
W.Hudson Fan
Hughes Tom Brown's Schooldays
R.Hughes We Can't Have Everything
L.Hughes Thirty Years a Slave
Hugo Les Miserables
Hulbert Paths of Inland Commerce
Hull The Shadow of the East
Hume History of England
F.Hume The Green Mummy
Huntington The Red Man's Continent
Hutchinson The PressGang Afloat
A.Hutchinson Once Aboard The Lugger
Hutton The Moravian Church
T.Huxley Essays
A.Huxley Crome Yellow
Huysmans SacAuDos
Hyne The Lost Continent
Ibanez The Four Horsemen
Ibsen A Doll's House
Inchfawn VerseBook Of A Homely Woman
Ingersoll Complete Works
Ingersoll Short Works
Inman The Old Santa Fe Trail
T.Inman Ancient Faiths
Irving Stories
H.B.Irving Remarkable Criminals
Irwin The Californiacs
W. Irwin The City That Was
Wal. Irwin Love Sonnets
Jacobs Novels
H. Jacobs Life of a Slave Girl
Jacobsen Mogens and Other Stories
Jackson Ramona
Jahn The Life of Mozart (3 vol)
James Novels
W.D. James Gen. Francis Marion
Janvier Novels
Jarves War Days in Brittany
Jayne In the Pecos Country
Jefferson Memoir and Writings
Jenkins Ginx's Baby
Jerome Stories
S.Johnson Lives of the Poets
R.Johnson The War of 1812
Jewett Pointed Firs
A.Johnson Jefferson and Colleagues
Johnson Getting Gold
Johnston 1492
Johnston The Little Colonel
Jonson Every Man In His Humor
Jordan Call of the 20th Century
Josephus Against Apion
Joyce Ulysses
       J to Z
Judson Legends of California
Judy Questionable Amusements
Justinian The Institutes of Justinian
Kamban Hadda Padda
Kant Critique of Pure Reason
Keable Père Etienne
Keats Lamia
Keith BlackBearded Barbarian
Keller Story of My Life
Kester The Prodigal Judge
Khayyam Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Kielland Tales of Two Countries
Killen The Ignatian Epistles
Kilmer Main Street and Others
Kilner Life of a Mouse
King Legends Of Babylon And Egypt
King C. Rancho Del Muerto
Kingsley Westward Ho!
Kipling Jungle Book and Others
Kirby The Golden Dog
Kirk The Norsk Nightingale
Knowlton Fruits of Philosophy
Knox The Lost Army
Kompert The Ghetto Violet
Kuprin Yama (The Pit)
Kyd The Spanish Tragedie
Kyne Cappy Ricks
Lafayette Manuscripts of General Lafayette
Lamb Tales of Shakespeare
Lamon The Life of Lincoln
Lamprey Masters of the Guild
LauTse Tao Teh King
Lang Novels
Langon Comtesse du Barry
Latzko Men in War
Lawrence Novels
Lawson World was Wide Verses
J.Lawson A New Voyage to Carolina
Lazarus Poems of Emma Lazarus
Leacock My Discovery of England
Lear Book of Nonsense
Leathem The Comrade In White
Leatherbee The Christian Mythology
LeBlanc The Crystal Stopper
Lee Uncle William
R.E.Lee Recollections
Leech Illustrated Books
Lefevre The Tipster
Lehmann The Vagabond from Punch
Leigh Jack The Giant Killer
H.S.Leigh Carols of Cockayne
Lermontov A Hero of Our Time
Leroux Secret of the Night
Lessing Minna von Barnhelm
Lever Lorrequer and Others
A.H.Lewis How The Raven Died
Jos. Lewis Tyanny of God
C.S.Lewis Spirits in Bondage
S.Lewis Babbitt and Main Street
M.G.Lewis A West India Proprietor
Liljencrantz Ward of King Canute
Lincoln, A. Letters and Speeches
Lincoln, J. Stories
Lincoln, N. The Red Seal
Lindsay Voyage to Arcturus
Ling Two Years in the Forbidden City
Linn The Story of the Mormons
Lisle Supernatural Claims Christianity
Little Little Sister Snow
Liszt Life of Chopin
Livingstone Journeys in South Africa
Locke Simon the Jester
Lofting Voyages of Doctor Dolittle
Logan The Great Conspiracy
London Novels
Long Secret of the Woods
Longfellow Various
Loon The Story of Mankind
Lorenzini Adventures of Pinocchio
Lossing FieldBook of The Revolution
Loti Mme. Crysantheme
Loti Other Novels
Lover Handy Andy
A.Lowell ManyColoured Glass
J.R.Lowell My Garden Acquaintance
P.Lowell Soul of the Far East
Lucas Roving East and Roving West
Lucretius Of The Nature of Things
Ludlow A Brace Of Boys
Lumb Authors of Greece
Luther Christian Liberty
Lydgate Disguising at Hertford
Lyall Novels
Lyell The Antiquity of Man
Lynde A Fool For Love
Lytton Novels, etc.
MacDonald Stories
Macaulay Works of History
MacClure She Stands Accused
Mackay Popular Delusions
Machiavelli The Prince
Macy The AntiSlavery Crusade
MacGrath The Drums Of Jeopardy
MacPherson Fragments Of Ancient Poetry
Maeterlinck The Blue Bird
Maclaren Doctor of Old School
Mcabe The Story of Evolution
McCarter A Master's Degree
McClure Lincoln's Yarns and Stories
McCrae In Flander's Field, et al.
McElroy Andersonville et al.
McCutcheon West Wind Drift
McGlashan History of the Donner Party
McNeill Songs, Merry and Sad
McSpadden Robin Hood
McLaughlin Sioux Myths and Legends
Madison Federalist Papers
Maher A Man of Samples
Maeterlinck The Life of the Bee
Malory Le Morte D'Arthur
Malot Conscience
Malthus Nature and Progress of Rent
Mangasarian Jesus is He a Myth?
Manning English Pictures
Mansfield The Garden Party
Marble Women of the Mayflower
Mare The Return
Marion Wonderful Balloon Ascents
Marlowe Dr. Faustus and Others
Marquis Danny's Own Story
Marshall Life of Washington
Martin Horace
Marx Louis Bonaparte
Masefield The Duke's Messenger
Mason Mae Madden
Mason Women of the French Salons
Maspero History of Egypt
Massa Zibeline
Masters Toward the Gulf
Maupassant Stories and Novels
Mawson The Home of the Blizzard
Maxwell Hector O'Halloran
Mayo Baby Mine
Meade Light O' The Morning
Melville Typee
Mencken In Defense of Women
Meredith Novels
O.Meredith Lucile
I.Meredith Girl Among the Anarchists
Merimee Novels
Merriman The Vultures
Merritt The Metal Monster
Merwin The Short Line War
Meslier Superstition In All Ages
Mill The Contest in America
Millay Second April
Mille Cord and Creese
De Mille The Boys of the "B.O.W.C"
Miller Robin Hood
Milne Red House Mystery
Milton Areopagitica
Mitchell Autobiography of a Quack
L.Mitchell Religion In The Heavens
Mitford Stories
Moffett The Conquest of America
Moliere Amphitryon
Molloy Royalty Restored
Montaigne Essays
Montespan Marquise de Montespan
Montgomery Anne Novels
Moodie Life in the Backwoods
Moody The Railroad Builders
Moore Phyllis of Philistia
J. Moore Members of Congress Bribed
G. Moore Spring Days
Moorman Yorkshire Dialect Poems
Morgan The Shakespearean Myth
S.Morgan The Wild Irish Girl
Morier Hajji Baba
Morley Where the Blue Begins
Morris San Francisco Calamity
W. Morris Child Christopher
G. Morris Aladdin O'Brien
Morrison Adventures of a Boy Reporter
Morrow Inmate Of The Dungeon
Morton Exempting the Churches
Moss Nature and the Gods
Motley History Netherlands
Mozart Letters of W. A. Mozart
Mozart Life of W.A. Mozart(3 vol)
Muhlbach The Daughter of an Empress
Muir Steep Trails
Mulford Bar20 Days
Mundy Rung Ho!
Munro Novels
S.Munro Stark Munro Letters
D.C.Murray Novels
W.H.Murray Ride With A Mad Horse
Musset Child of The Century
Napoleon History by Various Authors
Nash Unfortunate Traveller
Navarre Memoirs Queen of Navarre
Navarre The "Heptameron"
Nennius History Of The Britons
Neville The Isle of Pines
Nesbit Incomplete Amorist
Nexo Pelle the Conqueror
Nicolay Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln
Nichols Sir Francis Drake Revived
Niecks Frederick Chopin
Niemann Coming Conquest of England
Niese The Little Mamsell
Nietzsche Thus Spake Zarathustra
Norris Novels
Nye Remarks
O'brien The Diamond Lens
Offen Free Discussion
Ogden Tattine
Ogg The Old Northwest
O'Grady Early Bardic Literature
Ohnet Serge Panin
Okakura The Book of Tea
Oliphant Jeanne d'Arc
Olliphant Bob, Son of Battle
Olcott Stories For Great Holidays
Oppenheim The Great Impersonation
Óuida Under Two Flags
Orczy The Scarlet Pimpernel
Orleans The Duchesse d'Orleans
Orr Life of Robert Browning
L.Orr Famous Affinities
Orth The Boss and the Machine
Orvis Fishing With The Fly
Osler Evolution of Modern Medicine
Ossendowski Beasts, Men and Gods
Ostrovsky The Storm
Otis Toby Tyler
Otway Tragedy of Venice Preserved
Ovid The Amores, or Amours
Owen Poems
Packard Jimmie Dale
Page Stories
Tom Paine Complete Writings
Paine Mark Twain
R.D.Paine The Old Merchant Marine
Paltock Adventures Peter Wilkins
Park History of Medicine
Parker Novels
F.Parkman The Book of Roses
Parkman Jr. The Oregon Trail
Parrish Keith of the Border
Parsons The NonChristian Cross
Parton Revolutionary Heroes
Passos Three Soldiers
Paterson Stories
Payn Mirk Abbey
Payne Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp
Peabody Old Greek Folk Stories
Peacock Gryll Grange
Peattie A Michigan Man
Peck Peck's Bad Boy, et al.
Pedler Novels
Peel Oxford
Pennell History of Rome to 476 AD
H.C.Pennell Puck on Pegasus
Pepys Diary
Perry American Spirit in Literature
Petrie Egyptian Tales
Petronius The Satyricon
Philanthropos The Jew Books
Phillips The Deluge
Phillpotts The Grey Room
Picq Battle Studies
Pidgin Quincy Adams Sawyer
Saint Pierre Paul and Virginia
Pinero The Squire (Play)
Pittenger Toasts
Plato Works
Plautus Captiva and Mostellaria
Pliny Letters of Pliny
Plunkitt Plunkitt of Tammany Hall
Plutarch Boys' and Girls' Plutarch
Poe Major Works
Pollard History of the Great War
Pope Poetical Works
G. Porter Novels
E.H. Porter Miss Billy
Post Sleuth of St. James's Square
Pound Certain Noble Plays of Japan
Poushkin Queen Of Spades
Powell Canyons of the Colorado
Pretty Sir Francis Drake's Voyage
Pringle Ingersoll in Canada
Proudhon What is Property?
Proust Swann's Way
Punshon The Bittermeads Mystery
Pushkin Works of Pushkin
Putnam Nonsenseorship
Pyle Men of Iron
K. Pyle The Counterpane Fairy
Queux Mademoiselle of Monte Carlo
QuillerCouch  RollCall Of The Reef
Quincey The Caesars
Rabb National Epics
Rabelais Gargantua/Pantagruel
Racine Phaedra
Radcliffe Mysteries of Udolpho
Raine Bucky O'Connor
Raleigh The Discovery of Guiana
Rand Anthem
Ransome The Crisis in Russia
Raspe Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Rawlinson Seven Monarchies
Read Drifting
Reade Novels
Reber The Christ Of Paul
Redgrove Bygone Beliefs
Reed Lavender and Old Lace
Reeve The Silent Bullet
C.Reeve The Old English Baron
Remington The Way of an Indian
Remsburg Lincoln: Was He Christian?
Renan Recollections of My Youth
Retz Cardinal de Retz
Rhodes The Case of Summerfield
Reynolds The Twin Hells
Rhodius The Argonautica
Rice Romance of BillyGoat Hill
Richards Green Satin Gown
Richardson Pamela
D.Richardson Pointed Roofs
J.Richardson Hardscrabble
S.Richardson Grey Nunnery at Montreal
Richmond Red Pepper Burns
Riley FarmRhymes
Rinehart Where There's A Will
Robb Swamp Doctor's Adventures
Robertson History of Freethought
Robinson Children of the Night
Rochefoucauld Maxims
Roe Letters from an Officer's Wife
V.Roe Maid of the Whispering Hills
Rohmer The Yellow Claw
Ronge Holy Coat Of Treves
Roosevelt Autobiography and Others
Rorer Ice Creams, Water Ices
Ross Autobiography and Others
Rousseau Confessions
Rowlandson Captivity and Restoration
Rowson Charlotte Temple
Ruskin Val d'Arno
B. Russell The Analysis of Mind
Russell War for Humanity
G.W.Russell National Being
Roy Philosophy: Henri Bergson
Ruxton In the Old West
Sabatini Mistress Wilding
SaintSimon The Duc de SaintSimon
De La Sale Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles
Sand Novels
Sands Poems
Sanger The Pivot of Civilization
Sangster Cross Roads
W.Sangster Umbrellas and their History
Saunders Beautiful Joe
Savage A Fascinating Traitor
Saxo The Danish History, Books IIX
Schiller Entire Works
Schnitzler The Dead Are Silent
Schoenhofer Nursing as Caring
Schopenhauer Essays
Schoolcraft The Indian Fairy Book
Schreiner Story of an African Farm
Schroeder Life And Times Of Washington
Scollard From The Lips of the Sea
Scott Novels
L.Scott Children of the Whirlwind
M.Scott Tom Cringle's Log
Scudder Fables and Folk Stories
Seaver Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison
Seneca Seneca On Benefits
Service Ballads
Seton Rolf In The Woods
SThompson A Woman Tenderfoot
Severy The Darrow Enigma
Sewell Black Beauty
Seymour Sketches
Shakespeare Venus and Adonis
G.B.Shaw Novels and Writings
A.Shaw Story of a Pioneer
Shelley Daemon of the World
Shepherd The Hispanic Nations
Sheridan Memoirs
R.Sheridan The School For Scandal
Sherman Memoirs
Sherwood Bobbie Bubbles
Shiel The Lord of the Sea
Shute Real Diary of a Real Boy
Sidney Five Little Peppers
Sienkiewicz Quo Vadis
Simms Life of Francis Marion
Simonds Starr King in California
Sims Rogues and Vagabonds
Sinclair The Jungle
M. Sinclair Harriett Frean
Skelton The Canadian Dominion
Ch.Skinner Myths and Legends
C.L.Skinner Pioneers of the Old Southwest
Sleeper Jack in the Forecastle
Smedley Frank Fairlegh
Smiles Jasmin: Barber, Poet
Smith & Watson American Curiosities
A. Smith Wealth of Nations
F.H. Smith Novels
L.P. Smith Trivia
F.B. Smith The Old MarketCart
Smollett Fathom and Greaves
Sologub The Created Legend
Sophocles The Oedipus Trilogy
Southey Horatio Lord Nelson
Southwick Expressive Voice Culture
Souvestre "Attic" Philosopher
Sousa Experiences of a Bandmaster
Sparks Life of Benedict Arnold
Speke The Source of the Nile
Spencer H. Spencer Index
Spyri What Sami Sings
Stanley How I Found Livingstone
Stead Dennison Grant
Steele Golf Course Mystery
R.Steele Isaac Bickerstaff
Steinmetz The Gaming Table
Stephens Lecture on Heads
J.Stephens Irish Fairy Tales
R.N.Stephens Irish Fairy Tales
Stephenson Lincoln
R.Stevenson The EbbTide
Sterne Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy
A. Steward TwentyTwo Years a Slave
C.Stewart Uncle Josh's Punkin Centre
D.Stewart Parody Outline of History
B. Stoker Works
Stockton My Terminal Moraine
Stoddard The Indian's Hand
E.Stoddard Lemorne Versus Huell
C.Stoddard A Bit of Old China
Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin
Strachey Queen Victoria
Streuvels The Path of Life
Strickland Queens of England
Strindberg In Midsummer Days
Sturlason Heimskringla
Sudermann Dame Care
Sue The Wandering Jew
Suetonius The 12 Caesars
Summerhayes Vanished Arizona
Swift BickerstaffPartridge Papers
Swinburne Songs Of Two Nations
Swinnerton Nocturne
Synge Riders to the Sea
Tacitus Tacitus on Germany
Tagore Chitra
Taine History of France
Talbot Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War
B.Taylor Stories
T.Taylor Our American Cousin
Thom.Taylor Arguments of Celsus
Tarkington Novels
Tennyson The Princess
H. Tennyson Jack and The BeanStalk
Terry The Russian Ballet
Thackeray The Rose and the Ring
Thanet Stories of a Western Town
Theuriet Woodland Queen
Thoma Moral
Thompson The Age of Invention
S.Thompson Biography of a Grizzly
D.Thompson The Rangers
Thomson City of Dreadful Night
F. Thomson New Poems
Thoreau Walden, and Civil Disobedience
Thucydides New Poems
Thurston The Masquerader
Titmarsh Doctor Birch and Friends
Traill Canadian Crusoes
Train Courts and Criminals
Todd Hiram The Young Farmer
Tolstoy Father Sergius et al.
Tolstoy(f) Reminiscences by his Son
Toqueville Democracy In America, Vol. 1+2
Towle The Nation in a Nutshell
Trollope Hunting Sketches
Trowbridge Stole A MeetingHouse
Turgenev The Rendezvous
Twain Entire Available Works
Tyndall Faraday As A Discoverer
Various Works of Various Authors
Veblen Theory of the Leisure Class
Verga TheMedlarTree
Virgil The Aeniad
Verlaine Poems
Verne Off on a Comet
Vigny Cinq Mars
Vivian History of Aeronautics
Volney The Ruins
Voltaire Philosophical Dictionary
Voynich The Gadfly
Vyasa The Mahabharata
Wake Forbidden Gospels
Walcott Blindfolded
Wallace Russia
A.R.Wallace The Malay Archipelago
E.Wallace Clue of the Twisted Candle
W.R.Wallace The Liberty Bell
Walpole Jeremy
Walton The Complete Angler, 1653
G.L.Walton Why Worry?
Ward Robert Elsmere
A.Ward Robert Elsmere
Warner Essays and Novels
Washburn Is The Bible Worth Reading
B.Washington Up From Slavery
Water Cook's Decameron
Waterlow Shelley
Watkins The Old Log Cabin
Watterson Marse Henry
Webb Vigilance Committee
Webster Dear Enemy
J.Webster The Duchess of Malfi
C.Wells The Gold Bag
H.G.Wells Novels
Wemyss The Professional Aunt
Westbrook The Eliminator
Wetmore Buffalo Bill
Weston The Romance of Morien
Weyman A Gentleman of France
Wheatley Religious and Moral Poems
Wheeler Dictionary Freethought
Whibley A Book of Scoundrels
White The Blazed Trail
A.D.White Fiat Money Inflation in France
A.D.White Warfare of Science with Theology
E.L.White The Unwilling Vestal
A.R.White The Blue and The Gray
Whitehead New House That Jack Built
Whitman Leaves of Grass
Whitney Mother Goose for Grown Folks
Whittier Collected Works
Widger Quotations
Wiggin Village WatchTower
Wilkins ChildVerses
Wister Philosophy 4
Wilde Ballad of Reading Gaol
Wildenbruch Good Blood
Williams A History of Science
A. Williams FolkSong and Popular Poetry
Wilson Merton of the Movies
Wilson The Code of Honor
R.R. Wilson Lincoln in Caricature
Wittgenstein LogicoPhilosophicus
Wodehouse Indiscretions of Archie
Wollstonecraft Maria
Wood East Lynne
E. Wood Back Home
W.C.H Wood A Chronicle of Wolf
Woodbury The Potato Child and Others
Woods Toots and his Friends
Wolf Other Things Being Equal
Woolf The Voyage Out
Wright Brian Kent
T.Wright Life of Sir Richard Burton
Wrong Washington and his Comrades
Xenophon Works of Xenophon
Yeats The Countess Cathleen
Yonge Two Penniless Princesses
Young Christopher Columbus
ZitkalaSa Old Indian Legends
Zschokke The Broken Cup
Zola Trilogy and Others

[Some images below will enlarge to full size on a click.]

David Widger (1932-2021)

Quotations, Portraits and Illustrations:

INDEX of Quotes and Images with HYPERLINKS to the contents all files

Download (10.2 mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Quotes and Images library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

widger3 (13K)          

Jacques Casanova

Lord Chesterfield

Dumas Celebrated Crimes    

Georg Ebers

Confessions of Lorrequer

Jean de La Fontaine

John Galsworthy

Oliver Wendell Holmes

William Dean Howells

Abraham Lincoln's Writings  

Immortals of The French Academy  

Michel de Montaigne

George Meredith

John Lothrop Motley

Gilbert Parker

Diary of Samuel Pepys

Confessions of J. J. Rousseau

Mark Twain

Guy de Maupassant

Charles Dudley Warner

Christopher Columbus

Quotes from Historic Court Memoirs (1802-1870)

Madame Campan   
Goldsmith: Court of St. Cloud     
Hausett: Louis XV. & XVI.   
Madame de Montespan   
Duchesse d'Orleans: Louis XIV.     
Cardinal De Retz   
Saint-Simon: Louis XIV.   
Marguerite De Valois   
Hamilton: Grammont

List of Authors

Alexandre Dumas, Pere (1802-1870)

INDEX of Works of Alexandre Dumas, [père] with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

All Six Volumes of the D'Artagnan Series are Linked and Include Download Instruction for Offline Use

The Three Musketeers
Twenty Years After
The Vicomte de Bragelonne (ch. 1-75)
Ten Years Later (ch. 76-140)
Louise de la Valliere (ch. 141-208)
The Man in the Iron Mask (ch. 209-269)  
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Black Tulip

Ten Years Later (ch. 1-104)

The Companions of Jehu


Notes and Quotations

   The Complete Celebrated Crimes in One Volume   

dumas_thumb (8K)     1. The Borgias
2. The Cenci
3. Massacres of the South   
4. Mary Stuart
5. Karl Ludwig Sand
6. Urbain Grandier
7. Nisida
8. Derues
9. La Constantin
10. Joan of Naples
11. Man in the Iron Mask
12. Martin Guerre
13. Ali Pacha
14. Countess St. Geran
15. Murat
16. Marquise Brinvillier
17. Vanika
18. Marquise de Ganges

Captain Paul      The Sicilian Bandit      Chicot the Jester

List of Authors

John Galsworthy (1867-1933)

Galsworthy Thoughts

The Complete Works of Galsworthy in One File with a Linked Index to all the Ebooks

The Forsyte Saga:
1. The Man of Property
2. Indian Summer of a Forsyte  
3. Awakening & To Let

Villa Rubein
Saint's Progress
Five Tales
The Island Pharisees
The Country House
The Patrician
The Burning Spear
The Dark Flower
The Freelands

galsworthy_thumb (13K)    


THE FIRST SERIES: The Silver Box Joy Strife
THE SECOND SERIES:   The Eldest Son The Little Dream    Justice
THE THIRD SERIES: The Fugitive The Pigeon The Mob
THE FOURTH SERIES: A Bit O'Love The Foundations The Skin Game
THE FIFTH SERIES: A Family Man Loyalties Windows
SIX SHORT PLAYS: The First and Last    The Little Man Four Short Plays

List of Authors

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1894)

Quotes and Images

The Complete Prose Works of Holmes in One File with Links to All Ebooks

holmes_thumb (11K)     The Professor at the Breakfast Table

The Poet at the Breakfast Table

Over the Teacups

Elsie Venner

The Guardian Angel

A Mortal Antipathy

Pages from and Old Volume of Life

Medical Essays

Memoir of John Lothrop Motley

The Wonderful "One-Hoss-Shay"

List of Authors

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

The Complete Writings and Papers of Abraham Lincoln with Links to All

Quotes and Images

lincoln_thumb (13K)     Volume. 1   

Volume 2.

Volume 3.

Volume 4.

Volume 5.

Volume 6.

Volume 7.

Lincoln's Yarns and Stories
Lincoln's Best Anecdotes (DP)
Lincoln Letters (with facsimiles)

Abraham Lincoln, Vol. 1, By William H. Herndon
Abraham Lincoln, Vol. 2, By William H. Herndon

The Life Of Abraham Lincoln, By Ward H. Lamon
Lincoln in Caricature, By Rufus Rockwell Wilson
Lincolniana, By Andrew Adderup

List of Authors

Guy de Maupassant (1839-1908)

Quotes and Index

Complete PG Edition of The Maupassant Short Stories with an INDEX to all contents

maupassant (20K)     Volume 1.

Volume 2.

Volume 3.

Volume 4.

Volume 5.

Volume 6.

Volume 7.

Volume 8.

Volume 9.

Volume 10.

Volume 11.

Volume 12.

Volume 13.

Other Novels:

Pierre and Jean    Strong as Death    Comedy of Marriage and Others

List of Authors

Civil War Generals

The Complete Project Gutenberg Memoires of Four Civil War Generals in One File

Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885)
Grant's Birthplace   Portrait   Other Commanders
The Memoirs of U. S. Grant
Download Zipped File

William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891)
Portrait Battle of Vicksburg
The Memoirs of W. Sherman
Download Zipped File

Phillip H. Sheridan (1831-1888)
Portrait as 2nd Lt.   Portrait as Lt.-General
The Memoirs of P. Sheridan
Download Zipped File

John Alexander Logan (1826-1886)
Logan's Great Conspiracy
Download Zipped File

List of Authors

Mark Twain (1835-1910)

Photograph   Photos and Quotes   In Bed

INDEX of the Works of Mark Twain with HYPERLINKS to the contents all files.

Download (175mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Mark Twain library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link OFF-LINE to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Illustrated Editions:

The American Claimant

A Dog's Tale

Eve's Diary

The Innocents Abroad

A Tramp Abroad

A Gilded Age

Following The Equator

Sketches New and Old

Huckleberry Finn

AdventuresTom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer Abroad

Tom Sawyer, Detective

Roughing It

The $30,000 Bequese

Joan of Arc, Vol. I

Joan of Arc, Vol. II

Prince and Pauper

Connecticut Yankee

Life on the Mississippi

twain1 (16K)

twain2 (16K)    

Ebooks Without Illustrations:

Mysterious Stranger Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson

The Double Barrelled Detective

The Stolen White Elephant

Rambling Idle Excursion

Carnival of Crime in CT.

The Loves of Alonzo Fitz

Those Extraordinary Twins

A Burlesque Autobiography

Mysterious Stranger

Christian Science

Mark Twain's Speeches


Curious Republic of Gondour

Goldsmith's Friend Abroad Again

Essays on Paul Bourget

How to Tell a Story

Fennimore Cooper Offences

Defence of Harriet Shelley

Hadleyberg Stories et al.

What Is Man? And Others

The Treaty with China

Mark Twain's Letters:     V 1.     V 2.     V 3     V 4.     V 5.     V 6.

Twain's Works in the Public Domain in Australia but not in the USA:

Mark Twain's Autobiography:   Volume One     Volume Two

Newspaper Articles by Mark Twain—1862-1881

Albert Bigelow Paine (1861-1937)    Complete Biography of Mark Twain (3.15 mb)

Archibald Henderson (1877-1963)  
Mark Twain (Illustrated)     

List of Authors

Charles Dudley Warner (1829-1900)

Quotes and Index

The Complete Works of Charles Dudley Warner in One File with Links to All

In a Garden & Calvin  

Backlog Studies



In the Wilderness

Spring in New England

Captain John Smith


Being a Boy

On Horseback

Washington Irving

Their Pilgrimage

Little Journey in the World

The Golden House

That Fortune

My Winter on the Nile

Studies in The South, and West, and Canada

In The Levant

warner_thumb (19K)    

List of Authors

John McElroy (1846-1929)

INDEX of Works of John McElroy with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Prison Camp   Stripping the Dead   Dying Prisoner

Andersonville  (Complete)   A STORY OF REBEL MILITARY PRISONS
[15 Months a Guest of the So-called Southern Confederacy]

Download Complete Zipped File


The Complete Si Klegg series with the Contents of All Files.

Book 1.        Book 2.        Book 3.        Book 4.        Book 5.        Book 6.

Other Works:

The Economic Functions of Vice    
The Red Acorn
Uncle Daniel's Story
The Struggle for Missouri

List of Authors

Earl of Chesterfield (1694-1773)

Letters to His Son, Complete

Download Complete Zipped File


chesterfield (11K)

List of Authors

William Dean Howells (1837-1920)

Quotes and Images

INDEX of the PG Works of William Dean Howells with HYPERLINKS to all contents


Literature and Life  

Literary Friends

Stories Of Ohio

Roman Holidays and Others   

Familiar Spanish Travels   

Quaint Courtships   

Questionable Shapes   

Seven English Cities   

Annie Kilburn   

Southern Lights and Shadows  

Venetian Life  

Suburban Sketches  

A Foregone Conclusion  

The Lady of the Aroostook  

The Minister's Charge  

A Modern Instance  

The Leatherwood God  

London Films  

Modern Italian Poets  

Through the Eye of the Needle  

A Traveler from Altruria  

Italian Journeys  

Henry James, Jr.  

A Psychological Counter-current in Recent Fiction  

howells_thumb (12K)    


The March Family Trilogy

The Landlord at Lions Head
Dr. Breen's Practice
Fennel and Rue
The Kentons
Ragged Lady
April Hopes
The Whole Family
The Albany Depot

List of Authors

Eugene Sue (1804-1857)

The Escape Poisoned Brush

The Wandering Jew         

Download Zipped File

The Knight of Malta

List of Authors

An English Lady's Residence in France

The Entire Gutenberg Edition of Residence in France

Download Zipped File
List of Authors

Napoleon: Memoirs

INDEX of Works of Various Authors on Napoleon Boneparte with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Bourrienne: (1769-1834)    Memoirs of Napoleon
Quote and Images

Illustrated Edition
Download Zipped File

Constant (Louis Constant Wairy) (1778-1845)
Private Life of Napoleon
Quote and Images

Illustrated Edition
Download Zipped File

Memoirs of The Court of St. Cloud
Quotes & Images

Illustrated Edition
Download Zipped File

napoleon_thumb (18K)    

List of Authors

Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
The Entire PG Edition of Montaigne's Essays

INDEX of Works of Michel de Montaigne with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Download Zipped File

Quotes and Images

montaigne_thumb (14K)     

List of Authors

Court Memoirs

INDEX of the Court Memoirs of France with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (5.1mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire "Court Memoirs" library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Marguerite, Queen of Navarre (1552-1615  
Quotes and Images
Complete Illustrated Edition

Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz (1613-1679)  
Quotes and Images
Complete Illustrated Edition

Memoirs of Marquise de Montespan(1641-1707)     
Quotes and Images
Complete Illustrated Edition

Memoirs of The Duchesse d'Orleans(1652-1722)     
Quotes and Images
Complete Illustrated Edition

Memoirs of The Duc de Saint-Simon (1675-1755)   
Quotes and Images
Complete Illustrated Edition
Secret Memoirs of Louis XIV. & XV.   
Quotes and Images
Complete Illustrated Edition

Memoirs of The Court of Marie Antoinette   
Quotes and Images
Complete Illustrated Edition

The Court of St. Cloud, by Goldsmith   
Quotes and Images
Complete Illustrated Edition

The Memoirs of Count Grammont(1646-1720)   
Quotes and Images
(By Anthony Hamilton—Notes by Sir Walter Scott)
Complete Memoirs of Count Grammont

List of Authors

Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)   —  Confessions

Quotes and Images

Illustrated Edition

Download Zipped File


rousseau_thumb (12K)    

List of Authors

The Immortals  —  Crowned by the French Academy

INDEX of the entire "French Immortals" with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (13.4mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire "French Immortals" library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Ohnet, Georges: SERGE PANIN (1848-1918)   
Quote and Images

France, Anatole: THE RED LILY (1844-1924)   
Quote and Images

Droz, Gustave: M.M. AND BEBE (1832-1895)   
Quote and Images

Claretie, Jules: PRINCE ZILAH (1840-1913)   
Quote and Images

De Massa, Phillipe: ZIBELINE (1831-1911)   
Quote and Images

Theuriet, Andre: WOODLAND QUEEN (1833-1907)   
Quote and Images

De Musset, Alfred: CHILD OF THE CENTURY (1810-1857)   
Quote and Images

Feuillet, Octave: MONSIEUR DE CAMORS (1821-1890)   
Quote and Images

De Vigny, Alfred: CINQ MARS (1797-1863)   
Quote and Images

Halevy, Ludovic: ABBE CONSTANTIN (1834-1908)   
Quote and Images
Coppee, Francois: A ROMANCE OF YOUTH (1842-1908)   
Quote and Images

Bourget, Paul: COSMOPOLIS (1852-1935)   
Quote and Images

Bentzon, Theo. (Mme. Blanc): JACQUELINE (1840-1907)   
Quote and Images

Bazin, Rene: THE INK STAIN (1853-1932)   
Quote and Images

Daudet, Alphonse: FROMONT AND RISLER (1840-1897)   
Quote and Images

De Bernard, Charles: GERFAUT (1804-1850)   
Quote and Images

Malot, Hector-Henri :CONSCIENCE (1830-1907)   
Quote and Images

Loti, Pierre: MME. CRYSANTHEME (1850-1923)   
Quote and Images

Souvestre, Emile: AN "ATTIC" PHILOSOPHER (1806-1854)   
Quote and Images

List of Authors

Winston Churchill (1871-1947)
   (The American Author who is no relation of the British Sir Winston)

INDEX of the Works of Winston Churchill with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (3.7mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Winston Churchill library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

The Dwelling Place of Light      

Mr. Crewe's Career

A Far Country


The Inside of The Cup

Richard Carvel

A Modern Chronicle

The Celebrity

The Crisis

The Crossing

Dr. Jonathan (Play)

A Traveller in Wartime

Essay on The American Contribution

List of Authors

Azel Ames (1845-1908)        The Mayflower and Her Log

Quote and Images

maythumb (53K)
The Complete Illustrated Edition
of The Mayflower And Her Log
Download Zipped File

List of Authors

Filson Young: (1876-1938)     Christopher Columbus

Quotes and Images

Illustrated Edition
Download Zipped File
    columbus_thumb (19K)

List of Authors

Samuel Pepys (1633-1703)    Unabridged Diary

Quotes and Images

pepys_thumb (19K)

The Complete Diary of Samuel Pepys

Download Zipped File

List of Authors

George Meredith (1828-1909)

Quotes and Images

INDEX of the Works of George Meredith with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (5.4mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire George Meredith library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Ordeal of Richard Feverel    

Sandra Belloni

Rhoda Fleming

Evan Harrington


Harry Richmond

Beauchamps Career

The Tragic Comedians

Diana of The Crossways

One of Our Conquerors

Lord Ormont and His Aminta

The Amazing Marriage

Celt and Saxon

Shaving of Shagpat

meredith (13K)

The Entire Short Works of George Meredith:
     Farina; General Opel; Tale of Chloe; House on The Beach;
     Gentleman of Fifty; The Sentimentalists; Miscellaneous Prose

List of Authors

John Lothrop Motley (1814-1877)

Quotes and Images

The Complete Motley's "History of The Netherlands" in One File with Links to all contents

Download (4.5mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire John Lothrop Motley library of the Netherlands on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

motley (13K)
Rise of the Dutch Republic I. (1555-66)    
Rise of the Dutch Republic II. (1566-74)    
Rise of the Dutch Republic III. (1574-84)    

History of the United Netherlands I. (1584-86)   
History of the United Netherlands II. (1586-89)   
History of the United Netherlands III. (1590-99)   
History of the United Netherlands IV. (1600-09)    

Life and Death of John of Barneveld I. (1609-15)    
Life and Death of John of Barneveld II. (1614-23)    

Memoir by Oliver Wendell Holmes

List of Authors

Georg Ebers  (1837-1898) —  Historical Novels   

The Complete Works of Georg Ebers in one file with INDEXED Links to all Ebooks.

Quotes and Images


Egyptian Princess      

The Sisters



The Emperor

Homo Sum



ebers_thumb (17K)    

Bride of the Nile

A Thorny Path

In Fire of the Forge


Barbara Blomberg

A Word, Only a Word

The Burgomaster's Wife

Complete Short Works

The Story of My Life

List of Authors

Benjamin Disraeli  (1804-1881) —  Novels   

INDEX of the PG Works of Benjamin Disraeli, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files



The Infernal Marriage


Hennrietta Temple




disraeli_th (21K)

The Young Duke

Ixion in Heaven

The Voyage of Captain Popanilla   


Count Alarcos

The Rise of Iskander


Vivian Grey

List of Authors

Gilbert Parker (1860-1932)     

Quotes and Images

INDEX of the Works of Gilbert Parker with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (4.9mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Gilbert Parker library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Pierre and His People

Romany of the Snows

Northern Lights

Mrs. Falchion

Cumner &South Sea Folk

When Valmond Came to Pontiac     

The Trail of the Sword

The Translation of a Savage

The Pomp of the Lavilettes

The Trespasser

The Seats of The Mighty

Battle of the Strong

The Lane That Had No Turning

The Right of Way

Michel and Angele

parker_thumb (21K)    

Donovan Pasha

The Weavers

Embers (Poetry)

A Lover's Diary (Poetry)

The Money Master

The World For Sale

You Never Know Your Luck

Wild Youth

No Defense

Carnac's Folly

At the Sign of the Eagle

The March of the White Guard

Parables of a Province

There is Sorrow on The Sea

John Enderby

List of Authors

Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873)        

INDEX of the Works of Lytton with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (10.9mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Edward Bulwer-Lytton library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Athens: Its Rise and Fall       

The Caxtons


Eugene Aram




Ernest Maltrevers

Kenelm Chillingly

What Will He Do With It



A Strange Story

The Last Days of Pompeii

The Coming Race

lytton (29K)  

  My Novel

  The Last Of The Barons

  Paul Clifford


  The Parisians



  Pilgrims Of The Rhine

  Night and Morning






  The Lady of Lyons

List of Authors

Suetonius (75-160)    The Twelve Caesars

Entire Suetonius—The Twelve Caesars

Download Zipped File

List of Authors

Charles M. Skinner   (1852-1907)

The Entire Myths and Legends of Our Own Land

Download Zipped File

List of Authors

Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)
—The Waverly Novels

Sea Coast
sportrait_thumb (30K)   The Heart of Midlothian
The Antiquary
Old Mortality
Rob Roy
Bride of Lammermoor
The Black Dwarf
The Legend of Montrose
Guy Mannering
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
Tapestried Chamber
The Lady of the Lake
Peveril of the Peak
Quentin Durward
The Fair Maid of Perth
The Talisman
Chronicles of the Canongate
The Abbot
The Monastery
The Fortunes of Nigel
The Surgeon's Daughter
The Betrothed
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft

List of Authors

Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805)

Indexof the Illustrated Works of Friedrich Schiller with active HYPERLINKS to all files.

Download (8.6mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Illustrated Works of Friedrich Schiller on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

HISTORY:        Thirty Years War       Revolt of Netherlands      


The Robbers Fiesco Love and Intrigue
The Camp of Wallenstein     Piccolomini     The Death of Wallenstein
Whilhelm Tell     Don Carlos     Demetrius
Mary Stuart     The Maid of Orleans     The Bride of Messina

POEMS:                    First Period     Second Period     Third Period     Supressed Poems

PHILOSOPHY:        Aesthetical Essays     Philosophical Letters    

NOVEL:                    The Ghost Seer [or, The Apparitionist]    and The Sport of Destiny

List of Authors

Tobias Smollett (1721-1771)

INDEX of Works of Tobias Smollett with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

tobias (79K) The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom   
Download Zipped File

The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
Download Zipped File

The Adventures of Roderick Random

The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, Volume I

The Expedition of Humphry Clinker

History of England

List of Authors

Charles James Lever (1806-1872)

INDEX of the Illustrated Works of Charles James Lever with active HYPERLINKS to all files.

Download (17 mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Illustrated Works of Charles James Lever on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Introduction to Lorrequer

    lorrequer (39K)

Charles O'Malley: Irish Dragoon     
Illustrated by Phiz.    Vol 1.    Vol 2.

Tom Burke of "Ours"
Illustrated by Phiz.    Vol 1.   Vol 2.

Diary of Horace Templeton"
Illustrated by Phiz.    Vol 1.   Vol 2.

Illustrated by Phiz.    Vol 1.   Vol 2.

Sir Brook Fossbrooke
Illustrated by Phiz.    Vol 1.   Vol 2.

The Daltons
Illustrated by Phiz.    Vol 1.   Vol 2.

Davenport Dunn
Illustrated by Phiz.    Vol 1.   Vol 2.

Roland Cashel
Illustrated by Phiz.    Vol 1.   Vol 2.

Martin of Cro' Martin
Illustrated by Phiz.    Vol 1.   Vol 2.

The Knight of Gwynne
Illustrated by Phiz.    Vol 1.   Vol 2.

Single Volumes:

Arthur O'Leary

Lord Kilgobbin

Rent in the Cloud      

St. Patrick's Eve

Jack Hinton

Tale of the Trains

Luttrell of Arran

Gerald Fitzgerald

Cornelius O'Dowd    

Con Cregan

The O'Donoghue

Jasper Carew

One of Them

Maurice Tiernay

The Bramleighs

Boy of Norcutt's

A Day's Ride

Nuts and Nutcrackers

Tony Butler

Fortunes of Glencore

Gosslett's Confessions

Charles Lever, His Life in his Letters
By Edmond Downey.

Vol 1.   Vol 2.

List of Authors

Bernard Blackmantle (1788-1868)

With 72 Color Plates
by Robert Cruikshank

The English Spy

Download Zipped File
spy_th (77K)

List of Authors

Frank E. Smedley (circa 1825)

INDEX of The PG Works of Frank E. Smedley with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Frank Fairlegh, Scenes from the Life of a Private Pupil

Harry Coverdale's Courtship, and All That Came of It

The Fortunes of the Colville Family

Lewis Arundel

List of Authors

Pierce Egan (circa 1821)

With Many Color Plates by Aiken and Rowlinson

Real Life in London

Download Zipped File
The Flower Of The Flock, Volume I   
The Flower Of The Flock, Volume II
The Flower Of The Flock, Volume III

List of Authors

Robert Seymour (1800-1836)   Sketches

Fishing Lesson Vy Sarah You're Drunk

Complete Illustrated Edition

Download Zipped File

List of Authors

American Historical Curiosities Collected by John Jay Smith and John F. Watson

1639   1693   1765   1776

Illustrated Editions

First Series (23 mb)

Download Zipped File

Second Series (22 mb)

Download Zipped File

List of Authors

The GUSTAVE DORE (1832-1883)  Illustrated Collection

Cervantes (1547-1616) —  "Don Quixote"
With Illustrations by Gustave Dore

Illustrated Edition
   Each of the individual volumes average about 2 mb. The two "Complete" volumes have scalable images.

INDEX of Works of Cervantes (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra) with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Don Quixote, Volume I., Complete (28.5 mb)

Download Zipped File

Woodcut Steel Engraving
1.—Ch 1-3   
2.—Ch 4-5
3.—Ch 6-8
4.—Ch 9-13
5.—Ch 14-15
6.—Ch 16-17         
7.—Ch 18-22   
8.—Ch 23
9.—Ch 24-27
10.—Ch 28
11.—Ch 29
12.—Ch 30-32        
13.—Ch 33-40
14.—Ch 41
15.—Ch 42-46
16.—Ch 47-49
17.—Ch 50
18.—Ch 51-52

Don Quixote, Part II., Complete (34.7 mb)

Download Zipped File

Woodcut Steel Engraving
19.—Ch 1-5   
20.—Ch 6-10
21.—Ch 11-14
22.—Ch 15-18
23.—Ch 19-20
24.—Ch 21
25.—Ch 22
26.—Ch 23-25        
27.—Ch 26-28   
28.—Ch 29-31
29.—Ch 32-35
30.—Ch 36-43
31.—Ch 44-45
32.—Ch 46-48
33.—Ch 49-53
34.—Ch 54-57        
35.—Ch 58-59
36.—Ch 60
37.—Ch 61
38.—Ch 62
39.—Ch 63-66
40.—Ch 67-70
41.—Ch 71-72
42.—Ch 73-74

The Dore Bible Gallery    With Illustrations by Gustave Dore

Illustrated Edition

The Flood
Volume 1.         Volume 2.         Volume 3.         Volume 4.         Volume 5.        
Volume 6. Volume 7. Volume 8. Volume 9. Complete. (20 mb)
Download Complete Zipped File

Dante (1265-1321)  —     The Divine Comedy, with Illustrations by Gustave Dore

INDEX of The Divine Comedy, Complete, with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (34.5mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have all three books of The Divine Comedy with their steel engravings, on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.



Complete Edition      V 1.        V 2.        V 3.



Complete Edition      V 1.        V 2.        V 3.        V 4.         V 5.       



Complete Edition      V 1.        V 2.        V 3.        V 4.         V 5.       
V 6.        V 7.        V 8.        V 9.         V 10.       

Francois Rabelais (1483-1553)

Gargantua and Pantagruel  —    With Illustrations by Gustave Dore

INDEX of the PG Works of François Rabelais, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

rabelais (66K) Complete Illustrated Edition
Download Complete Zipped File

V 1.

V 2.

V 3.

V 4.

V 5.

List of Authors

Two Hundred Sketches of Dore   —  Humorous and Grotesque

Complete Illustrated Edition

Download Zipped File

List of Authors

Gustave Dore - Illustrated Volumes

INDEX of the PG Works of Gustave Doré, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

River Legends — by E. H. Knatchbull-Hugessen

Stories of the Days of King Arthur — by Charles Henry Hanson

Atala — by François Auguste de Chateaubriand

The Days of Chivalry — by Ernest Louis Victor Jules L'Epine

A Tour Through The Pyrenees — by Hippolyte Adolphe Taine

Myths of the Rhine — by X. B. Saintine

Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Brunissende — by Mary Lafon

Fairy Realm — by Tom Hood

List of Authors

George Cruikshank - Illustrated Volumes (1789-1856)

INDEX of Works of George Cruikshank with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Bachelor's Own Book — by George Cruikshank

The Centenary Garland — by Anonymous

Four Hundred Humorous Illustrations, Vol 1 (of 2) — by George Cruikshank

Four Hundred Humorous Illustrations, Vol 2 (of 2) — by George Cruikshank

Points of Humour, Part I (of II) — by Anonymous

Points of Humour, Part I (of II) — by Anonymous

Pamphlets and Parodies on Political Subjects — by William Hone

Jack Sheppard, Vol. I (of III) — by WW. Harrison Ainsworth

Jack Sheppard, Vol. II (of III) — by WW. Harrison Ainsworth

Jack Sheppard, Vol. III (of III) — by WW. Harrison Ainsworth

Three Courses and a Dessert — by Anonymous

Tales Of Humour, Gallantry and Romance — by Anonymous

Odd Volume, or Book Of Variety — by Seymour and Cruikshank

New Readings Of Old Authors — by Seymour and Cruikshank

The Life Of George Cruikshank, Vol. I. (of II) — by Blanchard Jerrold

The Life Of George Cruikshank, Vol. II. (of II) — by Blanchard Jerrold

My Sketch Book — by George Cruikshank

The Life Of Sir John Falstaff — by Robert B. Brough

Cruikshank's Water Colours — by George Cruikshank

List of Authors

John Leech - Illustrated Volumes (1817-1864)

INDEX of Works of John Leech with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

John Leech's Pictures Of Life And Character, Volume I (of III) — by John Leech

John Leech's Pictures Of Life And Character, Volume II (of III) — by John Leech

John Leech's Pictures Of Life And Character, Volume III (of III) — by John Leech

The Book Of Ballads, Bon Gaultier (editor) 1870 — by John Leech

Benjamin Disraeli, The Earl Of Beaconsfield, Cartoons From "Punch" — by John Leech

Four Hundred Humorous Illustrations, With Portrait and Biographical Sketch — by John Leech

The Comic English Grammar, by Percival Leigh — by John Leech

A Little Tour In Ireland, by S. Reynolds Hole — by John Leech

Portraits of Children of The Mobility, by Percival Leigh — by John Leech

Ask Momma, or The Richest Commoner In England, by R. S. Surtees — by John Leech

The Comic History Of England, by Gilbert Abbott A'Beckett — by John Leech

Colin Clink, Volume I (of III) — by Charles Hooton and John Leech

Colin Clink, Volume II (of III) — by Charles Hooton and John Leech

Colin Clink, Volume III (of III) — by Charles Hooton and John Leech

Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures — by Anonymous and John Leech

List of Authors

The Project Gutenberg Bibles

King James Bible

King James Bible(in an alternate format)

Douay-Rheims Version

The World English Bible (WEB)

The Book Of Mormon

List of Authors

Archbishop William Wake (1657-1737)
—The Forbidden Gospels

Complete Edition With Page Images

Download Zipped File

List of Authors

Emile Zola (1840-1902)

INDEX of the Works of Zola in English with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (6.6 mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Project Gutenberg Zola library in English on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete: Lourdes, Rome and Paris





A Zola Dictionary

Fête At Coqueville

His Masterpiece

The Downfall

The Flood
zola (6K)   The Fortune of the Rougons  

  The Fat and the Thin

  Therese Raquin


  The Dream

  Nana and Others

  Doctor Pascal

  Abbe Mouret's Transgression

  Piping Hot!

  The Ladies' Paradise

List of Authors

Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)    Works Not Previously Published by PG

INDEX of Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

hawthorne (30K) TWICE TOLD TALES:

Sunday at Home
Little Annie's Ramble
A Rill From The Town Pump     
The Prophetic Pictures
Sights From a Steeple
The Toll Gatherers Day
The Vision of the Fountain
Fancy's Showbox
The Haunted Mind
The Village Uncle
The Sister Years
Snow Flakes
The Seven Vagabonds     
The White Old Maid
Chippings with a Chisel
Night Sketches
The Lilly's Quest
Footprints on the Seashore
Edward Fane's Rosebud
The Three Fold Destiny
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret


The Old Manse
A Select Party
Fire Worship
Buds and Bird Voices               
Monsieur du Miroir
The Hall of Fantasy
New Adam and Eve
Christmas Banquet
The Intelligence Office      
P's Correspondence
Earth's Holocaust
Passages from a Relinquished Work
Sketches from Memory
The Old Apple Dealer
A Virtuoso's Collection


Main Street
A Bell's Biography                   
Sylph Etherege
Old News
The Man of Adamant
Inglefield's Thanksgiving    
Old Ticonderoga
The Wives of the Dead
Little Daffydowndilly


Sketches From Memory
Journal Of A Solitary Man        
Other Tales and Sketches
Dr Buillivant
A Book of Autographs
An Old Woman's Tale       
Time's Portraiture
Browne's Folly


The Gorgon's Head                
Paradise for Children
Three Gold Apples             

The Miraculous Pitcher

FANSHAWE AND OTHER PIECES:     Biographical Sketches

Biographical Stories

ENGLISH NOTEBOOKS:      Volume I.       Volume II.

FRENCH NOTEBOOKS:       Volume I.       Volume II.

AMERICAN NOTEBOOKS:  Volume I.       Volume II.

OUR OLD HOME:       Complete



The Great Stone Face   
Tanglewood Tales
Grandfather's Chair
The Marble Faun, Vol. I.
The Marble Faun, Vol. II.

The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by Frank Preston Stearns

List of Authors

John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892)    His Complete Collected Works

INDEX of The PG Edition of The Works of Whittier with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (1.5 mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire John Greeleaf Whittier Collection on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

whittier_small (28K)   NARRATIVE POEMS







  The Boy Captives
  Yankee Gypsies

List of Authors

Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695)
The Tales and Novels(Poetry)

The Illustrated Edition of The Tales and Novels of La Fontaine

Download Zipped File

Fontaine Sampler

fontaine_thumb (34K)    

List of Authors

Marietta Holley (1836-1926)   —   Josiah Allen's Wife

Illustrated Editions:

Samantha Among the Brethren

Download Zipped File

Sweet Cicely

Download Zipped File
List of Authors

Jennie Hall (1875-1921)   —  Buried Cities

Illustrated Editions:

Complete Edition

Download Zipped File

Vol. 1.        Vol. 2.        Vol. 3.       

List of Authors

W.W. Jacobs (1863-1943)

INDEX of the Works of W.W. Jacobs with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (32.2mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire W.W. Jacobs library of Short Stories on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Ships Company    

Sailor's Knots

At Sunwich Port

Captains All

Deep Waters

More Cargoes

Dialstone Lane

Lady of The Barge

Night Watches

Odd Craft

The Skipper's Wooing   

Many Cargoes   

Short Cruises

Light Freights

A Master Of Craft


Sea Urchins

List of Authors

Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume (1787-1874)
—— Over 400 Steel Engravings and Woodcuts  

Illustrated by A. De Neuville — Translated by Robert Black
— Each file approximately 7mb

INDEX of Works of Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot with active HYPERLINKS to all files.

Download (41.1)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Guizot library of the History of France on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

louis14_thumb (13K) Antiquity to 1100

1100 to 1380

1380 to 1515

1515 to 1589

1589 to 1715

1715 to 1789

List of Authors

David Hume  (1711-1776))
—— Over 150 Large Steel Engravings  
A History of England From Early Times
With Continuations by Tobias Smollett, E. Farr and E. H. Nolan

INDEX of The History of England From Early Times, by Hume et al. with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (60.5mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Hume library of the History of England From Early Times on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

england_th (23K) Volume I., Part A.  From Early Times to King John

Volume I., Part B.  From Henry III. to Richard III.

Volume I., Part C.  From Henry VII. to Mary

Volume I., Part D.  From Elizabeth to James I.

Volume I., Part E.  From Charles I. to Cromwell

Volume I., Part F.  From Charles II. to James II.

Volume II.  From William and Mary to George II.

Volume III.  From George III. to Victoria

An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals

A Treatise of Human Nature

List of Authors

Jacques Casanova (de Seingalt) (1725-1798)

INDEX of Works of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt

Quotes and Images

Illustrated Individual Volumes     Vol. 1.     Vol. 2.     Vol. 3     Vol. 4.     Vol. 5.     Vol. 6.

Illustrated Edition, Complete 

Download Zipped File

Vol. 1.
1. Childhood
2. A Cleric in Naples
3. Military Career
4. Return to Venice
5. Milan and Mantua

Vol. 2.
6. Paris
7. Venice
8. Convent Affairs
9. False Nun
10. Under the Leads

Vol. 3
11. Paris and Holland
12. Return to Paris
13. Holland and Germany
14. Switzerland
15. With Voltaire
casanova_thumb (45K)     Vol. 4.
16. Depart Switzerland
17. Return to Italy
18. To Naples
19. Again to Paris
20. Milan

Vol. 5.
21. South of France
22. To London
23. The English
24. London to Berlin
25. Russia and Poland

Vol. 6.
26. Spain
27. Expelled from Spain
28. Rome
29. Florence to Trieste
30. Old Age and Death

List of Authors

Petronius Arbiter (20-66)  —The Satyricon

The Embarcation

petronius_thumb (13K)    

The Satyricon:    Complete Illustrated Edition

Download Zipped File

V 1.        V 2.        V 3.        V 4.         V 5.        V 6.        V 7.        

List of Authors

Antoine de la Sale (1398-?)  — Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles

INDEX of the PG Works of Antoine de La Salle, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Download Zipped File

nouvelles (69K)

List of Authors

Gordon Home (1878-1969)    (Author and Painter)

INDEX of the Illustrated Works of Gordon Home with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (22.9mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Gordon Home illustrated library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

cottage (45K)     Illustrated Editions



Yorkshire—Coast and Moorlands

England of My Heart—Spring

List of Authors

Ian Maclaren (1850-1907)    Illustrated by Frederick Gordon

Download (7.9 mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Doctor of the Old School illustrated eBook on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Dr. MacLure

A Doctor of the Old School, Complete      V 1.     V 2.     V 3.     V 4.     V 5

The Days of Auld Lang Syne
His Majesty Baby and Some Common People

List of Authors

Desiderius Erasmus (1469-1536)

erasmus_th (41K)   A Mery Dialogue
Download Zipped File

  Two Dyaloges
Download Zipped File

  In Praise of Folly
Download Zipped File

List of Authors

George T. Ferris      (1840- ) Music History       

INDEX of Works of George T. Ferris with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

music_th (31K) Great German Composers

Great Italian and French Composers

Great Violinists and Pianists

Great Singers, Series One

Great Singers, Series Two

List of Authors

American Eloquence   
Edited by Alexander Johnston and James Albert Woodburn

Studies In American Political History (1896)

With Engravings

Volume I.
James Otis,  Patrick Henry,  Samuel Adams,  Alexander Hamilton,  James Madison,  Albert Gallatin,  Fisher Ames,  John Nicholas,  Thomas Jefferson,  John Randolph,  Josiah Quincy,  Henry Clay,  Robert Y. Hayne,  Daniel Webster,  John C. Calhoun,  Thomas H. Benton

Volume II.
Rufus King,  William Pinkney,  Wendell Phillips,  John Quincy Adams,  John C. Calhoun,  Daniel Webster,  Henry Clay,  Wendell Phillips,  Charles Sumner

Volume III.
Salmon Portland Chase,  Edward Everett,  Stephen Arnold Dougla, s Charles Sumner,  Preston S. Brooks,  Judah P. Benjamin,  Abraham Lincoln,  William H. Seward,  John Parker Hale,  Alfred Iverson,  Benjamin Wade,  John Jordon Crittenden,  Robert Toombs,  Samuel Sullivan Cox,  Jefferson Davis

Volume IV.
Abraham Lincoln,  Jefferson Davis,  Alexander Hamilton Stephens,  John C. Breckenridge  Edward D. Baker  Clement L. Vallandigham,  Henry Ward Beecher,  Henry Winter Davis,  George H. Pendleton,  Thaddeus Stevens,  Henry J. Raymond,  Thaddeus Stevens,  Henry Clay,  Frank H. Hurd,  Justin S. Morrill,  James G. Blaine,  John Sherman,  John P. Jones,  George William Curtis,  Carl Schurz

Index of "American Eloquence" with active HYPERLINKS to all files.

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Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Project Gutenberg "American Eloquence" Library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

List of Authors

William Carleton (1794-1869)
Stories and Tales of The Irish

INDEX of Works of William Carleton with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Download (16.9mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire library of the Stories and Tales of The Irish by William Carleton on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Willy Reilly
Fardorougha, The Miser
Black Baronet
The Evil Eye
Jane Sinclair
Lha Dhu
The Dead Boxer
Ellen Duncan
The Proctor's Daughter
Valentine M'Clutchy
The Tithe-Proctor
The Emigrants Of Ahadarra   
Ned M'Keown
The Three Tasks
Shane Fadh's Wedding
Larry M'Farland's Wake
The Battle Of The Factions
irish2 (26K)       The Station
The Party Fight And Funeral
The Lough Derg Pilgrim
The Hedge School
The Midnight Mass
The Donagh
Phil Purcel, The Pig-Driver
The Geography Of An Irish Oath
The Lianhan Shee
Going To Maynooth
The Poor Scholar
The Black Prophet
Phelim Otoole's Courtship
Wildgoose Lodge
Tubber Derg (The Red Well)
Neal Malone
Art Maguire (The Broken Pledge)

List of Authors

George Rawlinson  (1812-1902)

Illustrated Editions:

  —   The Seven Great Monarchies of the Ancient Asian World

Index of Works of George Rawlinson with active HYPERLINKS to all contents of all files.

Download (53.4mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire library of The Seven Great Monarchies of the Ancient Asian World by George Rawlinson on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

cuneiform (39K) Chaldaea    






Sassanian Empire

  —   History of Phoenicia

List of Authors

Gaston Maspero  (1846-1916)   —   History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria

Illustrated Editions

INDEX of Works of Gaston Maspero with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (174mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire library of the History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria by Gaston Maspro on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

       egypt (50K)

      Volume I.    Volume II.    Volume III.    Volume IV.    Volume V.    Volume VI.    Volume VII.

      Volume VIII.     Volume IX.     Volume X.     Volume XI.     Volume XII.     Volume XIII.

List of Authors

John Marshall (1755-1835)
The Life of George Washington

The Complete "Life of Washington" by John Marshall and an INDEX with HYPERLINKS to all contents

washington (24K)     Illustrated Editions

Volume I.

Volume II.

Volume III.

Volume IV.

Volume V.

List of Authors

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson

  The First Project Gutenberg Ebook produced by Michael Hart in 1971— The Declaration of Independence
 His Handwritten Draft of The Declaration of Independence:  Page 1  Page 2  Page 3  Page 4

The complete Jefferson's "Memoirs and Papers" in one file, and an INDEX with HYPERLINKS to all contents

jefferson (93K)    

Illustrated Editions

Volume I.

Volume II.

Volume III.

Volume IV.

List of Authors

The Heptameron of Margaret Queen of Navarre (1492-1549)
  —  Translated by George Saintsbury

Illustrated Edition

INDEX of Works of Margurite de Navaree with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Complete "Heptameron" of Margaret, Queen of Navarre in One File, and an INDEX with HYPERLINKS to all contents

navarre (12K) Volume 1.

Volume 2.

Volume 3.

Volume 4.

Volume 5.

List of Authors

Honore de Balzac (1799-1850)

The complete PG Works of Balzac in one file, and an Alphabetized INDEX with HYPERLINKS to all contents

paris-th (3K) A Street of Paris
(With many Paintings)

The Human Comedy

One Hundred Balzac Books and Stories Listed in Alphabetical Order:
The Alkahest
The Collection of Antiquities
The Deputy of Arcis
The Atheist's Mass
The Ball at Sceaux
Cousin Betty
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
A Prince of Bohemia
The Lesser Bourgeoisie
Brotherhood of Consolation
A Man of Business
La Grande Breteche
Facino Cane
Colonel Chabert
The Chouans
Christ in Flanders
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris   
The Country Doctor
Domestic Peace
Massimilla Doni
Droll Stories
The Duchesse de Langeais   
The Elixir of Life
A Daughter of Eve
Eve and David   
The Exiles   
Father Goriot
The Illustrious Gaudissart
Gaudissart II
Girl with the Golden Eyes
Eugenie Grandet
La Grenadiere
The Hated Son
A Second Home
Louis Lambert
Letters of Two Brides
The Lily of the Valley
The Commission in Lunacy   
Madame Firmiani
The Magic Skin
Maitre Cornelius
Z. Marcas
The Marriage Contract
The Physiology of Marriage
The Hidden Masterpiece
Catherine de' Medici
An Historical Mystery
The Message
Melmoth Reconciled
Modeste Mignon
An Old Maid
The Muse of the Department
The Napoleon of the People
The Firm of Nucingen
Pamela Giraud
Parisians in the Country   
A Passion in the Desert   
Petty Troubles of Married Life
Pierre Grassou
Cousin Pons
The Purse
The Recruit
The Red Inn
A Drama on the Seashore
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan
Albert Savarus
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
Sons of the Soil
A Start in Life
A Street of Paris
A Woman of Thirty
Study of a Woman
An Episode Under the Terror   
The Thirteen   
The Two Brothers
Two Poets
Unconscious Comedians   
The Unknown Masterpiece   
El Verdugo
The Vicar of Tours
The Village Rector
Another Study of Woman
The Deserted Woman

List of Authors

Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)

INDEX of the Works of Joseph Conrad with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (5.9 mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Joseph Conrad library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

           Nigger of the "Narcissus  
Tales of Hearsay
The Point of Honor
One Day More
Heart of Darkness   
Gaspar Ruiz
The Secret Sharer  
The Shadow Line
Amy Foster

End of the Tether
An Outcast of the Islands  
A Personal Record
Tales of Unrest
Some Reminiscences

The Rescue
A Set of Six
Under Western Eyes
Lord Jim
The Inheritors

List of Authors

Anton Chekhov (1860-1904)

INDEX of the Works of Chekhov with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Schoolmistress and Others   
Swan Song
The Sea-Gull
Plays, 2nd Series
The Witch and Other Stories
The Wife and Other Stories
The Slanderer
Uncle Vanya
Letters of Anton Chekhov

List of Authors

Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)

INDEX of Works of Leon Tolstoy with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Father Sergius
Master and Man   
War and Peace
What Men Live By   
The Cossacks: A Tale of 1852   
The Forged Coupon and Others
The Kreutzer Sonata and Others   
A Letter to a Hindu   
Anna Karenina   

List of Authors

Wilkie Collins (1824-1889)

INDEX of the PG Works of Wilkie Collins, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

The Moonstone
Man and Wife
No Name
After Dark
Law and the Lady
The New Magdalen
The Fallen Leaves   
Hide and Seek
The Black Robe
A Rogue's Life
A Fair Penitent
Little Novels
The Queen of Hearts   
Heart and Science
The Two Destinies
Miss or Mrs.?
My Lady's Money
The Frozen Deep
I Say No
The Legacy of Cain
The Evil Genius
The Dead Alive

List of Authors

Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)

INDEX of the PG Works of Gustave Flaubert with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Three short works by Gustave Flaubert
A Simple Soul
Madame Bovary

List of Authors

Washington Irving (1783-1859)

INDEX of the PG Works of Washington Irving, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Little Britain   
Legend of Sleepy Hollow   
Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon   
Captain Bonneville
Old Christmas
Conquest of Granada   
Tales of a Traveller
Bracebridge Hall
The Crayon Papers
Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey
Wolfert's Roost, and Miscellanies
Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography

List of Authors

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)

INDEX of the PG Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

The Wrecker    
Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde   
Treasure Island   
The Wrong Box
The Sea Fogs
The Ebb-Tide
The Pocket R.L.S.

List of Authors

Andrew Lang  (1844-1912)

INDEX of the Fairy Books of Andrew Lang with HYPERLINKS to the contents to all files.

Also included is an alphabetized list of links to all 420 short stories

Download (24mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Andrew Lang Fairy Books on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

The Brown Fairy Book   
The Lilac Fairy Book   
The Orange Fairy Book   
The Red Fairy Book   
The Violet Fairy Book   
The Green Fairy Book
The Yellow Fairy Book
The Blue Fairy Book
The Crimson Fairy Book                   
The Grey Fairy Book
The Pink Fairy Book
The Olive Fairy Book
Letters to Dead Authors
Myth, Ritual, and Religion, Vol. 1
Myth, Ritual, and Religion, Vol. 2
Prince Prigio
Much Darker Days    
The Gold Of Fairnilee   
The Mark of Cain
The Valet's Tragedy and Others
Homer and His Age
Johnny Nut and the Golden Goose
Highways and Byways in The Border
The Story of Joan of Arc

List of Authors

David Christie Murray  (1847-1907)

Aunt Rachel
My Contemporaries in Fiction  
The Making Of A Novelist
In Direst Peril
An Old Meerschaum
Romance Of Giovanni Calvotti
Cruel Barbara Allen
Schwartz: A History
Young Mr. Barter's Repentance  
Bulldog And Butterfly
Julia and her Romeo
VC—A Chronicle of Castle Barfield
Despair's Last Journey

List of Authors

Booth Tarkington (1869-1946)

INDEX of the Works of Tarkington with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Monsieur Beaucaire   
The Turmoil
The Beautiful Lady
The Magnificent Ambersons   
His Own People   
Penrod and Sam
Harlequin and Columbine   
Beasley's Christmas Party   
The Flirt   
Ramsey Milholland
Alice Adams
The Two Vanrevels
The Gentleman From Indiana
In the Arena
The Guest of Quesnay

List of Authors

Herbert George Wells (1866-1946)

INDEX of the PG Works of H. G. Wells with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The World Set Free
The Secret Places of the Heart  
God The Invisible King
The Research Magnificent
Twelve Stories and a Dream
The Door in the Wall et al.
The First Men in the Moon
In the Days of the Comet
Ann Veronica
Tono Bungay
The Red Room
When the Sleeper Wakes  
The Wheels of Chance  
In the Fourth Year:  
An Englishman Looks at the World  
Love and Mr. Lewisham  
Soul of a Bishop
War and the Future
The New Machiavelli
The War in the Air
First and Last Things
Mankind in the Making
The Food of the Gods
The Stolen Bacillus et al.

List of Authors

Francis Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924)

INDEX of the PG Works of Frances Hodgson Burnett, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Racketty Packetty House
Little Lord Fauntleroy   
Surly Tim
The Pretty Sister Of José   
A Fair Barbarian   
The Shuttle
Sara Crewe
Mère Girauds Little Daughter   
The Shuttle
The White People
Le Monsieur De La Petite Dame
One Day At Arle
That Lass O' Lowrie's
T. Tembarom

List of Authors

Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832-1898)

INDEX of the PG Works of Horatio Alger, Jr., with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Cast Upon the Breakers   
Driven From Home
Paul Prescott's Charge
Hector's Inheritance
Helping Himself
Nothing to Eat
The Young Outlaw
Sam's Chance
The Cash Boy
The Errand Boy
Joe The Hotel Boy   
Bound to Rise
The Young Musician   
Facing the World   
Herbert Carter's Legacy   
Bernard Brooks' Adventures   
The Erie Train Boy   
Paul the Peddler
Phil the Fiddler
Frank's Campaign
Do and Dare
Timothy Crump's Ward
Try and Trust
Walter Sherwood's Probation   
The Tin Box,   
Wait and Hope,   
Ragged Dick
Struggling Upward
The Young Explorer
Try and Trust
The Store Boy
Andy Burke's Fortunes
Andy Grant's Pluck
The Erie Train Boy
Among The Gold Fields   

List of Authors

Henry James (1843-1916)

INDEX of Works of Henry James with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Roderick Hudson   
The American
The Finer Grain
The Aspern Papers
The Turn of the Screw   
The Reverberator
Madame de Mauves
Italian Hours
Picture and Text
The Europeans
The Author Of Beltraffio   
Georgina's Reasons
Daisy Miller
An International Episode
A Passionate Pilgrim
The Awkward Age
Preface: Brooke's Letters America   
The Outcry
The Path Of Duty
Four Meetings
Portrait of a Lady, Vol. 1
Portrait of a Lady, Vol. 2
Louisa Pallant
The Golden Bowl

List of Authors

Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836-1907)

Cruise of the Dolphin
The Story of a Bad Boy
Ponkapog Papers
An Old Town By The Sea   
The Little Violinist
A Struggle For Life
Miss Mehetabel's Son
A Rivermouth Romance   
Quite So
Marjorie Daw
Our New Neighbors At Ponkapog
Père Antoine's Date-Palm
Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski
A Midnight Fantasy
Wyndham Towers

List of Authors

Jack London (1876-1916)

INDEX of Works of Jack London with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Scarlet Plague
The Son of the Sun
The Acorn Planter
The Call of the Wild   
South Sea Tales
The Night-Born
When God Laughs and Others   
The Iron Heel
Scorn of Women--A Play
Before Adam
Moon-Face and Others
Valley of the Moon
Smoke Bellew

List of Authors

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

Mrs. Warren's Profession   
An Unsocial Socialist
Dark Lady of the Sonnets   
The Perfect Wagnerite
The Great Catherine
O'Flaherty V. C
Fanny's First Play
You Never Can Tell
Back to Methuselah
Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress   
Captain Brassbound's Conversion
Parents and Children
Man And Superman
The Inca of Perusalem
How He Lied to Her Husband
Press Cuttings
Cashel Byron's Profession
Getting Married
Heartbreak House
Augustus Does His Bit
Caesar and Cleopatra
Preface to Doctors Dilemma
The Doctor's Dilemma
Preface to Androcles and the Lion
The Philanderer
The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet

List of Authors

Stories by Many English Authors


List of Authors

Herbert A. Giles   (1845-1935)

INDEX of Works of Herbert A. Giles with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Civilization Of China   
China and the Manchus
Religions of Ancient China
Chinese Sketches
List of Authors

H. Rider Haggard   (1856-1925)

INDEX of the PG Works of H. Rider Haggard, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Black Heart and White Heart   
Benita, An African Romance
Allan's Wife
Maiwa's Revenge
Eric Brighteyes
Long Odds
She and Allan
The Lady Of Blossholme
Nada the Lily
When the World Shook
A Tale of Three Lions
The Ghost Kings
The Brethren
The Ivory Child
Queen Sheba's Ring
Hunter Quatermain's Story
The World's Desire
The Mahatma and the Hare   
Morning Star
Doctor Therne
Montezuma's Daughter
Child of Storm
The Ancient Allan
Colonel Quaritch, V.C.
Moon of Israel
The Yellow God
The Wizard
Red Eve
The Wanderer's Necklace
The Virgin of the Sun
Stella Fregelius
Smith and the Pharaohs, and Others
The People Of The Mist
Cetywayo and White Neighbours
Allan and the Holy Flower
Allan Quatermain
Mr. Meeson's Will

List of Authors

Emile Gaboriau   (1832-1873)

The Champdoce Mystery
The Honor of the Name
The Count's Millions, v1
Baron Trigault's Vengeance, v2   
Caught In The Net
The Widow Lerouge   
File No. 113
Monsieur Lecoq
Within an Inch of His Life
The Clique of Gold
Other People's Money
A Thousand Francs Reward
List of Authors

Robert Hichens   (1864-1950)

The Prophet of Berkeley Square   
The Spell of Egypt
In the Wilderness
The Garden Of Allah
December Love
The Spinster
The Woman With The Fan
Smaïn; and Safti's Summer Day
The Figure In The Mirage
Princess And The Jewel Doctor
Halima And The Scorpions
Mission Of Mr. Eustace Greyne   
Fin Tireur

The Desert Drum
Desert Air
The Return Of The Soul
The Folly Of Eustace
The Collaborators
A Spirit in Prison

List of Authors

Charles Dickens   (1812-1870)

INDEX of the PG Works of Charles Dickens, with HYPERLINKS to the table of contents of all files

A Christmas Carol     
Our Mutual Friend
Barnaby Rudge
Dombey and Son
Old Curiosity Shop
Great Expectations
David Copperfield
Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby
Adventures Of Martin Chuzzlewit   
Oliver Twist   
Dickens as a Reader by Charles Kent
Little Dorrit
The Pickwick Papers
A Tale of Two Cities

List of Authors

Richard Harding Davis   (1864-1916)

A Question of Latitude   
The Spy
The Messengers
The Frame Up
The Lost House
My Buried Treasure
The Red Cross Girl
Real Soldiers of Fortune  
Captain Macklin  
A Wasted Day
A Charmed Life
The Amateur
Log of The "Jolly Polly"  
Miss Civilization
The Make-Believe Man
In the Fog
Peace Manoeuvres
Life in the Iron-Mills
Billy and the Big Stick
Lion and the Unicorn and Others
The Man Who Could Not Lose
The Nature Faker
The Consul
Gallegher and Other Stories
Ranson's Folly

List of Authors

Bret Harte   (1836-1902)

INDEX of Works of Bret Harte with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

A Waif of the Plains   
Devil's Ford
Stories in Light and Shadow  
Openings in the Old Trail
From Sand Hill to Pine
In the Carquinez Woods
Legends and Tales
A Drift from Redwood Camp   
A First Family of Tasajara
Found At Blazing Star
The Twins of Table Mountain   
Frontier Stories   
Snow-Bound at Eagle's
Susy, A Story of the Plains  
Tales of Trail and Town
Under the Redwoods
Mr. Jack Hamlin's Mediation  
Selected Stories
The Story of a Mine
Jeff Briggs's Love Story
The Argonauts of North Liberty   
Sally Dows and Other Stories
Flip: A California Romance
The Queen of the Pirate Isle
Complete Poetical Works
Trent's Trust and Other Stories
The Crusade of the Excelsior
Mrs. Skaggs's Husbands and Other Stories
The Three Partners
On the Frontier
Urban Sketches
The Bell-Ringer of Angel's and Others
A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's and Others
A Phyllis of the Sierras
Colonel Starbottle's Client and Others
A Sappho of Green Springs
Tales of the Argonauts
Two Men of Sandy Bar
Luck of Roaring Camp and Others

List of Authors

Charles Reade   (1814-1884)

A Simpleton   
White Lies
A Terrible Temptation   
Peg Woffington   
Put Yourself in His Place   
Cloister and the Hearth
Christie Johnstone

Hard Cash
It Is Never Too Late to Mend
Love Me Little, Love Me Long
The Woman-Hater

List of Authors

Joseph C. Lincoln   (1870-1944)

INDEX of the Works of Joseph Lincoln in English with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (7.1 mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Project Gutenberg Joseph C. Lincoln library in English on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Keziah Coffin
The Depot Master
Thankful's Inheritance
Cy Whittaker's Place
Galusha the Magnificent   
The Woman-Haters
Cap'n Eri
Kent Knowles: Quahaug   
Cape Cod Stories
The Portygee
The Rise of Roscoe Paine
Cap'n Warren's Wards
Cap'n Dan's Daughter

List of Authors

William Makepeace Thackeray   (1811-1863)

INDEX of Works of Thackeray with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Rose and the Ring
History of Henry Esmond   
Roundabout Papers
The Wolves and the Lamb
The Fitz-Boodle Papers
Catherine: A Story
Paris Sketch Book
The History of Pendennis  
Adventures of Major Gahagan    
George Cruikshank   
The Book of Snobs
The Fatal Boots
The Christmas Books   
Men's Wives
The Virginians
The Newcomes

The Second Funeral of Napoleon
John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character
Little Travels and Roadside Sketches
A Little Dinner at Timmins's
The Bedford-Row Conspiracy
Memoirs of Mr. Yellowplush
Barry Lyndon
Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo

List of Authors

Ralph Connor   (1860-1937)

INDEX of the PG Works of Ralph Connor, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all files

Corporal Cameron
Glengarry Schooldays   
The Doctor
To Him That Hath
Black Rock
The Sky Pilot   
The Man From Glengarry
The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land   
The Major
The Patrol of the Sun Dance Trail
The Foreigner: In Saskatchewan

List of Authors

R. D. Blackmore   (1825-1900)

INDEX of the PG Works of R. D. Blackmore, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all files

Lorna Doone (illustrated)
Lorna Doone (plain edition)  
Mary Anerley

Slain by the Doones  

Frida, or, The Lover's Leap
George Bowring - Cader Idris
Crocker's Hole
Fringilla: Some Tales In Verse

List of Authors

David Herbert Lawrence    (1885-1930)

INDEX of Works of David Lawrence with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Sons and Lovers  
Aaron's Rod
England, My England   
The Prussian Officer    
Wintry Peacock
Touch and Go
Twilight in Italy
New Poems
Amores: Poems
Bay: A Book of Poems
Look! We Have Come Through!
The Lost Girl

List of Authors

Maria Dinah Craik    (1826-1887)

Agatha's Husband   
The Little Lame Prince    
A Life for a Life, Volume I
A Life for a Life, Volume II
A Life for a Life, Volume III

List of Authors

Arthur Conan Doyle    (1859-1930)

INDEX of Works of Arthur Conan Doyle with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Return of Sherlock Holmes   
A Desert Drama
Beyond the City
The White Company
Sir Nigel
The Mystery of Cloomber
The Doings Of Raffles Haw
The Vital Message
Visit to Three Fronts: June 1916     
Return of Sherlock Holmes
Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes   
Songs of The Road
Adventures of Gerard
The Great Boer War
The Last Galley
The Green Flag    
Uncle Bernac
My Friend The Murderer
A Study In Scarlet
Captain of the Pole-Star
Hound of the Baskervilles
The Valley of Fear
Micah Clarke
The Refugees
Napoleonic Tales
The Firm of Girdlestone

List of Authors

Pierre Loti    (1850-1923)

An Iceland Fisherman
Egypt (La Mort De Philae)   
The Story of a Child

List of Authors

Neil Munro    (1863-1930)

INDEX of the works of Neil Munro with HYPERLINKS to all contents

Doom Castle
Gilian The Dreamer  
The Lost Pibroch  
John Splendid
The Shoes of Fortune

List of Authors

Theodore Roosevelt    (1858-1919)

Theodore Roosevelt, Autobiography    
Hunting the Grisly and Others
Letters to His Children
Hero Tales From American History

List of Authors

Alphonse Daudet    (1840-1897)

The Nabob
Tartarin de Tarascon  
Tartarin de Tarascon  
Artist's Wives
The Immortal
Tartarin On The Alps

List of Authors

Theophile Gautier    (1811-1872)

Captain Fracasse   
King Candaules
The Mummy's Foot

List of Authors

Holman Day    (1865-1935)

INDEX of the Works of Holman Day with HYPERLINKS to all contents

The Landloper
When Egypt Went Broke  
Squire Phin
Up In Maine
Rainy Day Railroad
Blow The Man Down
Pine Tree Ballads
Where The Treasure Is

List of Authors

Edward Bellamy    (1860-1896)

The Blindman's World
An Echo Of Antietam
Hooking Watermelons
To Whom This May Come
A Summer Evening's Dream  
Two Days' Solitary Imprisonment  
Potts's Painless Cure
A Positive Romance
At Pinney's Ranch
The Old Folks' Party
A Love Story Reversed
With The Eyes Shut
The Cold Snap
The Duke of Stockbridge

List of Authors

Anna Katharine Green (Mrs. Charles Rohlfs)    (1846-1935)

The Bronze Hand
A Difficult Problem
The Gray Madam
A Strange Disappearance   
The Woman in the Alcove
The Leavenworth Case
Hermit Of ------ Street
Midnight In Beauchamp Row   
The Staircase At The Hearts Delight
Initials Only
The Golden Slipper
The Mayor's Wife

List of Authors

Mary Russell Mitford    (1787-1855)

The London Visitor
Town Versus Country  
The Lost Dahlia
Country Lodgings
Our Village
Jesse Cliffe
Honor O'Callaghan
Hanson, The Haberdasher  
The Widow's Dog

Aunt Deborah
The China-Woman
The Beauty Of The Village
The Ground-Ash

List of Authors

Heman White Chaplin    (1847-1924)

By The Sea
Saint Patrick
New Minister's Opportunity  
In Madeira Place  

Five Hundred Dollars
The Village Convict

List of Authors

Frank Harris    (1856-1931)

Sheriff And His Partner  
A Modern Idyll
Gulmore, The Boss
Eatin' Crow; and In Garotte  
Elder Conklin
Elder Conklin and Other Stories
The Man Shakespeare

List of Authors

Thomas Nelson Page    (1853-1922)

George Washington's Duel   
A Soldier Of The Empire
Run To Seed
P'laski's Tunament
The Burial of the Guns
The Sheriffs Bluff
The Christmas Peace
Mam' Lyddy's Recognition   

Old Jabe's Marital Experiments
The Long Hillside
The Spectre In The Cart
Bred In The Bone

List of Authors

Mary Hartwell Catherwood    (1847-1902)

The Cursed Patois  
The Black Feather  
The Blue Man  
Old Caravan Days  
Skeleton On Round Island  
Indian On The Trail  

Mothers Of Honoré  
Cobbler In The Devil's Kitchen  
A British Islander  
King Of Beaver  

List of Authors

Josephine Daskam    (1876-1961)

A Reversion To Type  
In The Valley Of The Shadow   
A Philanthropist  
Julia The Apostate  
The Courting Of Lady Jane  
Mrs. Dud's Sister  

List of Authors

Charles Egbert Craddock (AKA Mary Noailles Murfree)    (1850-1922)

The Raid Of The Guerilla
Wolf's Head
Una Of The Hill Country
Who Crosses Storm Mountain?
The Phantom Of Bogue Holauba   
The Christmas Miracle   
A Chilhowee Lily
The Lost Guidon
His Unquiet Ghost
The Crucial Moment
The Riddle Of The Rocks
The Phantoms Of The Foot-Bridge
The Moonshiners At Hoho-Hebee Falls
'way Down In Lonesome Cove
His "Day In Court"

List of Authors

F. Hopkinson Smith    (1838-1915)

The Little Gray Lady
A Gentleman's Gentleman   
Kennedy Square
Forty Minutes Late   
Abijah's Bubble
Felix O'Day

A List To Starboard
The Parthenon By Way Of Papendrecht
Tom Grogan
The Man In The High-Water Boots

List of Authors

Thomas A. Janvier    (1849-1913)

A Border Ruffian
Our Pirate Hoard
For The Honor Of France   
A Temporary Dead-Lock
The Uncle Of An Angel
A Romance Of Tompkins Square   
An Idyl Of The East Side

List of Authors

Edith Wharton    (1862-1937)

Autres Temps...   
The Touchstone
Ethan Frome
The Greater Inclination   
The Long Run
Bunner Sisters   
The Choice
The Reef
Glimpses of the Moon      
Coming Home
The Triumph Of Night
Early Short Fiction, Part 1
Early Short Fiction, Part 2
Tales Of Men And Ghosts

List of Authors

George A. Birmingham    (1865-1950)

Our Casualty    
General John Regan   
The Northern Iron
Lady Bountiful
Lalage's Lovers
Priscilla's Spies

List of Authors

Louis Becke    (1855-1913)

INDEX for the Works of Louis Becke with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

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Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Becke library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Yorke The Adventurer
John Corwell, Sailor   
Poisonous Fish
Colonial Mortuary Bard
"'Reo," The Fisherman
"Old Mary"
"Martin Of Nitendi"
Call Of The South"
Ebbing Of The Tide
In The Far North
Officer And Man
The Trader's Wife
The South Seaman
Fish Drugging
Âmona and Others
Tom Gerrard
becke (24K) The River Of Dreams
"Five-Head" Creek
Black Bream Of Australia   
Chinkie's Flat and Others
John Frewen, South Sea Whaler
Memory Of The Southern Seas
Rídan The Devil and Others
Rodman the Boatsteeer and Others
The Flemmings and "Flash Harry"
"Pig-Headed" Sailor Men
Americans In The South Seas
The Tapu Of Banderah
The Sea Story Of Australia
Concerning "Bully" Hayes
Adventure Of James Shervinton
Brothers-In-Law; The Brass Gun
Adventure Of Elizabeth Morey
Foster's Letter Of Marque
The Gallant and Jack Renton

List of Authors

Anatole France    (1844-1924)

INDEX of Works of Anatole France with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Penguin Island
Duchess Of Cicogne   
Balthazar and Other Stories
Tales Of Jacques Tournebroche
Child Life, Town And Country
The Great St. Nicolas
Seven Wives Of Bluebeard
The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard
The Queen Pedauque

The Life of Joan of Arc, Volumes 1 and 2

List of Authors

George W. Peck    (1840-1916)

INDEX of the PG Works of George W. Peck with HYPERLINKS to the contents all files.

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Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire George Peck library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Peck's Bad Boy and His Pa (v.1)
Grocery Man and Peck's Bad Boy (v.2)   
Peck's Bad Boy Abroad   
Peck's Bad Boy With the Cowboys   
Peck's Uncle Ike and Red Headed Boy
Peck's Sunshine
Private George W. Peck

List of Authors

Edgar Allen Poe    (1809-1849)

The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe in One File with Links to All

The Works of Poe: Volume I.
The Works of Poe: Volume II.
The Works of Poe: Volume III.
The Works of Poe: Volume IV.
The Works of Poe: Volume V.

The Raven, Illustrated

List of Authors

Hall Caine    (1853-1931)

INDEX of The Works of Hall Caine with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (3.4 mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Project Gutenberg collection of The Works of Hall Caine on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

The Manxman
The Little Manx Nation
Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon   
The Christian   
The Drama Of 365 Days
Recollections of D. G. Rossetti
The Scapegoat
The Shadow of a Crime

List of Authors

Edward Gibbon    (1737-1794)

The Complete "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", by Gibbon with Active Links to All Files.

INDEX of Works of Edward Gibbon with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

PG 1996 Edition
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6

PG 1997 Edition
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
gibbon (118K)

Memoirs of My Life and Writings

List of Authors

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

INDEX of The Entire Purcell Papers, by Fanu with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Download (288kb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire library of The Entire Purcell Papers, by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.


Volume 1   
Volume 2   
Volume 3

List of Authors

Thomas Carlyle    (1795-1881)

INDEX of The History of Freidrich II., by Carlyle with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (14.3mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire library of The History of Freidrich II., by Thomas Carlyle on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.


Volume 1   
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6   
Volume 7
Volume 8
Volume 9
Volume 10
Volume 11   
Volume 12
Volume 13
Volume 14
Volume 15
Volume 16   
Volume 17
Volume 18
Volume 19
Volume 20
Volume 21
Volume 22


The French Revolution    
Sartor Resartus    
Life of John Sterling    
Heroes and Hero Worship    
Latter-Day Pamphlets
Early Kings of Norway

List of Authors

Hippolyte Taine    (1828-1893)

INDEX of The Origins of Contemporary France, by Hippolyte Taine with active HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Ancient Regime
The French Revolution, Volume 1
The French Revolution, Volume 2   
The French Revolution, Volume 3
TheModern Regime: Napoleon I.
The Modern Regime, Volume 2

List of Authors

Lewis Carroll    (1832-1898)

INDEX of the PG Works of Lewis Carroll, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Alice in Wonderland    
Through the Looking-Glass    
The Hunting of the Snark
Sylvie and Bruno

List of Authors

Thomas Babbington Macaulay    (1800-1859)

INDEX of The History of England, by Macaulay with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (1.9mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire library of Five Volumes of The History of England, by Thomas Babbington Macaulay on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

History of England: Accession of James II. v.1     
History of England: Accession of James II. v.2
History of England: Accession of James II. v.3
History of England: Accession of James II. v.4
History of England: Accession of James II. v.5

INDEX of the Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches of Macaulay with active HYPERLINKS to all files.

Download (1mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire library of Four Volumes of Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches, by Thomas Babbington Macaulay on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches v.1
Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches v.2
Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches v.3
Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches v.4
Lays of Ancient Rome

Six Volumes of Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays

Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Volume 1
Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Volume 2
Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Volume 3
Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Volume 4
Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Volume 5
Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Volume 6

Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay, by George Otto Trevelyan

List of Authors

Willa Cather    (1873-1947)

Alexander's Bridge   
O Pioneers!
The Troll Garden
Song of the Lark
My Antonia

List of Authors

Lucy Maud Montgomery    (1874-1942)

INDEX of Works of Lucy M. Montgomery with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Anne Of Avonlea
Anne Of The Island
Chronicles of Avonlea   
Kilmeny of the Orchard   
Anne Of Green Gables
The Golden Road
Rainbow Valley
The Story Girl

List of Authors

Rudyard Kipling    (1865-1936)

Index for the Project Gutenberg works of Rudyard Kipling with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Jungle Book
The Second Jungle Book   
The Bridge-Builders   
Barrack-Room Ballads   
Under the Deodars
Departmental Ditties   
Life's Handicap   
Just So Stories   
Phantom 'Rickshaw and Others   
Verses, 1889-1896
American Notes
Stalky & Co.
Rewards and Fairies
Works Kipling: One Volume Edition   
Plain Tales from the Hills
The Day's Work, Vol. 1
The Light That Failed
The Story of the Gadsby
Actions and Reactions
Soldiers Three
Soldiers Three, Part II.

List of Authors

EBooks With Works of Several Authors

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, '95   
Step by Step
A Bundle of Ballads
Selections From American Poetry
Twilight Stories
The Belgian Cookbook
Carols and Midsummer Songs
Best British Short Stories of 1922
U.S. Presidential Inaugural Addresses  
The Sturdy Oak
The Augsberg Confession of Faith
Trinity [Atomic Test] Site
Washington Square Plays
A Child's Story Garden
Noon-Day Fancies for Pets
US Presidents' Inaugural Speeches
Children's Book of Christmas Stories
American Poetry
The Russian Revolution
Sinking of the Titanic
Chap-Book Stories
International Short Stories: French Authors
Best American Humorous Short Stories

The Home Book of Verse:   Vol. 1     Vol. 2     Vol. 3     Vol. 4

List of Authors

[Ohiyesa], Charles A. Eastman    (1858-1939)

Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains   
Indian Boyhood
Old Indian Days
The Soul of the Indian

List of Authors

Anonymous or Unknown Authors    (--)

Log-Cabin Lady
Story Of Frithiof The Bold   
The Story Of Gunnlaug
Life of St. Declan of Ardmore   
The Hunted Outlaw   
Apu Ollantay   
English Fairy Tales
British Ballads, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 1
British Ballads, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 2
British Ballads, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 3
British Ballads, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 4     
Two Yellow-Birds
The Good Girl
Old Mother Bantry and her Cat
Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date   
The Dhammapada   
Hetty's Strange History   
Life and Death of Cormac the Skald    
Grettir The Strong
Narrative of New Netherland
London and Country Brewer
Scotch Proverbs
Ye Book of Copperheads
The Cowslip
American Indian Fairy Tales
Jack and Jill and Old Dame Gill
New Book of Nonsense
The Lulu Alphabet
The Confutatio Pontificia
The Nibelungenlied
Volsunga Saga
Cinderella and Others
Tom Thumb, and Others
Friends and Neighbors
Welsh Fairy-Tales And Others
Little Crumbs And Others
Dame Trot and her Cat
Goody Two Shoes
Tom, the Piper's Son
Popular Story of Blue Beard
Curly Locks
Stories About Indians

List of Authors

Robert W. Service    (1874-1958)

Ballads of a Cheechako
The Spell of the Yukon
Rhymes of a Rolling Stone  
Rhymes of a Red Cross Man
Ballads of a Bohemian

List of Authors

Jerome K. Jerome    (1859-1927)

Second Thoughts of An Idle Fellow    
Woodbarrow Farm    
Passing of the Third Floor Back  
The Cost of Kindness
Mrs. Korner Sins Her Mercies
The Philosopher's Joke
The Observations of Henry   
The Soul of Nicholas Snyders
The Love of Ulrich Nebendahl
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
Paul Kelver
The Prude's Progress
On The Stage-And Off

List of Authors

Xenophon    (431 BC-350? BC)

INDEX of the Works of Xenophon with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (1.6 mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire PG library of Xenophon on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

The Apology
The Cavalry General   
The Economist
The Hellenica
On Horsemanship
The Memorabilia
Polity of the Athenians   
On Revenues
The Sportsman
The Symposium

List of Authors

Plato    (427? BC-347? BC)

INDEX of the Works of Plato with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

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Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire PG library of Plato on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

The Republic   
Alcibiades I
Alcibiades II   
Lesser Hippias   

List of Authors

Owen Wister    (1860-1938)

Philosophy 4
Padre Ignacio   
Lin McLean
Lady Baltimore
The Jimmyjohn Boss   
A Straight Deal
The Virginian

List of Authors

B. M. Bower    (1874-1940)

Good Indian
Lure of the Dim Trails
Cabin Fever
Chip, of the Flying U   
Flying U Ranch
Heritage of the Sioux   
Lonesome Land
Flying U's Last Stand
Her Prairie Knight
Rowdy of the Cross L

List of Authors

G. K. Chesterton    (1874-1936)

INDEX of Works of Gilbert K. Chesterton with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Innocence of Father Brown
Wisdom of Father Brown
The Man Who Was Thursday   
Alarms and Discursions
The Man Who Knew Too Much   
The Trees of Pride
The Ball and The Cross
Ballad of the White Horse  
Tremendous Trifles  
The Wild Knight and Other Poems  
The New Jerusalem  
A Miscellany of Men
The Club of Queer Trades
What's Wrong With The World
Utopia of Usurers and Others
The Crimes of England
The Appetite of Tyranny

List of Authors

Henry van Dyke    (1852-1933)

Little Rivers
Fisherman's Luck   
Music and Other Poems   
The Ruling Passion
Blue Flower, and Others
The Valley of Vision

List of Authors

Kenneth Grahame    (1859-1932)

Dream Days
The Golden Age   
Wind in the Willows
Dream Days

List of Authors

Henry Lawson    (1867-1922)

INDEX of Works of Henry Lawson with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

When the World Was Wide Verses   
Joe Wilson and His Mates
Children of the Bush
The Rising of the Court
On the Track
Over the Sliprails
While the Billy Boils

List of Authors

George MacDonald    (1824-1905)

Bannerman Boyhood
At the Back of the North Wind   
Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood   
David Elginbrod
A Dish Of Orts
Diary of an Old Soul
Robert Falconer
The Flight of the Shadow   
Home Again
Portent and Other Stories
A Rough Shaking
Salted With Fire
The Seaboard Parish, Complete
Stephen Archer and Other Tales
There and Back
Wilfrid Cumbermede
Thomas Wingfold, Curate
The Elect Lady

List of Authors

Christopher Marlowe    (1564-1593)

Dr. Faustus
The Jew of Malta
Massacre at Paris.   
Tamburlaine the Great, Part I.
Tamburlaine the Great, Part II.

List of Authors

E. Nesbit    (1858-1924)

Phoenix and the Carpet
Story of the Treasure Seekers   
The Railway Children   
The Wouldbegoods
The Story of the Amulet
Stories from Shakespeare

List of Authors

E. Phillips Oppenheim    (1866-1946)

The Great Impersonation   
Kingdom of the Blind
The Illustrious Prince
The Devil's Paw
The Vanished Messenger
The Zeppelin's Passenger   
The Malefactor
The Tempting of Tavernake  
A Millionaire of Yesterday
Peter Ruff and the Double Four   
The Yellow Crayon
The Evil Shepherd

List of Authors

Andrew Barton Paterson    (1864-1941)

INDEX for Works of Andrew Barton 'Banjo' Paterson with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Three Elephant Power
The Man from Snowy River   
An Outback Marriage
Rio Grande's Last Race
Saltbush Bill etc.

List of Authors

Eleanor H. Porter    (1868-1920)

Miss Billy
Miss Billy Married   
Miss Billy's Decision

List of Authors

Gene Stratton-Porter    (1863-1924)

A Girl Of The Limberlost   
The Harvester
Her Father's Daughter

List of Authors

Mary Roberts Rinehart    (1876-1957)

Where There's A Will   
A Sub-Deb
A Poor Wise Man
When a Man Marries
The Street of Seven Stars   
The Breaking Point
Sight Unseen
Long Live the King
The Confession
Dangerous Days
The Man in Lower Ten

List of Authors

Sax Rohmer    (1883-1959)

The Yellow Claw   
Tales of Chinatown
Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu
Bat Wing

List of Authors

Olive Schreiner    (1855-1920)

Story of an African Farm   
Dream Life and Real Life
Trooper Peter Halket
Woman and Labour

List of Authors

Kate Douglas Wiggin    (1856-1923)

Village Watch-Tower
Story Of Waitstill Baxter   
Homespun Tales
New Chronicles of Rebecca   
Penelope's English Experiences
Penelope's Irish Experiences
Penelope in Scotland
The Story Hour
Half-A-Dozen Housekeepers

List of Authors

Thomas Henry Huxley    (1825-1895)

Autobiography and Essays
On the Method of Zadig
The Rise of Palaeontology   
Lectures on Evolution
The Interpreters of Genesis   
Mr. Gladstone and Genesis
Lights of the Church
Aphorisms and Reflections
Hasisadra's Adventure
Evolution of Theology
The Origin of Species
Criticisms on "Origin of Species"  
Man's Place in Nature
Relations of Man to Animals
Fossil Remains of Man
Evolution and Ethics
Improving Natural Knowledge
On the Study of Zoology
Geological Contemporaneity
Coral and Coral Reefs
Circulation Of The Blood
Lectures and Essays

Lectures To Working Men, Museum of Practical Geology, 1863, On Darwin's "Origin of Species"

Present Condition of Organic Nature   
Past Condition of Organic Nature
The Causes Of Organic Nature
Hereditary Transmission
The Perpetuation Of Living Beings
Examination of Mr. Darwin's Work

List of Authors

Charlotte M. Yonge    (1823-1901)

INDEX of the PG Works of Charlotte M. Yonge, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Two Penniless Princesses   
The Chaplet of Pearls
Love and Life
Beechcroft at Rockstone
The Herd Boy and His Hermit
The Heir of Redclyffe
Clever Woman of the Family   
Henrietta's Wish
The Daisy Chain
A Book of Golden Deeds   
Cameos from English History   
Magnum Bonum
The Long Vacation
Stray Pearls
The Young Step-Mother
The Two Sides of the Shield
Life of John Coleridge Patteson

List of Authors

Jules Verne    (1828-1905)

INDEX of the PG Works of Jules Verne, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Off on a Comet
The Mysterious Island   
The Underground City
In Search of the Castaways    
The Fur Country    
The Blockade Runners    
The Mysterious Island    
Dick Sands, the Boy Captain    
Michael Strogoff
Survivors of the Chancellor
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
Five Weeks in a Balloon
The Field of Ice
Facing the Flag

List of Authors

J. M. Synge    (1871-1909)

Riders to the Sea
Playboy of the Western World   
Deirdre of the Sorrows   
The Well of the Saints
In The Shadow of the Glen

List of Authors

Upton Sinclair    (1878-1968)

INDEX of Works of Upton Sinclair with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Jungle
Damaged Goods
The Naturewoman   
King Coal   
The Second-Story Man   
King Midas   
Samuel the Seeker   
Love's Pilgrimage   
Prince Hagen
The Moneychangers
The Journal of Arthur Stirling   
They Call Me Carpenter   
The Machine
The Profits of Religion
Sylvia's Marriage
The Pot Boiler
100%: The Story of a Patriot
Jimmie Higgins

List of Authors

Rafael Sabatini    (1875-1950)

INDEX of The Works of Rafael Sabatini with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Download (3.4 mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Project Gutenberg collection of The Works of Rafael Sabatini on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Mistress Wilding
Captain Blood
Historical Night's Entertainment-1  
Historical Night's Entertainment-2
St. Martin's Summer
The Snare
Trampling of the Lilies
The Life of Cesare Borgia  

The Sea-Hawk
The Shame of Motley
The Strolling Saint   

The Suitors of Yvonne
The Tavern Knight
Bardelys the Magnificent
The Lion's Skin

List of Authors

Elia W. Peattie    (1862-1935)

A Michigan Man
A Mountain Woman and Others   
Painted Windows
The Shape of Fear

List of Authors

Louise Muhlbach    (1814-1873)

The Daughter of an Empress   
Old Fritz and the New Era
The Empress Josephine
Frederick The Great and Family
Henry VIII And His Court
Louisa Of Prussia and Her Times

List of Authors

Flavius Josephus    (38?-100?)

INDEX of the works Flavius Josephus with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Download (1.8 mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Josephus collection on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Against Apion
Concerning Hades  
Life of Flavius Josephus
The Antiquities of the Jews  
The Wars of the Jews

List of Authors

Thomas Hardy    (1840-1928)

INDEX of Works of Thomas Hardy with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Return of the Native
Mayor of Casterbridge   
The Dynasts   
A Pair of Blue Eyes   
A Laodicean

The Well-Beloved
Desperate Remedies

List of Authors

Zane Grey    (1872-1939)

The Lone Star Ranger
Light of Western Stars   
The Rainbow Trail   
The U.P. Trail
Heritage of the Desert
The Call of the Canyon   
Riders of the Purple Sage   

The Young Forester
The Man of the Forest
The Border Legion

List of Authors

Charlotte P. S. Gilman    (1860-1935)

INDEX of Works of Charlotte Perkins Gilman with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Yellow Wallpaper   
Our Androcentric Culture
What Diantha Did

List of Authors

Friedrich de La Motte-Fouque    (1777-1843)

The Two Captains
Sintram and His Companions   
Aslauga's Knight

List of Authors

E. M. Forster    (1879-1970)

Howards End
The Longest Journey   
A Room With A View
Where Angels Fear to Tread

List of Authors

J. Henri Fabre    (1823-1915)

The Mason-bees
Bramble-bees and Others   
More Hunting Wasps
The Life of the Fly

List of Authors

Charles Darwin    (1809-1882)

INDEX of the PG Works of Charles Darwin, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Voyage of the "Beagle" (1860 Edition)  
Voyage of the "Beagle" (1913 Edition)
On the Origin of Species, Ed. 1   
On the Origin of Species, Ed. 6   
Darwin and Modern Science, by Others   
Emotion in Man and Animals   
Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex   
Autobiography of Darwin   
Life and Letters of Darwin, Vol. 1
Life and Letters of Darwin, Vol. 2
More Letters of Darwin, Vol. 1
More Letters of Darwin, Vol. 2
The Power of Movement in Plants
Coral Reefs   
Volcanic Islands
Geological Observations on South America
Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species
Effects of Cross & Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom
Insectivorous Plants

List of Authors

Colbron and Groner    (--)

Case of the Golden Bullet   
The Pocket Diary
Pool of Blood
Case of the Registered Letter   
The Lamp That Went Out

List of Authors

James M. Barrie    (1860-1937)

INDEX of the PG Works of James Matthew Barrie, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Peter Pan
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens   
Auld Licht Idyls
The Little White Bird
The Admirable Crichton   

Alice Sit-By-The-Fire
What Every Woman Knows
Sentimental Tommy

List of Authors

Aristophanes    (446? BC-385? BC)

The Clouds   
The Acharnians   
The Birds
The Frogs

List of Authors

Louisa M. Alcott    (1832-1888)

INDEX of the PG Works of Louisa M. Alcott, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all files

Eight Cousins   
Jack and Jill
Marjorie's Three Gifts   
Pauline's Passion and Punishment   
The Louisa Alcott Reader   
Little Men
An Old-fashioned Girl   
The Abbot's Ghost
On Picket Duty and Others   

Rose in Bloom
Jo's Boys
A Garland for Girls

List of Authors

Joseph A. Altsheler    (1862-1919)

The Scouts of the Valley   
The Scouts of Stonewall
The Sword of Antietam
The Guns of Shiloh
The Rock of Chickamauga

List of Authors

Aristotle    (384 BC-322 BC)

Poetics (different edition)   
The Ethics of Aristotle by Aristotle   
Parva Naturalia (in Greek)

List of Authors

Jane Austen    (1775-1817)

INDEX of the PG Works of Jane Austen with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Download (3mb)
Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire Jane Austen library on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the eight volumes in the set. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Northanger Abbey   
Mansfield Park
Lady Susan
Pride and Prejudice   
Love And Freindship and Others
Sense and Sensibility (by another volunteer)

List of Authors

Max Beerbohm    (1872-1956)

Seven Men    
And Even Now    
The Works of Max Beerbohm    

Zuleika Dobson

List of Authors

Ambrose Bierce    (1842-1914?)

INDEX of the PG Works of Ambrose Bierce, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Shadow on the Dial, et al.   
The Damned Thing
Monk and The Hangman's Daughter   
The Cynic's Word Book   
Shapes of Clay   
Devil's Dictionary
A Son of the Gods
The Fiend's Delight
The Dance of Death
Black Beetles in Amber

List of Authors

Hjalmar H. Boyesen    (1848-1895)

A Good-For-Nothing     Tales From Two Hemispheres     Boyhood in Norway

List of Authors

Ernest Bramah    (1869?-1942)

The Mirror of Kong Ho     The Wallet of Kai Lung     Kai Lung's Golden Hours

List of Authors

Thornton W. Burgess    (1874-1965)

Adventures of Reddy Fox
Old Mother West Wind
Whitefoot the Wood Mouse
Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack   
The Adventures of Bob White   
Mother West Wind "When" Stories   
Bird Book for Children   
Blacky the Crow
Burgess Animal Book for Children   
The Adventures of Peter Cottontail   
The The Adventures of Bobby Coon   
Adventures of Jerry Muskrat
Old Granny Fox
The Adventures of Johnny Chuck
Mrs. Peter Rabbit
The Adventures of Old Man Coyote

List of Authors

Ellis Parker Butler    (1869-1937)

Water Goats and Other Troubles    
That Pup
In Pawn
Red Head and Whistle Breeches
How it Feels to be Fifty
The Revolt
"Pigs is Pigs"    
The Great American Pie Company    
The Jack-Knife Man
The Adventures Of A Suburbanite
The Incubator Baby

The Confessions of a Daddy
Perkins of Portland
Dominie Dean

List of Authors

Irvin S. Cobb    (1876-1944)

Cobb's Anatomy    
Europe Revised
The Glory of The Coming    
(Images of the WW I Battlefields)    
Plea for Old Cap Collier
"Speaking of Operations--"    
Those Times And These

Back Home
Old Judge Priest
The Abandoned Farmers

List of Authors

James Fenimore Cooper    (1789-1851)

The Last of the Mohicans
The Pathfinder
The Monikins
Jack Tier or The Florida Reef    
The Deerslayer    
The Prairie
The Pioneers    

Afloat And Ashore
Oak Openings
The Pilot

List of Authors

T. S. Eliot    (1888-1965)

Prufrock and Other Observations    
Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry
The Waste Land
Eeldrop and Appleplex

List of Authors

Mary Godolphin    (1781-1864)

Pilgrim's Progress in Words of One Syllable    

Robinson Crusoe in Words of One Syllable    

Family Robinson in Words of One Syllable

List of Authors

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe    (1749-1832)

Erotica Romana    
Hermann and Dorothea    

The Sorrows of Young Werther

List of Authors

G. A. Henty    (1832-1902)

INDEX of Works of George A. Henty with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Saint George for England
A Knight of the White Cross   
The Lion of the North
Among Malay Pirates
A March on London: Wat Tyler
At Agincourt
In the Heart of the Rockies   
Colonel Thorndyke's Secret   
Rujub, the Juggler
Won by the Sword
The Bravest of the Brave
The Boy Knight: The Crusades
Treasure of the Incas: In Peru
The Young Carthaginian
Through the Fray
By Sheer Pluck
The Young Buglers
When London Burned: Restoration Times
Winning His Spurs: The Crusades
With Buller in Natal

List of Authors

Herodotus    (484-425 B.C.)

An Account of Egypt     History Of Herodotus, Vol. 1     History Of Herodotus, Vol. 2

List of Authors

Anthony Hope    (1863-1933)

INDEX of Works of Anthony Hope with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Prisoner of Zenda    
A Man of Mark    
Rupert of Hentzau    
The Secret of the Tower    
Dolly Dialogues
Comedies of Courtship

List of Authors

W. H. Hudson    (1841-1922)

Green Mansions
Birds in Town and Village    
Famous Missions of California
Afoot in England

List of Authors

Mary Johnston    (1870-1936)

1492      Pioneers of the Old South      To Have and To Hold

List of Authors

Ben Jonson    (1573-1637)

Every Man In His Humor (Anglicized Ed)   
Every Man In His Humor (Italian ed.)
Every Man Out of His Humor
Volpone; Or, The Fox   
Sejanus: His Fall
Cynthia's Revels
The Poetaster
The Alchemist

List of Authors

James Joyce    (1882-1941)

INDEX of Works of James Joyce with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Ulysses     Chamber Music     Dubliners

List of Authors

Amy Lowell    (1874-1925)

Dome of Many-Coloured Glass      Men, Women and Ghosts      Sword Blades and Poppy Seed

List of Authors

Herman Melville    (1819-1891)

INDEX of Works of Herman Melville with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I    
Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. II    
I and My Chimney    
John Marr and Other Poems    
Moby Dick
Israel Potter: His Fifty Years of Exile
Israel Potter: His Fifty Years of Exile

List of Authors

Prosper Merimee    (1803-1870)

Carmen     Columba     How The Redoubt Was Taken

List of Authors

Frank Norris    (1807-1902)

McTeague     Moran of the Lady Letty     The Octopus

List of Authors

Baroness Orczy    (1865-1947)

INDEX of Works of Baroness Orczy with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Scarlet Pimpernel    
Castles in the Air    
The Elusive Pimpernel    
El Dorado

List of Authors

Ernie Howard Pyle    (1900-1945)

Men of Iron     Twilight Land     Otto of the Silver Hand

List of Authors

William MacLeod Raine    (1871-1954)

Bucky O'Connor    
A Texas Ranger
Wyoming, The Outdoor West    
The Vision Spendid

List of Authors

Nathaniel Wright Stephenson    (1867-1935)

Lincoln     Abraham Lincoln and the Union     The Day of the Confederacy

List of Authors

Frank E. Stockton    (1834-1902)

My Terminal Moraine     Rudder Grange     The Great Stone of Sardis

List of Authors

Rabindranath Tagore    (1861-1941)

Chitra     Glimpses of Bengal     Hungry Stones And Others    

The Gardener

List of Authors

Henry David Thoreau    (1817-1862)

Walden, and Civil Disobedience     Walking     Plea for Captain John Brown

List of Authors

Ivan Turgenev    (1818-1883)

The Rendezvous    
Virgin Soil
A House of Gentlefolk    
On the Eve
A Desperate Character and Others
Dream Tales and Prose Poems

List of Authors

Stewart Edward White    (1873-1946)

The Riverman     The Land of Footprints     The Blazed Trail

List of Authors

Thomas Chandler Haliburton    (1796-1865)

The Attache, Vol. 1    The Attache, Vol. 2    The Attache, Complete

List of Authors

Edward S. Ellis    (1840-1916)

Thomas Jefferson    The Life of Kit Carson    The Daughter of the Chieftain

List of Authors

Henrik Ibsen    (1828-1906)

A Doll's House
The Lady From The Sea   
Hedda Gabler
When We Dead Awaken
Little Eyolf
The Master Builder
Early Plays

List of Authors

Stephen Leacock    (1869-1944)

INDEX of Works of Stephen Leacock with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

My Discovery of England   
Moonbeams from the Larger Lunacy   
Sketches of a Little Town   
Frenzied Fiction
The Hohenzollerns in America
Literary Lapses
Further Foolishness

List of Authors

Henry Seton Merriman    (1862-1903)

INDEX of Works of Henry Seton Merriman with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Vultures
The Last Hope   
Tomaso's Fortune and Others   
Barlasch of the Guard
With Edged Tools
One Generation to Another   
The Last Hope   
The Isle of Unrest
Roden's Corner
The Slave Of The Lamp
The Sowers

List of Authors

Maria Edgeworth    (1767-1849)

Castle Rackrent   
The Absentee   

Tales And Novels, Vol 1   
Tales And Novels, Vol 2
Tales And Novels, Vol 3
Tales And Novels, Vol 4
Tales And Novels, Vol 5
Tales And Novels, Vol 6
Tales And Novels, Vol 7
Tales And Novels, Vol 8
Tales And Novels, Vol 9
Tales And Novels, Vol 10

List of Authors

Samuel Richardson    (1689-1761)

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded

Clarissa Harlowe, or The History of a Young Lady:

Volume 1    Volume 2    Volume 3    Volume 4    Volume 5    Volume 6    Volume 7    Volume 8    Volume 9   

List of Authors

August Strindberg    (1849-1912)

INDEX of the PG Works of August Strindberg, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

In Midsummer Days and Others    
Master Olof
Historical Miniatures

Plays 1
Plays 2
The Road to Damascus    

Creditors; Pariah
There are Crimes and Crimes
Lucky Pehr

List of Authors

P. G. Wodehouse    (1881-1975)

INDEX of Works of Pelham Grenville Wodehouse with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Indiscretions of Archie   
Piccadilly Jim   
The Intrusion of Jimmy   
Psmith in the City   
The Head of Kay's   
A Man of Means   
A Prefect's Uncle   
The Clicking of Cuthbert   
The Swoop! or How Clarence Saved England   
Not George Washington — an Autobiographical Novel   
The Man with Two Left Feet, and Others   
Tales of St. Austin's   
The Adventures of Sally
The Politeness of Princes, and Others
A Wodehouse Miscellany: Articles & Stories
Mike and Psmith
The Coming of Bill
The Prince and Betty

Frederic Bastiat    (1801-1850)

The Law
Economic Sophisms     
Protection and Communism

List of Authors

Samuel Hopkins Adams    (1871-1958)

INDEX of Works of Samuel Hopkins Adams with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Average Jones
The Unspeakable Perk  
Common Cause
The Flying Death
The Great American Fraud  
The Health Master  
From a Bench in Our Square  
Wanted: A Husband
The Beggar's Purse
Our Square and the People in It

List of Authors

William H. Ainsworth    (1840-1928)

INDEX of Works of William Harrison Ainsworth with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Windsor Castle
Chetwynd Calverley  
Old Saint Paul's  
The Constable De Bourbon  
The Tower of London
Preston Fight
The Star-Chamber, Volume 1
The Star-Chamber, Volume 2

List of Authors

Grant Allen    (1848-1899)

INDEX of the PG Works of Grant Allen, with HYPERLINKS to the table of contents of all files

A Woman With Tenacity Of Purpose  
The British Barbarians
The Evolution of the Idea of God
The Great Taboo
Recalled to Life
Blood Royal
Michael’s Crag  
What's Bred In the Bone   
Biographies of Working Men
Babylon, Volume 1 (of 3)
Babylon, Volume 2 (of 3)
Babylon, Volume 3 (of 3)

List of Authors

Irving Bacheller    (1859-1950)

Index of Works of Irving Bacheller with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Eben Holden
Eben Holden's Last Day A-Fishing  
In Various Moods
The Hand-Made Gentleman  
The Master of Silence
The Marryers
Silas Strong, Emperor of the Woods
The Turning of Griggsby
Keeping Up with William

List of Authors

Arthur Colton    (1868-1943)

INDEX for Works of Arthur Colton with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Belted Seas
Port Argent   
The Delectable Mountains
Tioba and Other Tales
The Cruise of The Violetta   
Bennie Ben Cree
Harps Hung Up In Babylon

List of Authors

Coningsby Dawson    (1883-1959)

INDEX of Works of Coningsby Dawson with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Glory of the Trenches  
The Little House
The Raft
Slaves of Freedom
The Vanishing Point
The Test of Scarlet  
Living Bayonets
It Might Have Happened To You
Florence On A Certain Night
The Garden Without Walls

List of Authors

Willis George Emerson    (1856-1918)

INDEX for Works of Willis George Emerson with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Smoky God
A Vendetta of the Hills  
Buell Hampton
My "Pardner" and I  
Emerson on Sound Money
The Treasure of Hidden Valley

List of Authors

Mary Gaunt    (1861-1942)

INDEX for Works of Mary Gaunt with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Moving Finger
Alone in West Africa  
A Woman In China  
A Broken Journey
Where The Twain Meet

List of Authors

William N. Harben    (1858-1919)

Land of the Changing Sun  
Abner Daniel
Northern Georgia Sketches   
Paul Rundel
Mam' Linda
Pole Baker
The Redemption Of Kenneth Galt
The Desired Woman

List of Authors

Joseph Hergesheimer    (1880-1954)

The Happy End
The Lay Anthony   
The Dark Fleece   
Linda Condon
Tubal Cain

List of Authors

Peter B. Kyne   (1880-1957)

Cappy Ricks
The Long Chance  
Cappy Ricks Retires
The Valley of the Giants  
The Three Godfathers   
Webster-- Man's Man

List of Authors

Alfred Henry Lewis    (1840-1928)

INDEX of the Works of A. H. Lewis with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Apaches of New York   
The Story Of Andrew Jackson    
Wolfville Days
Wolfville Nights
Sandburrs and Others
The Story of Aaron Burr    
The Black Lion Inn
The Boss, and How He Came to Rule NY
The Story of Paul Jones
Peggy O'Neal
The Mormon Menace
How The Raven Died

List of Authors

William J. Locke    (1863-1930)

INDEX of Works of William J. Locke with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Simon the Jester
The Morals of Marcus Ordeyne    
At The Gate Of Samaria  
Stella Maris
A Study In Shadows
Where Love Is
The White Dove
The Demagogue and Lady Phayre

List of Authors

George Barr McCutcheon    (1866-1928)

INDEX of Works of George Barr McCutcheon with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

West Wind Drift  
Castle Craneycrow
Black is White
The Light that Lies  
Shot With Crimson
Cowardice Court

List of Authors

Samuel Merwin    (1874-1936)

INDEX of the PG Works of Samuel Merwin with HYPERLINKS to all contents.

The Short Line War  
The Merry Anne
The Trufflers
Henry Is Twenty
In Red and Gold
Anthony The Absolute   
The Whip Hand
Little World and Hunch Badeau   
Hills of Han

List of Authors

Frank Frankfort Moore    (1855-1931)

Phyllis of Philistia
Fanny's First Novel
The Impudent Comedian & Others
The Lighter Side of English Life   
Daireen, Vol 1
Daireen, Vol 2
Daireen, Complete
A Gray Eye or So, Vol 1
A Gray Eye or So, Vol 2   
A Gray Eye or So, Vol 3
A Gray Eye or So, Complete
A Garden of Peace
The Jessamy Bride
A Journalists Note-Book
The Other World
A Georgian Pageant
According to Plato
The Love That Prevailed
Priscilla and Charybdis
Well, After All

List of Authors

Bill Nye    (1840-1928)

INDEX for Works of Bill Nye with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Baled Hay  
Bill Nye and Boomerang
Bill Nye's Chestnuts Old and New   
Bill Nye's Sparks
Bill Nye's Red Book

List of Authors

Ruth Ogden    (1853-1927)

INDEX for Works of Ruth Ogden with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Little Homespun  
His Little Royal Highness   
A Loyal Little Red-Coat
A Little Queen of Hearts

List of Authors

Frank L. Packard    (1877-1942)

INDEX of Works of Works of Frank L. Packard with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Adventures of Jimmie Dale  
Further Adventures of Jimmie Dale   
The White Moll
From Now On   
The Sin That Was His
The Wire Devils

List of Authors

William Butler Yeats    (1865-1939)

INDEX of Works of William Butler Yeats with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Countess Cathleen  
The Hour Glass
The Secret Rose
Stories of Red Hanrahan  
Rosa Alchemica

List of Authors

Robert W. Buchanan   (1841-1901)

INDEX for Works of Robert W. Buchanan with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Foxglove Manor, Volume I  
Foxglove Manor, Volume II
Foxglove Manor, Volume III   
Saint Abe snd His Seven Wives  
Lady Kilpatrick  
The Martyrdom of Madeline
The New Abelard, Vol 1(of 3)  
The New Abelard, Vol 2(of 3)
The New Abelard, Vol 3(of 3)

List of Authors

Henry Harland (aka Sydney Luska)    (1861-1905)

The Cardinal's Snuff-Box
My Uncle Florimond  
The Royal End
Two Women or One?   
The Yoke Of The Thorah

List of Authors

Don Marquis    (1878-1937)

INDEX of Works of Don Marquis with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Danny's Own Story
Carter, and Other People   
The Revolt of the Oyster   
Danny's Own Story
The Old Soak, Hail And Farewell

List of Authors

Harold Frederic    (1856-1898)

INDEX for Works of Harold Frederic with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Damnation of Theron Ware  
In The Sixties
The Return of The O'Mahony  
March Hares  
The Lawton Girl  
Seth's Brother's Wife
Mrs Albert Grundy  
The Market-Place
Gloria Mundi  
The Young Emperor, William II of Germany  

List of Authors

Robert Barr    (1850-1912)

INDEX of Works of Robert Barr with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all volumes

Jennie Baxter, Journalist  
A Rock in the Baltic  
The Strong Arm  
In the Midst of Alarms  
One Day's Courtship
From Whose Bourne
The Face and the Mask   
The Sword Maker
The Mutable Many  
Over The Border  
The Speculations of John Steele  
Young Lord Stranleigh

List of Authors

Amelia Barr    (1831-1919 )

INDEX of Works of Amelia E. Barr with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Maid of Maiden Lane  
The Hallam Succession  
A Daughter of Fife
A Knight of the Nets
Scottish Sketches
Remember the Alamo
The Man Between
The Paper Cap

List of Authors

Arnold Bennett    (1867-1931)

INDEX of the PG Works of Arnold Bennet, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

The Grand Babylon Hotel  
From The Log of The "Velsa"   
Teresa of Watling Street
Literary Taste
Sacred And Profane Love
The City Of Pleasure  
Paris Nights
Over There
The Plain Man and His Wife

List of Authors

Harold Brighouse    (1882-1953)

Hobson's Choice  
Plays: The Game; The Northerners; Zack    
The Price of Coal  
Dealing in Futures
Garside's Career  
The Scaring Off Of Teddy Dawson  
The Marbeck Inn

List of Authors

Fanny Burney    (1752-1840)

INDEX of the PG Works of Fanny Burney, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay  
Cecilia, Volume 1  
Cecilia, Volume 2  
Cecilia, Volume 3

List of Authors

Henry Fielding    (1707-1754)

INDEX of Works of Henry Fielding with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Journal of A Voyage to Lisbon   
From This World to the Next   
The History of Tom Jones
Life of the Late Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great

List of Authors

E. W. Hornung   (1866-1921)

INDEX of Works of E. W. Hornung with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Dead Men Tell No Tales    
The Ballad of Ensign Joy
Mr. Justice Raffles
The Young Guard  
The Unbidden Guest

List of Authors

Vaughan Kester    (1869-1911)

INDEX of Works of Vaughan Kester with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Prodigal Judge    
The Manager of The B. & A.     
The Fortune of the Landrays   
The Hand of The Mighty and Other Stories

List of Authors

Jennette Lee    (1860-1951)

Uncle William  
Mr. Achilles  
Simeon Tetlow's Shadow   
The Woman in the Alcove

List of Authors

Gaston Leroux    (1868-1927)

The Secret of the Night    
Mystery of the Yellow Room    
The Bride of the Sun  
The Double Life

List of Authors

Edna Lyall    (1857-1903)

Derrick Vaughan--Novelist  
In Spite of All
We Two: A Novel
We Two   
Wayfaring Men

List of Authors

Christopher Morley    (1890-1957)

INDEX of Works of Christopher Morley with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Where the Blue Begins   
Tales From a Rolltop Desk   
Thursday Evening

List of Authors

W. C. Morrow    (1854 - 1923)

Inmate Of The Dungeon    
Lentala of The South Seas   
Bohemian Paris of Today   
A Man: His Mark

List of Authors

George R. Sims    (1847-1922)

INDEX of Works of Works of George R. Sims with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

Rogues and Vagabonds  
Mysteries of Modern London   
How The Poor Live  
A Critique of Socialism

List of Authors

Hugh Walpole    (1884-1941)

INDEX of Works of Hugh Walpole with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files

The Secret City  
The Gods and Mr. Perrin  
Joseph Conrad
The Prelude to Adventure

List of Authors

Books For Boys; Illustrated

INDEX of Works of James de Mille with HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files


  1. THE “B. O. W. C.”  


  Strange Manuscript in Copper Cylinder  
  A Castle in Spain  
  Lily and the Cross: Acadia  

List of Authors

Robert G. Ingersoll  (1833 - 1899)
Complete Works—The Dresden Edition

The Complete Works of Ingersoll in One File with links to all the Ebooks.

INDEX of the PG Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, with HYPERLINKS to the Table of Contents of all Files

(93K)     Volume I.— Lectures

Volume II.— Lectures

Volume III.— Lectures

Volume IV.— Lectures

Volume V.— Discussions

Volume VI.— Discussions

Volume VII.— Discussions

Volume VIII.— Interviews

Volume IX.— Political

Volume X.— Legal

Volume XI.— Miscellany

Volume XII.— Miscellany

List of Authors


INDEX of The Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of the Works of Freethinkers with active HYPERLINKS to the contents of all files.

Click here to download this set of files in one step; when you unzip (extract) the folder on your computer you will have the entire PG Collection, Works of Freethinkers in 157 Volumes on your hard disk, plus an index which will link off-line to all the files in the off-line set now residing on your computer. This collection also includes complete sets of .mobi and .epub files for mobile viewers.

Hall Caine
John Galsworthy
Edward Gibbon
Thomas Huxley
Robert G. Ingersoll      
Thomas Jefferson      
Margaret Queen of Navarre      
Thomas Paine
Antoine de la Sale
George B. Shaw
Mark Twain
Emile Zola
Ambroise Bierce

Creed And Deed By Felix Adler (1851 - 1933)
Monks, Popes, and their Intrigues By John Alberger (circa 1850)
Reason, The Only Oracle of Man By Ethan Allen (1737 - 1789)
Letter To Sir Samuel Shepherd By Anonymous (--)
The Life of David By Anonymous (--)
The Doubts Of Infidels By Anonymous (--)
The Miraculous Conception By Anonymous (--)
Thoughts on the Christian Religion By Anonymous (--)
Christian Mystery By Anonymous (--)
The Gospel of Evolution By Edward Aveling (1849 - 1898)
My Path to Atheism By Annie Besant (1847 - 1933)
What it is Blasphemy to Deny By Annie Besant (1847 - 1933)
Marriage, As It Was, As It Is By Annie Besant (1847 - 1933)
God and my Neighbour by Robert Blatchford (1851-1943)
Not Guilty by Robert Blatchford (1851-1943)
Life of St. Paul by Nicolas-Antoine Boulanger (1722-1759)
Christianity Unveiled by Nicolas-Antoine Boulanger (1722-1759)
Ancient and Modern Freethinkers   By Bradlaugh, Collins and Watts (--)
Humanity's Gain from Unbelief By Charles Bradlaugh (1833 - 1891)
Impeachment of The House of Brunswick By Charles Bradlaugh (1833 - 1891)
The Bible: what it is By Charles Bradlaugh (1833 - 1891)
When Were Our Gospels Written? By Charles Bradlaugh (1833 - 1891)
Heresy: Its Utility And Morality By Charles Bradlaugh (1833 - 1891)
A Few Words About the Devil By Charles Bradlaugh (1833 - 1891)
Some Objections To Socialism By Charles Bradlaugh (1833 - 1891)
Theological Essays By Charles Bradlaugh (1833 - 1891)
INDEX of Works of Charles Bradlaugh
L'Histoire Des Vaudois By J. Bresse (1822-1893)
Bacon And Shakspere By William Henry Burr (1819-1908)
The Battle of The Press By T. Carlile Campbell (1887-1913)
Address to Men of Science By Richard Carlile (1790 - 1843)
Life of Thomas Paine By Richard Carlile (1790 - 1843)
Church Reform By Richard Carlile (1790 - 1843)
Society for the Suppression of Vice By Richard Carlile (1790 - 1843)
Pagan and Christian Creeds by Edward Carpenter (1844-1929)
Sex = Love by Edward Carpenter (1844-1929)
Marriage In Free Society by Edward Carpenter (1844-1929)
Supernatural Religion, Vol. I. By Walter Richard Cassels (1826 - 1907)
Supernatural Religion, Vol. II. By Walter Richard Cassels (1826 - 1907)
Supernatural Religion, Vol. III. By Walter Richard Cassels (1826 - 1907)
INDEX of the PG Works of Walter Richard Cassels
A Grammar of Freethought By Chapman Cohen (1868 - 1954)
The Life Of Thomas Paine, Vol. I. By Moncure D. Conway (1832 - 1907)
The Life Of Thomas Paine, Vol. II. By Moncure D. Conway (1832 - 1907)
Biblical Extracts By Robert Cooper (--)
The Power Of The Popes By Pierre Claude François Daunou (1761 - 1840)
On the Origin of Species, Ed. 1    by Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882)
On the Origin of Species, Ed. 6    by Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882)
Religion and Science by John William Draper (1811-1882)
In Praise of Folly By Desiderius Erasmus (1466? - 1536))
Myths and Myth-Makers by John Fiske (1842-1901)
The Beginnings of New England by John Fiske (1842-1901)
INDEX of the PG Works of John Fiske
Prisoner for Blasphemy by George William Foote (1850-1915)
Flowers of Freethought, I By George W. Foote (1850-1915)
Flowers of Freethought, II By George W. Foote (1850-1915)
Arrows of Freethought By George W. Foote (1850-1915)
Bible Romances By George W. Foote (1850-1915)
Comic Bible Sketches By George W. Foote (1850-1915)
Reminiscences of Charles Bradlaugh   By George W. Foote (1850-1915)
The Book Of God By George W. Foote (1850-1915)
Satires And Profanities By George W. Foote (1850-1915)
Salvation Syrup By George W. Foote (1850-1915)
Voltaire: A Sketch of his Life By George W. Foote (1850-1915)
INDEX of Works of George W. Foote
Watson Refuted By Samuel Francis (1850-1915)
God-Idea of the Ancients By Eliza Burt Gamble (1841-1920 )
Men, Women, and Gods By Helen H. Gardener (1853-1925)
A Thoughtless Yes By Helen H. Gardener (1853-1925)
An Unofficial Patriot By Helen H. Gardener (1853-1925)
Facts and Fictions of Life By Helen H. Gardener (1853-1925)
Pray You, Sir, Whose Daughter By Helen H. Gardener (1853-1925)
Rule of the Monk By Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807 - 1882)
Thoughts on Man by William Godwin (1756 - 1836)
Sixteen Crucified Saviors By Kersey Graves (1813 - 1883)
The Bible Of Bibles By Kersey Graves (1813 - 1883)
Leviathan By Thomas Hobbes (1588 - 1679)
Cabots and the Discovery of America By Elizabeth Hodges (--)
Auricular Confession + Nunneries By William Hogan (circa 1795)
Popery! As it Was and Is By William Hogan (circa 1795)
Good Sense by Baron D'Holbach (1723-1789)
Letters To Eugenia By Paul Henri Thiry Holbach (1723-1789)
The System of Nature, Vol. 1 By Paul Henri Thiry Holbach (1723-1789)
The System of Nature, Vol. 2 By Paul Henri Thiry Holbach (1723-1789)
Liberty In The Nineteenth Century by Frederic May Holland (1836-1908)
Bygones, Vol. 1 By George Jacob Holyoake (1817-1906)
Bygones, Vol. 2 By George Jacob Holyoake (1817 - 1906)
Principles Of Secularism By George Jacob Holyoake (1817 - 1906)
The Limits Of Atheism By George Jacob Holyoake (1817 - 1906)
Last Trial For Atheism By George Jacob Holyoake (1817 - 1906)
A Logic of Facts By George Jacob Holyoake (1817 - 1906)
English Secularism By George Jacob Holyoake (1817 - 1906)
Life of Richard Carlile By George Jacob Holyoake (1817 - 1906)
INDEX of Works of George Jacob Holyoake
Ludicrous Christianity By Austin Holyoak (circa. 1850)
The Ghosts By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
Hell By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
About The Holy Bible By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
Oration on Thomas Paine By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
The Christian Religion By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
Heretics And Heresies By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
Humboldt By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
Individuality By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
Mistakes of Moses By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
Thomas Paine-A Lecture By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
Trial of C. B. Reynolds By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
Shakespeare By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
Ingersollia By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
The Gods By Robert G. Ingersoll (1833 - 1899)
Ancient Faiths And Modern By Thomas Inman (1820-1876)
Ancient Pagan Symbolism By Thomas Inman (1820-1876)
Fruits of Philosophy By Charles Knowlton (1800 - 1850)
Myth, Ritual, and Religion, Vol. 1 by Andrew Lang (1844 - 1912)
Myth, Ritual, and Religion, Vol. 2 by Andrew Lang (1844 - 1912)
Tyanny of God (produced by DP) by Joseph Lewis (1889 - 1968)
The Story of the Mormons by William Alexander Linn (1886-1944)
Supernatural Claims of Christianity by Lionel Lisle ( )